004 || it was all just a dream

Nov 09, 2011 00:30


I can't... remember anything. What happened to make me act like that, what I was even thinkin'... I know I tried to get back to the elevator. I saw the storm coming.

[He runs a hand through his hair, now furious that he had been that easily manipulated.]

I just can't do it.

event, ic, vatheon, zack fair

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ninthserenade November 9 2011, 07:09:55 UTC

[Oh man, what does he say? He knows he kind of made Zack stick around the party when he wanted to go back down under the sea, but he bugged him until he stayed.]



hisdreamsmyfate November 9 2011, 19:44:30 UTC
Sorry...? [Why would Demyx be sorry? It's not like he KNEW they'd all be captured and screwed around with like this - and the man had been drunk at the time. Neither of them was at fault, here.]

You didn't know. None'a us did. I'm just... pissed off that something had the gall to do this in the first place to us!


ninthserenade November 9 2011, 22:30:34 UTC
Yeah, but I still feel kinda... bad about it.

[He frowns slightly, picking at some invisible lint on his knee.]

This kinda confirms the whole 'we're probably part of an experiment' theory I had a few months ago.


and I realize we never even finished that thread. ;o; hisdreamsmyfate November 9 2011, 23:34:41 UTC
You were havin' a good time an' I was... probably just bein' a little overprotective, is all. If anyone's to blame, it's me for just not lettin' you have that fun, y'know?

[He shakes his head, offering the best smile he can.]

An' if we're gonna figure this out, we should be pointin' those fingers at the people up to no good, not each other. What else do you know about this kinda thing, Demyx?


adkjghadkjhf oh shoot I knew I was forgetting somethinggg ninthserenade November 10 2011, 00:33:06 UTC

[Then he shrugs, grabbing a notebook off screen and flipping through it.]

Karkat found a bunch of papers and typed everything down. I've been copying it all into one of my notebooks in case Xigbar ever came back again cuz I used to talk to him 'bout this kind of stuff. Some of the words I still don't really understand so if y'wanna take a look at it and see if you can make any sense of it all, I can meet you somewhere 'n bring it if y'want.


NO RUSH taking things sloooow tonight hisdreamsmyfate November 10 2011, 01:27:45 UTC
Well, I wasn't about to let your drunk ass go stumblin' into the sea, right?

[He rubs his chin thoughtfully, tipping his head a little at the explaination. If this has been going on for awhile, and people were aware of it by now... he'd definately need to get some notes of his own together as well.]

Where're you at, right now? I can pop by now that I don't feel like takin' someone's head off.


ffff yeah me too, been nursing a headache off and on ninthserenade November 10 2011, 01:43:22 UTC
You say that like I'd drown or something.

I'm on the roof of the Vita apartments, but I can portal on over to your place or somethin'.


go sleep, buubuu. 8C hisdreamsmyfate November 10 2011, 01:44:42 UTC
When you're drunk, you can!

Nah, I'll head over myself! I need to get out an' about anyway, right?


but I'm not sleepyyy ninthserenade November 10 2011, 02:15:06 UTC
But I can breathe water--! Sort of.

Okay. I got some lawn chairs up here cuz me 'n my roomie used to sit up here once in awhile.


BBBBBBBBBBBBBBREEEED. >8'C hisdreamsmyfate November 10 2011, 02:33:45 UTC
Yeah, uh-huh, sort of. I'm watchin' you!

--I don't have to if you're too uncomfortable with that, man. I know I wouldn't like many people touchin' Cloud's stuff.


Nuuuuuuuu ninthserenade November 10 2011, 02:42:56 UTC
I can, I swear!

Why would I be uncomfortable with it? The only thing I'd get kinda funny with is if someone tried to take over Xigbar's bed.


/MOMMIES. hisdreamsmyfate November 10 2011, 04:47:58 UTC
I'm not about ready to test that theory, man. You'd better be careful!

Now, I don't think I'd go that far, buddyboy.


MOOOOOM. ninthserenade November 10 2011, 05:39:59 UTC
Man, you sound like my mom. ...Adoptive mom, I mean.

You make that sound so creepy.


STAY IN BED AND EAT YOUR SOUP. hisdreamsmyfate November 10 2011, 17:38:51 UTC
Am I gonna have to start resortin' to that? 'Cause I will!


Yyyyeah, okay, on that note, I'm comin' over.


BUT TIMMY WANTED TO PLAY OUTSIDE TODAY! ninthserenade November 11 2011, 00:05:45 UTC
Do I gotta call you 'ma'?

'kay! M'not gonna go anywhere.


LATER TIMMY BLUH BLUH BLUH I'M YOUR MOTHER hisdreamsmyfate November 13 2011, 04:14:52 UTC
That'd actually be niee. Now if only we could get you in a bonnet and diapers!


Okay, not really. That's just weird.


[And here he clicks off the feed to head your way.]


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