I swear this started out as a legit contribution to the greater discussion going on in fandom at the moment about female characters (and that legit contribution is still on the way) but this one subject got quite specific and quite long-winded, so I'm going to give it a post of its own.
Use of the word 'girl' in otherwise exclusively-male slash fic )
Comments 36
May I link this on my LJ and on Metafandom? It's pretty great.
I know this gets into a subjective area, but when a piece of dialogue feels true to the character, it rarely bothers me. The times when it pings my attention are when it actually feels (to me) like an artificial, knee-jerk author reaction to "correct" a male character's behaviour by having it pointed out in some way that he's acting like a girl.
I am probably reading *way* too much into what I read every day.
The 'bitch' thing interesting. I can't tell if it's meant in a "you're acting like a woman" way or in a "gay people on TV talk like this" way. You know, the stereotypical gay dude calling his friends "she"?
You're right in saying that it goes way beyond fanfic and into canon material. It just shows you how much time I spend here versus out in the real world, that I didn't even think about that when I wrote this. I think it just gets done so over-the-top in fic sometimes, it's hard to miss. Not just in my very narrow example, but in all kinds of situations, like fosfomifira pointed out. I often get halfway through a fic and then start feeling like I'm reading code instead of a story. So weird.
Curious, how often do we see the term being used as an OBVIOUS tool for men to be stupid, and how often is it purely them pigeon holing genders? I mean, I agree with everything you have said, but I guess I've never really read anything and seen it as a tender issue, you know?
I might just be blind to it like a lot of people are.
I see it all the time, but it could just be that I read a ton of fic, and a lot of it by strangers. I don't even realize that I do it, I just sort of do, and then later I see recs lists and newsletters and realize how much of them I've already seen.
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