Spoiled Brat VS Idiotic Jerk! (Chapter 2)

May 12, 2009 19:25

Title :                Spoiled Brat VS Idiotic Jerk! (Chapter 2)
Pairing :          AkaKame, RyoDa, TaNaka, Kameda(sibling)

Disclaimed :    I owned none of them. (Well…maybe I’ll own Kazu in future..)

A/N : This is a collaboration fic with mizzakachan entitled Arrogant Dokkun VS Sinister Hime. Basically, I only wrote the AkaKame POV while she will write about Ryoda POV. To get a clear view about this story, you should read both points of view.

CAUTION: There will be a lot of repetitive scenes and dialogues for all scenes containing both pairing together at the same place.

Summary :       Kame and Ueda are step brothers. Ueda love him so much that he spoiled him in every possible way he could. As the most popular guy in faculty, Kame really cares A LOT about his reputation. His popularity was threatened by transferred students from LA-Akanishi Jin,Nishikido Ryo and Yamashita Tomohisa. The first encounter between Kame and Jin has leaded them to hate each other. What will happen if fate has made Kame to become Jin’s servant and he has to listen to his every order? Moreover, what will happen if he has dragged his protective brother-Ueda Tatsuya along with him to become Ryo’s servant? Will a SPOILED Kazu survive from brain damage as he needs to listen to every order from the King of IDIOTs-Jin?

Previous Chapter:  Prologue / Chapter 1


Kame held tightly onto his brother’s hand. He really feels scared right now. Thanks God that he has his brother by his side now.

What the heck are those dumbasses going to do to us??? OMG! Are they going to sell me to prostitution??? I knew it! They want to make money out of my sexiness!

Kame was too lost in his own thought that he didn’t realize the smirk on Jin’s face.

I’ll make sure he has the worst days ever during this three month!

Suddenly, Ueda was pulled away by Ryo. Kame try to grab Ueda’s hand back but Jin stopped him and dragged him to the white car beside the black car Ueda just entered.

“What? Why can I be with him? Why are you separating us?” Kame ask anxiously while looking at the Ueda from the window.

“Sorry, flat chest. You guys won’t be working in the same place. You’re my slave while your boyfriend there is Ryo’s. So, we’ll take you to our house while Ryo will take him to his.”

“Are you trying to do something bad to me???” Kame asks while crossing his arms across his body as if protecting himself from pervy guys.

“EHH??? Eewww…I don’t swing that way! Even though you look like a girl, you still a guy. That would be…YUUCKK!!” reply Jin while pretending to throw up.

“Don’t worry Kame-chan! We won’t hurt you… Those kinds of things are not in our league. Unless you want us to…” Yamapi popped out from the back seat with his pervy smile on his face.

Those words earn him a smack on head by Jin.

“Gosh! He’s my slave! So, behave yourself! You don’t have any right to touch him, GOT IT??” Yamapi pout hearing Jin’s warning.

For some reasons, Kame feels relief hearing Jin’s words. But, he still feels scared because his brother is no longer with him now….

Tat-chan….I’m scared….!!!

It took about half an hour for them to reach Yamapi and Jin’s apartment. During the whole journey, Kame makes sure he stays alert to his surrounding so that in case those two idiots try to play dirty, he can find ways to escape. His mind keep thinking the worst possible things awaiting for him until he didn’t even notice they have reach the front door.

“Oiit! How much longer do you wish to stand there? I don’t need security guard. This apartment already has security!” Jin’s loud voice brings him back to the earth. He pouts realizing the insult he just received.

“I’m just checking your door, dumbass!”

“There’s no need for that. Get your skinny ass inside already!”

“There’s no need to be that loud Jin! You’ll scare Kame-chan! Ne…? Come on in, Kame-chan! Make yourself at home ne?” Yamapi approached Kame and pull him into the house.

“Whatever! Here’s the list of tasks for your first day. We’re going out. Make sure you finish everything before we come home. Understand?”

Jin passes a piece of paper to Kame. Kame eyes widen as he sees the list.

“How on earth am I going to finish this by myself alone?!”

“Well, it’s not my problem! Jah ne!” With that Jin walk out from the house and followed by Yamapi. Before he steps out from the house, Yamapi turns around and says, “Ganbatte ne, Kamenashi-kun!”

Once more, Kame looks at the list.

The order from the MASTER to the SLAVE:-

1-Wash the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

2- Clean the whole apartment.

3- Clean the bathroom.

4- Wash the clothes-BY HAND!

5-Fold the washed clothes and put it in the closet.

6-Prepare dinner for us! I want RICE!


What??? How am I supposed to do all these??? I never do chores before. Tat-chan is the one who always does it. Me? Kazuya Kamenashi does chores???? Hell no!

Kame looks around to see how messy the house is. He launches himself on the sofa whiles his mind spinning around thinking the way to settle the entire problem. He snapped his finger and a mischievous smile appear on his lips. He quickly took out his phone and dial the number which seems he already familiar with.

“Moshi moshi? Koki? Where are you guys now?”


Both Jin and Yamapi freeze on their front door before opening the door. The noises coming from their house are worrying them. They can clearly hear the music of Blondie-Maria from outside their house. Slowly, Jin turns the doorknob to enter the house. The loud voice of Kame singing can be heard everywhere in the house. Irritated by the sound,Jin rush into the house.

When they pass the kitchen, they saw someone cooking. Assuming that it’s his slave who was cooking, Jin was about to snarl at that person when he realizes there is someone else whose were cleaning the bathroom beside the kitchen.

Eh?? Why are there are so many Kame?

He observes the man in the kitchen.

Since when did flat-chest shave his head?

Before he even has time to think for the answer, he was dragged into the living room by Yamapi. Both of their eyes widen in disbelief.

There, in the middle of the living house, Kamenashi Kazuya is happily dancing and singing with an apple in his mouth and also a cup of ice-cream in his hand. How did he manage to sing even though he has that apple stuck into his mouth??

“Kame-chan. Here’s your favorite pastaAAAAAAAA!!!” The plate on Kouki’s hand fall onto the floor as soon as he saw a very surprise Yamapi and a very-super-duper angry AKANISHI JIN stood in front of the hallway looking directly at Kame. This has cause Kame to turn around and then only he realizes that the owners of the house are back.

OMG! I’m so busted!

“Err….hey! We’re…just…finish cleaning your house….” The stuttering Kamenashi says.

“WE??? I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO DO ALL THOSE THINGS!” the angry Jin snapped back.

“Re..really? I thought you want it to be done fast. So, I ask them to come to make it faster. Beside, the more the merrier, right? Ehe..he..”Kame try his best to look innocence in front of the house owner.

“And which part of the work did YOU do?”

“Erm…. I’m…monitoring them?”

“Great! Is that included in the list I gave you?!”


“Exactly!” Jin turns his gaze to the two men whose been standing like a statue beside the TV cabinet.

“YOU TWO!”while pointing towards Maru and Koki, “GET YOUR ASS OUT FROM OUR APARTMENT,NOW!” The tone that Jin used was enough to make both of them runs toward the door while throwing the aprons they’re wearing away. Both men quickly grabbed their shoes and rush out from the apartment leaving the very pale Kazuya all alone by himself facing the fuming master.

“Relax! Kame-chan just try to make it faster,right?” Yamapi try to calm his best friend while signaling Kame to agree with what he says. Kame nodded silently in fear.

Jin turns his head to look at his slave. Suddenly, an idea popped out from his mind.

This is a great opportunity for me!

Without warning, he walk towards his bedroom and this has caused Yamapi who was leaning his body to Jin,fell hard on the floor.

“OOuucch!! That’s hurt, dammit!”

A few seconds after that, Jin comes out bringing a piece of paper with him.

“Since you just disobeyed my command, you shall be punished! Read this and put down your signature on it.” Jin ordered.

Carefully, Kame read through the paper that has been put in front of him.

5 minutes…


10 minutes….


15 minutes…

“WHAT???!!!!!!! Why did I have to be your slave for 6 month???! The deal was only for three month!”

“It’s because what you have done today. Not only you didn’t do the works I gave but also you let other peoples come into our house without permission!”

“But you’re house already clean! See? Even the floor looks shining!” Say Kame while pointing towards the floor.

“But none of these was done by you. You even dare to finish up my whole box of ice-cream AND not to mention-MY FAVORITE PASTA!”

“That’s because I’m hungry and you didn’t tell me that I can’t eat your foods.”

“Well,now I’m telling you. Do not eat my foods without permission!”

“Why did you need to eat those things anyway? You already have enough fat supplements in your body for the whole month!”

“Dammit you skinny bones! I’m not fat!!! At least I look like a real man, not like someone who’s too skinny and look like a girl whose suffering anorexia!”

“What??? This is what people call sexy, stupid-face!”

“Sexy? It’s more like pity!”

“Take that back, you dumbass! No one can make a joke about my sexiness!”

“Phhfff…like I care! I’m your master, remember? I have the right to say whatever I want to say to you. So, live with it because starting from now, you will have to hear those kinds of words every single day! Or do you prefer I put the video on the internet?”

The video things left Kame speechless. This has make Jin smirk.

“Sign it now!”

With reluctant, he grabbed the pen and signs the paper.

Mummy,Daddy, Tat-chan….Save me please….! I just make a deal with the devil!!!


Jin smile looking at the already signed paper in front of him.

“Good! Now go and clean the mess that your friend just did on the floor. Those pasta sauces are going to stick onto the floor if you didn’t clean it fast.”

Kame turns to look at the pasta which Koki has dropped before on the floor.

Eewwwhh…how on earth I’m going to clean that?

“WOW! This pasta is super delicious! Kame-chan,let’s eat first ne? Jin too, let’s eat while it still hot. He can do the cleaning later.” Yamapi came out from the kitchen suddenly and grab both Kame and Jin’s hand and lead them to the dining table where the foods already being served.

“Hey! I say clean it first!”Jin snapped and tugs his arm away from Yamapi’s grip.

“FINE! I’ll do it!” Kame quickly went inside Jin’s bedroom and after a few second, he came back with a shirt in his hand.

“What the hell are you going to do with my shirt?”

“This?”kame ask while pointing to the shirts in his right hand, “To do this!” he wipe the floor with it until the whole mess is gone.

“Whoa! Damn you! That’s my favorite shirt!!!!”

“Eh? You’re the one who told me to clean it up. So, I’m free to eat now, right?” Innocently, Kame walks to the dining table where Pi is already eating and starts eating his part of meal.

This iguana going to pay for this!

Kame feels a bit scared when Jin didn’t show up even though both Yamapi and him have almost finish eating already. Plus,the fact that this Yamapi guy keep smiling his stupid face towards him doesn’t make him feel any better at all. When he was about to have his last bite, Jin came and sit beside him with a very wide smile on his face.

“You already finish eating? Good! Because you’re going to need a lot of energy after this.”


“Clean up everything until it’s all shines.”

“But the cleaning has been done before.”

“I don’t think so. See it for yourself. Oh…and you’re not allowed to go home before finishing all of it.”

Quickly, Kame rush towards the living room and once he reaches there, he fell on his knee. Jin has make the house look like it has been going through WORLD WAR III! All the dirty clothes are being thrown everywhere. Not to mention, the sofas has been upside-down! And how’s the hell those ketchup get on the ceiling??


A hysterically screams was heard from the living room and Jin smile in victory hearing this!

This is what you get when you’re messing with Akanishi’s hereditarily.


Kame wipes away his tears that start to fall from his pretty eyes. Never in his life has he been treating like this. Tat-chan doesn’t even let him wash up his dirty dishes before but this Akanishi guy dares to make him do all the chores!

Shit! My hands going to be rough! Aww…poor my lovely skin. It’ll get irritation because of this stupid detergent! All my effort of using those expensive moisturizer creams are all wasted now! Damn you, monkey! Aarrghh….how on earth to wash this thing??

Kame has lost his patience in dealing with Jin’s clothes. So, instead of using his hands, he decides to use his feet.

Hmm… he’ll never know anyway!

Unlucky to him, Jin does know what he was doing.

“Ehem…Excuse me, MISS FLAT-CHESTED? I thought I told you to HANDWASHED all these not FEETWASHED them, right?” Jin appears behind of Kame out of sudden.

“But..but…I’ll get rashes if I use my hands. And it’ll make my hand rough.”

“Oh,I forgot. Ladies always care for their skin, huh? Well, look at my face real closely… DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE? Gosh! Did you use the whole bottle of detergent??” Jin raises his eyebrows looking at the bubbles floating in bathroom’s floor.

“I don’t know how to wash clothes!”

“What?? Don’t tell me you never wash your own clothes before?”

“Fine,I’m not telling you!”

“Huh? Tell me what?”

“That I never wash my own clothes before.”Kame pout!

Jin slapped his forehead. This guy really a spoiled child!

“Okay,I’ll show you once how to do it and you’ll finish the rest, okay?”

With a very happy smile, Kame answer, “Okies!!”

Jin pleats his sleeves and pick out one of the t-shirt from the basin.

“First, put it like this. Then, you need to brush the collar and the sleeves. Then only you’ll brush the body. But you don’t need to brush too hard. It’ll ruin the texture. Then, rinse it in the clear water. Understood?”

“Yes. But how to wash the pants?”

“Oh… it just the same. Just wash the part where most likely to get dirty.”Jin says while continue brushing the pants now.

“OOoo…How ‘bout the socks? The underwears?”

“Simple. Just do it like this.” Jin keep on brushing every pieces of clothes Kame give him without realizing that he almost finish the whole laundry.

“See? Easy right? Now you continue.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary anymore. You’ve wash all of it already!”

“WHAT? Damn you, chipmunk! You’ve manipulate me!”

“ X‘Cuse ME???! You’re the one who keep offering yourself!”

“No! It’s because you’ve tricked me!”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did!”



“SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!” Yamapi burst into the bathroom out-of-sudden!

“Gosh! I’m trying to sleep there and you guys keep making me headache! What is it this time?”

“Pi…he trick me to do all washing!”

“No, I did not! He’s the one who’s offering hands.”

“Stop it you two! After all, the laundry is done. Just go and hang it!”

Both Jin and Kame look at each other with death glare. Then, both of them turn away in annoyed.

Quickly, Jin shoves the basin full of the wash clothes into Kame’s arms.

“It’s all yours!” With that, he walks out from the bathroom.

Kame looks at the washed clothes in his arms confusedly. Then he turns his gaze to Yamapi. A smile is formed on the corner of his lips.

“Ne..Ya-ma-pi-kun~~! Can you show me where and how to hang these?” Kame gives Yamapi his super shining smile which has caused hundreds of people fell on their knees.

Yamapi was mesmerized!

Gosh…I’ve seen an angel! That innocence face with luscious lips, and the ponytail’s hair just too adorable! And those sweet sweet smile with those sparkling eyes are like a poisonous drug! Wait a minute, how on earth I’ve seen those wings on his back and the small rings above his head? Am I hallucinating?

“YA-MA-Pi-kun!?” Kame-chan pokes on Yamapi’s cheek.

“Eh..eh? So..sorry! Sure! Let hang these together,ne?”

A wide smile appears on Kame’s lips while he replies, “HAI! Let’s do it together ne?”

Together? Don’t think so! This is the master of manipulation-Kamenashi Kazuya-we’re talking about. When he says TOGETHER, it means ONLY YOU ALONE!

These two are easy to twist! Hahaha… oowwhh… dammit! My body’s hurt like hell! I’m so going to tell Tat-chan about this! Let my Tat-chan take the revenge for making his super hot,sexy,adorable,little brother suffer like this! AKANISHI JIN! I’ll make you suffer for treating me like this! Let see how you’ll endure all my torment! Let see who’s the slave now, shall we? HAHAHAHA……


A/N: Comment pleazzzeee!!! Gomenasai! I take too much time for this chapter. Things have not been very smooth lately. Hope I’m not disappointing you in this chapter. Looking forward your views!!!!

tanaka, akame, spoiled brat vs idiotic jerk, ueda, kame, koki, ryoda, akakame, fanfic: multichapter, ryo, yuichi, jin

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