akame weekend fic - je - R/NC-17

Dec 28, 2008 05:05

Author: anamuan
A/N: Written for an akame weekend-long meme.
Hide and Seek | Distraction | A Midsummer Night's Dream

Word Count: 344
The game had started nearly a year ago. A nonchalant note Kame had slipped Jin on set, right before filming started, so Jin had shoved it hastily in his pocket and forgot about it hadn't found it again until late that night, when he was changing for bed.

6 o'clock, it read, and Can you find me?

Needless to say, Jin hadn't found Kame; he hadn't even known he was supposed to be looking.

Two weeks later, Kame slipped him another note, this time as Jin was on his way off from that month's Wink Up shots. He read it right away, but instead it said Not this time. You're still it.

Another ten days, and Kame sent him an early-morning text message: count to 100. By all rights, Jin shouldn't have gotten it, should have been sleeping, but Pin had gotten into his room and had decided to play 'Eat Master's Toes' so Jin was up, hours before he needed to be, when the message came.

Jin was heading to work before he hit 40.

He got to 100 a little over a third of the way through his commute. And he 'found' Kame in KAT-TUN's dressing room, long before anyone else had arrived.

Kame looked surprised to see Jin at first, but then he smiled a shark-smile that made Jin run hot and cold all at once. He shoved against one of the make-up counters and buried a hand in his hair, using his grip to pull Jin's head up and back while he nipped along Jin's jawline.

Kame moved down Jin's throat to suck at Jin's Adam's apple, teeth barely scraping along skin, and then, just as Jin moved his hands to fist in Kame's shirt, drag him up, close, closer, Kame pulled back, keeping him at arm's length, and smiled that shark-smile again.

"I guess I'm it now," he said as he left.

Jin wasn't as good at these hide-and-seek games as Kame was. He didn't have the subtlety for it. But he wanted Kame, and that was straightforward enough.

Word Count: 613
It's ridiculous and Kame knows it, but there was just something inexplicably sexy about Jin speaking English. He corners Jin in post-production. Jin looks more surprised than smug (for an instant) but only because Kame has such a strict 'not at work' policy. Kame isn't about to tell him what makes him break his own rules.

Mental images of Jin just switching entirely to English even though no one understands him (until even Koki gets sick of pretending he does) and the consequences of that. Consequences that mostly consist of Kame going down on Jin in not-quite-private spaces. Or, if they have an extra fifteen minutes, Jin fucking Kame into walls, doors, couches (in NEWS's dressing room), and the occasional bathroom stall. Because Kame knows that if Jin knew what did it for him, Jin wouldn't even have to ask him to spread it.

Kame wasn't about to give Jin a chance to ask. He pushed him up against the wall and kissed him, one hand rubbing at the front of Jin's pants. Distraction. Distraction was the way to go.

Kame had Jin out as soon as he was hard, and he was on his knees just as fast. He swallowed as much of Jin as he could, nose pressing into the dark curls at the base and dimly heard the thunk as Jin's head hit the wall behind him. Kame didn't have the mouth-space to grin, so he pressed his tongue against the underside of Jin's cock instead. When he pulled back and flicked his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves underneath the head, Jin's head snapped back again. Jin didn't seem to mind. He just moaned, and threaded his fingers through Kame's curly hair and started pulling. His attempts to steer Kame were half-hearted at best because Kame, really, was doing a great job on his own.

Kame pulled off suddenly--Jin whimpered in his throat and thrashed his head at the sudden lost of tightwetheat --and just blew a soft stream of cool air across Jin's cock. The sound Jin made was beyond gratifying. He looked up at Jin through dark lashes and Jin bit back a moan and his fingers tightened in his hair.

Kame decided Jin deserved a reward for that and licked a wet trail down to Jin's balls. He paused a minute there, and just looked up at Jin, waiting



there, that cut-off moan Jin was trying not to let out. Because he wasn't that easy, really, and Kame smirked again and sucked one into his mouth with a gentle pressure.

Jin's hands tightened impossibly further, and then he was tugging on Kame's hair, really pulling now--to Kame's surprise--pulling Kame off.

"K-Kame." Jin said, his voice strained. His hands were shaking.

Kame licked his lips and huffed. "Fine," he mumbled. He wasn't about to tell Jin he loved him like this. When his control was gone and just wanted and what he wanted was Kame. Jin loosened his hold just a bit, and Kame used that new leverage to his full advantage, relaxing his throat and sliding down all the way. God only knew he wasn't using it for singing.

He worked his tongue against Jin's cock in his mouth, keeping his lips tight around the base. Jin wondered in the small clear space still left in his head if you could die from too much awesome sex; and then he wondered if Kame was trying to kill him so he could be the most popular. And then Kame hummed. Or moaned. Around him. And even that little clear space evaporated into white heat and he came down Kame's throat.

Word Count: 588
Jin, tangled in sweaty sheets, a faint sheen of sweat covering his skin.

Kame smirked as he slid down to his knees in front of him, pulling down the zip on Jin's pants as he went. The look in his eye was dark and mischievous, promising (Jin could almost feel Kame's tongue on him). The look on Kame's face was lustful, hungry and just the slightest bit superior (because Kame had him in the palm of his hand and they both knew it). Both had Jin hard in an instant, almost embarrassingly fast, the way a single look, a single expression from Kame could still do this to him every time.

Kame's fingers crept up the insides of Jin's thighs, teasing through the material of his pants, and it was like a creeping web of electricity walking up the inside of his leg, each too-hot fingertip a shock to his system. Kame brushed his knuckles over the erection straining Jin's pants on his way up--covered in stripes of light and grey shadows from the window shades, Jin's hips jerked forward, desperate for more than the ephemeral touch of cloth on skin--to tease along the patch of skin right at the top of Jin's pants. Kame's fingertips ghosted across Jin's hipbones, and skin of his stomach, following his happy trail down to the open V of his undone fly. Looping his fingers through Jin's belt loops, Kame tugged his pants down a millimeter at a time, eyes locked on Jin's, knowing that just having him on his knees would have Jin hard and aching.

By the time Kame had gotten Jin's pants down his thighs, Jin's was more than halfway out of his mind with desire. He couldn't take his eyes off the sight of Kame below him, mouth so close to where he wanted it most, that knowing looking still in Kame's eyes. Kame bit his lip, his teeth catching in the light, and it sent another coil of pure desire through Jin's stomach and his cock twitched up--twisting in his sheets, a small grunt escaped Jin's from throat into the dark room--and then Kame's tongue was out, licking up along Jin's length and--a groan ripped from Jin's throat into the silent room, hips jerking forward again, harder, hands tangling in the sheets--he groaned, threading his fingers through Kame's hair.

When Kame slipped his lips over the head--Jin, rolling his hips in desperate circles against the mattress--it was like heaven and hell rolled into one, absolute perfection and not nearly enough of it, the glimpse of ecstasy only serving to show how much more he needed, how desperate he was, how Kame undid him seemingly without any effort at all. Kame's eyes glittered as he pressed forward, lips tight around Jin, until he could nose against the dark curls at the base of Jin's cock--Jin's body, dappled in shadows, tangled in sheets, moving in a fast, desperate grind--that look, and the tight, wet heat driving Jin crazy. He couldn't take it when Kame looked like that. His stomach was so tight with need it was like a physical pain, throbbing out from where Kame was swallowing around his cock and pulsing out through his entire body, frying his nerve endings and melting his synapses as he came--Jin, jerking against his mattress, hips coming to a stuttering stop--down Kame's throat.

Kame pulled back, licking his lips, eyes still full of promise--Jin, tangled in sweaty sheets, sleeping.

rating: nc-17, fandom: je!fic, pairing: akame, anamuan, rating: r

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