jin/junno porning - je - NC-17

Mar 19, 2009 22:55

jinjunno porning, based on Jin's concert outfit for LOVEJUICE, for nihongofrancais.

They didn't really have time for this, Junno pushing Jin back up against a support in the wings, but god knew there was less time after, so before it was. Junno shoved a leg between Jin's, and Jin rocked down against it, trying not to gasp at the feeling of Junno rubbing hard against his hip because he was supposed to be the cool one. Not that it mattered, as Jin caught Junno's mouth and Junno caught Jin's hands and pinned them above his head. Jin could see Junno's strong arms flexing out of the corner of his eyes and he couldn't hold back a hiss, but Junno knew what he did to him already anyway.

They were riding on an adrenaline high, halfway through the Queen of Pirates concert set and coming out of their skins. Jin grunted, head falling back. He flexed his fingers and arms against Junno's hold so he could see Junno's arms work to keep him still. It turned him on like nothing else (well, ok, so some other things also got to him, but most of those involved Junno's mouth. No one could deny Jin's oral fixation), and that sight plus the feeling of Junno rubbing against him was hell on his self control. Even while part of his brain warned him it was a bad idea, Jin stretched out his neck and ever so carefully bit Junno's ear, hard, and Junno came against him with a strangled gasp.

They were usually very careful. Nothing more than kissing above the waist, because as much as Jin wanted to suck on Junno's neck until it bloomed red beneath his lips, and as much as Junno wanted to leave long thin red lines down Jin's exposed chest (damn concert solo flirt of a shirt) between the loose sides of both vests, they both kept the concert at the front of their minds. They'd be on stage in less than six minutes and they didn't have time to make it look like they weren't just having sex--or at least making out--backstage if they weren't careful.

Below the waist was another matter entirely. Junno digs his hands into the loose material of Jin's dress pants, pulled the belt loose and the zip down and was on his knees almost before Jin realized he could use his hands again. Junno had him out of his pants and in his mouth bare moments after that, swallowing hot and thick around him. Jin could still feel the hot imprint of Junno's fingers against his wrists, and held his arms above head himself to keep from tangling his fingers in Junno's hair. Then Junno curled his tongue around Jin just right and Jin came in a rush down his throat.

Barely thirty seconds to the first beats of LOVEJUICE, and Jin was tugging his belt back on at a crooked angle, and Junno was glad it was Jin's solo, because he was hoarse with the taste of Jin. Jin didn't notice, rushing to get on stage, that he forgot about his fly completely.

Fans always wondered why Jin was so tired by the end of the show. What they should really be wondering was why Junno wasn't.

rating: nc-17, pairing: jinno, fandom: je!fic, anamuan

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