Happy Holidays, carenejeans!

Dec 21, 2007 10:49

Title: As You Are
Author: tazlet, aka These are not the ellipses you are looking for.
Written for: carenejeans
Characters/Pairings: Kiltboy and Pierson
Rating: NC-17
Author’s Notes: carenejeans asked for Pierson and Kiltboy and we aims to please.
Summary: Kiltboy finds himself a tad triste whilst attending a reception.

As You Are )

2007 fest, methos, de valincourts, slash, duncan

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Comments 16

killabeez December 21 2007, 16:06:53 UTC
Ahaha, that is fabulous. (And if this isn't written by tazlet, then you must have borrowed her brain. *g*) I'm so easy -- Duncan in a kilt! I'm there. But everything is pure delight, right down to the jewel in Gina's décolletage.

“You couldn’t get the slave boy costume,” Duncan said.

Hehehehe. *loves*


unovis December 21 2007, 16:13:21 UTC


dswdiane December 21 2007, 17:13:40 UTC
Oh my. This was fabulous. Written by Georgette Heyer, mm? Oh, wait . . .this isn't the guessing thread.

I loved Duncan missing Fitz and Sean. Really, really loved it. Loved Methos as a, hmmm, would it be correct to say a Corinthian?

Anyway, again, this is wonderful.


macgeorge1 December 21 2007, 17:32:24 UTC
Delightful in every respect. Loved the atmosphere, the descriptions, Duncan's surge of sadness, the quick and lusty sex, the exit down the stairs. Everything.


unovis December 21 2007, 17:56:36 UTC
And the clothes!! Don't forget the clothes!!


carenejeans December 21 2007, 17:41:50 UTC

I just... squeeee!

This is FABULOUS! Thank you!

More later!


*coff* 8-)


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