004 || it was all just a dream

Nov 09, 2011 00:30


I can't... remember anything. What happened to make me act like that, what I was even thinkin'... I know I tried to get back to the elevator. I saw the storm coming.

[He runs a hand through his hair, now furious that he had been that easily manipulated.]

I just can't do it.

event, ic, vatheon, zack fair

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Comments 59

ninthserenade November 9 2011, 07:09:55 UTC

[Oh man, what does he say? He knows he kind of made Zack stick around the party when he wanted to go back down under the sea, but he bugged him until he stayed.]



hisdreamsmyfate November 9 2011, 19:44:30 UTC
Sorry...? [Why would Demyx be sorry? It's not like he KNEW they'd all be captured and screwed around with like this - and the man had been drunk at the time. Neither of them was at fault, here.]

You didn't know. None'a us did. I'm just... pissed off that something had the gall to do this in the first place to us!


ninthserenade November 9 2011, 22:30:34 UTC
Yeah, but I still feel kinda... bad about it.

[He frowns slightly, picking at some invisible lint on his knee.]

This kinda confirms the whole 'we're probably part of an experiment' theory I had a few months ago.


and I realize we never even finished that thread. ;o; hisdreamsmyfate November 9 2011, 23:34:41 UTC
You were havin' a good time an' I was... probably just bein' a little overprotective, is all. If anyone's to blame, it's me for just not lettin' you have that fun, y'know?

[He shakes his head, offering the best smile he can.]

An' if we're gonna figure this out, we should be pointin' those fingers at the people up to no good, not each other. What else do you know about this kinda thing, Demyx?


dystopiadreams November 9 2011, 10:34:36 UTC
Hey Zack...

*Selphie gives a small, gently reassuring smile*

Try not to get too hung up over this... It sucked. I know that.

*And her smile grows slightly as she tries to cheer him up*

Looks like those guys got to the best of us.


hisdreamsmyfate November 9 2011, 19:45:51 UTC
I know... I know, I know, but.

Poor Seph. He's had too many of his buddies snap like that back home, an' for me to be one of 'em...

I feel awful about it.


dystopiadreams November 9 2011, 22:15:32 UTC
Seph...? You mean Sephiroth?

*Selphie remembered the handsome young man that she'd met at the party at frowned a little*

Now listen here, Zack. Sephiroth seems like a really good guy, and he wouldn't blame you for this. He doesn't seem stupid either, and I bet he knows that this wasn't your fault...

The best you can do is apologise.. I've apologised to ... well, everyone. And if he can't accept and understand that...then more fool him.


hisdreamsmyfate November 9 2011, 23:38:41 UTC
[He can't help it - he smirks at the irony of that statement, and what he'd faced a few years prior to coming here in Vatheon. Sephiroth had been the crazy one. Sephiroth had been stupid about things. And for Zack to be the one to apaologize when his buddy didn't even know about those events...

It just felt a little weird.]

He'll listen if you ask for an ear, I'll tell you that much. He might seem kinda quiet and maybe even moody, but he's taken care of me for the longest time. I know he'd listen.

I just... sorta... feel bad about all'a this? I wanna make it right, but without even rememberin' much of what happened, it's not too much good.


redcloakedthief November 10 2011, 01:26:30 UTC
[He looks mostly amused, though there's an underlying hint of annoyance there too.]

Oh, have you not been here long? This is how this place works.


hisdreamsmyfate November 10 2011, 01:29:45 UTC
Didn't know this was some kind of challenge to see who knew this place better, thanks.

[And he might just be a little annoyed himself - he almost killed his friends, and he wasn't in the mood for sarcasm.]


redcloakedthief November 10 2011, 02:45:04 UTC
You misunderstand--

It's a challenge to see who can adapt first, haha!


hisdreamsmyfate November 10 2011, 04:48:37 UTC
Why's it a race though? What would you get for winnin'?


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hisdreamsmyfate November 13 2011, 01:47:52 UTC
I'm not degradin' myself!

Just. Tryin' to see what I can dig up that helps.


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hisdreamsmyfate November 14 2011, 23:13:30 UTC
[Ignoring that statement - jeez, what crawled up this guy's butt and laid eggs? - the SOLDIER starts thinking back to the incident once more, trying to recall something - anything - that would help to lead to a trail.]

...a well. An' a white room. The rest of it's too fuzzy to make out, but those are the biggest things, I'd think.

There was also this on my arm, if you can make sense of it?

[He turns the feed to a small wristband laying on his desk, having been torn off some time ago. The numbers read: 0108270246, with nothing else on it.]


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