Happy Holidays, elistaire!

Dec 20, 2007 14:22

Title: Two Guys Walk Into a Bar
Author: amand_r, aka It's Santa, Baby.
Written for: elistaire
Characters/Pairings: Joe, Amanda, Methos, K'Immie of the Week
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: Property destruction. Past tense storytelling with present tense narration.
Author's Notes: This is gen, because Elistaire likes gen. I wanted to slash Methos and Joe ( Read more... )

2007 fest, omc, amanda, methos, joe, gen

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Comments 29

amberleewriter December 20 2007, 20:17:16 UTC
The door was locked, and that means that we're closed, but that didn't seem to bother the person outside hammering away on it like they were posting Martin Luther's declaration against the Catholic church.

I'm not one for feedback. I know it's food for the writer's soul and all that, but I like being a lurker. I'm not even done reading this thing and I just have to say:
My family owned a bar -- lived above the damn thing from the time I was six years old -- and you have no idea the memories that sentence brings up. Oh how true! What part of locked seems like we're open? You totally have me on this one just from this alone (though it's a stand-up bit of writing all the way around).

...inviting drunken people to tell their sad stories that would eventually end up becoming your fault is a great way to get a whiskey bottle upside the head. Because it's a bar. Yeah. *g* This is also why you always stand/sit with your back to the wall and facing the only entrance. Because it's a bar ( ... )


amand_r December 24 2007, 07:01:13 UTC
Well, I am glad that you liked it. I have never lived above a bar, but I have lived next to one, and all the drunks there thought that my doorbell was a magical button.

Amanda has compulsion issues. What? :P


ithildyn December 20 2007, 20:25:29 UTC
That was great! Left me smiling -- a lot! I love Methos and Joe stories.


amand_r December 24 2007, 07:02:18 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it!


beeej December 20 2007, 21:42:50 UTC
Brilliant! The POV really works well here, and gives the whole thing an interesting twist. And way too many LOL moments to mention! Whoever you are, you rock. Hard. :D


amand_r December 24 2007, 07:03:00 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! And that I made you laugh! I love the lulz.


damemehri December 20 2007, 22:36:03 UTC
So when does the bar open?

Funny! And I'd be willing to bet Amanda does remember him. He was probably disappointing, either in bed or as to the contents of his lock box.

And Joe... I love Joe and his comments. I can hear him muttering!

Very Nice!


amand_r December 24 2007, 07:04:22 UTC
Oh, the bar opens in December of 2009. They're still arguing about leather upholstery.

Amanda, as far as I intended, really doesn't remember him by sight, but she remembers the contents of the box.


Let me know where. Single malts would be nice. damemehri December 24 2007, 18:53:05 UTC


dswdiane December 21 2007, 00:16:57 UTC
This story has so many wonderful lines that it's hard to know where to begin with the appreciation of the funniness ( ... )


amand_r December 24 2007, 07:04:49 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.


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