jin/junno porning - je - NC-17

Mar 19, 2009 22:55

jinjunno porning, based on Jin's concert outfit for LOVEJUICE, for nihongofrancais.

riding an adrenaline high )

rating: nc-17, pairing: jinno, fandom: je!fic, anamuan

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Comments 6

ky_rin March 20 2009, 03:11:17 UTC
eeee! lovely ♥♥♥


anamuan March 20 2009, 22:01:10 UTC
♥ i'm glad you enjoyed it, dear.


tatoeba March 20 2009, 04:44:00 UTC
;lkna's;dlgkas *__________* this is really really hot. ♥


anamuan March 20 2009, 22:05:16 UTC
thank you for reading! it's so short ^^;


ununoriginal March 21 2009, 13:44:49 UTC
fuck tat is one of the hottest things ever! and the fact tat it's jinno jus elevates it to PERFECT &hearts u r so amazing for writing this! XDDDD


anamuan March 21 2009, 14:36:03 UTC
thank you! junno always has so much energy at concerts, and jin's always so dead by the end.

also lolol appropriate icon usage ftw! you're talented!


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