Happy Holidays, killabeez!

Dec 20, 2007 14:25

Title: 'Tis Nobler (in the Mind)
Author: mackiedockie, aka Not for Human Consumption (Which Would Kinda Be Cannibalism)
Written for: Killabeez/ killabeez
Characters/Pairings: Duncan/Methos, Amanda, Joe
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash, angst , a smidge of D/s
Author's Notes: Set immediately after the episode To Be/Not To Be in the series--straight up HL, no crossover. ( Read more... )

2007 fest, amanda, methos, slash, duncan, joe

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Comments 37

beeej December 20 2007, 20:23:59 UTC
Ooooh, this is fantastic! :D


mackiedockie December 23 2007, 22:26:17 UTC
Thank you! It was terrifying to write. It was my first solo effort at D/M. I was kind of panicked by the end *g*.


phyrry December 20 2007, 20:27:56 UTC
Oh my, that was hot. *fans self*

"...There was a bit of an accident involving a short drop and a large bus. ..."

Pissing off Joe and Amanda is a very, very stupid idea.

"I wouldn't miss it for the Prize," Amanda promised merrily.

Pure Amanda delight!


mackiedockie December 23 2007, 22:36:48 UTC
Amanda insisted that Joe didn't go home to a cold bed THIS time, at least. And pissing off Amanda? Fatal mistake. Though Joe's going to have to do a lot of fast talking when the Watchers powersthatbe get back to him...

Amanda is _very_ fun to write.


phyrry December 23 2007, 22:53:59 UTC
Mmmm, you've convinced me.


macgeorge1 December 20 2007, 21:03:13 UTC
Whooo! I haven't read anything this hot in awhile. My, my, my. Loved it!


mackiedockie December 23 2007, 22:39:50 UTC
Thanks! I think I may have been a bit feverish when parts of it were put down, which probably affected my judgment a bit. That, or the eggnog had too much rum.


"Tis nobler in the mind..." damemehri December 20 2007, 21:46:58 UTC
Whew! Well, that means the electric blanket won't be needed. I love it when Methos gets predatory. Love it!


Re: "Tis nobler in the mind..." mackiedockie December 23 2007, 22:41:28 UTC
Methos did kind of run away with his section. He insisted. Very masterful, that Methos.


dswdiane December 20 2007, 23:44:20 UTC
Oh my. That was hot. I do hope there's a sequel. Wonderful portrayal of Amanda and Joe. Methos was pretty nicely done also.


mackiedockie December 23 2007, 22:49:14 UTC
Thank you! I enjoy the Amanda/Joe friendship very much, and it's only a teeny jump to add a bit of canoodling to the mix. Methos is Methos (but I admit that MacLeod is very hard for me to write!)


dswdiane December 24 2007, 01:18:00 UTC
I think you wrote Mac very well, indeed. And you're welcome.


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