I have achieved something related to success. In that I have wired the serial out of the EEG chipset to the Arduino and faffed about with various bits of code and rather flash visualisation malarkey, which produces graphs that appear to come from my head. At least if I pull the electrode away, then the graph stops.
Connection quality seems to be something of a problem. Perhaps I need to use a more conductive moisturiser?
"Hello. I am experimenting with homebrew brain visualisation and also wish to keep my skin younger looking. What skincare product do you recommend?"
As a dude what has somewhat regular Problems With Stress, I'd been seriously thinking about tracking down a little brain-watchy gizmo for easy biofeedback. And lo, there one is! A quick looksie found the Neurosky package is now $100, which is right there in my 'I'll try this' range.
Also, I once knew a guy who claimed to know the guy what for the Krell were named. He was a stage magician who hung out on BBSes in the '80s. I'm pretty sure his engine ran on unfiltered bull leavings.
The Mattel game-thing is £29 in Toysaurus and seems cheerfully hackable. I'm not entirely convinced that the game-bit is picking up anything other than the half dozen poorly-shielded bits of kit cluttering the room, but the Arduino hack seems tolerably respectable.
Proper Scientists will be laughing into their handbags at this point, but the NS link is jolly interesting. Although I am not about to wire myself up with a PP9 and some stripped-back Cat5.
I may well look into the hackable version, since that is so much more skiffynerd. But the off-the-shelf has an appeal to those of us who use soldering irons primarily for fixing the silver inlay on celluloid. (A tricky thing, I can tell you!)
I'd come across the stuff about induced flow states a few days ago, and it sounds very interesting for other people to do a lot so I can figure out if I want to try it.
Meanwhile, if anyone wants a super-cheap analogue (or at least, non-computerised) version of same, all you need to do is wire up a cheap multimeter to a pair of TENS electrodes and move the selector either to its most sensitive DC setting or to "Ohms".
It isn't very good though, and the combination of mild DC and electrodes on your head might have unhealthy side-effects (like tingling, mild pain, eventual head-cancer and looking like a dick) - but it will give you an idea of what to expect.
for a while there i thought we might have been bidding against each other on the eBay; I have recently picked up both a Mindflex and a Force Trainer. my plan was to take the back off both and see if i could run a set of jump-leads off the fan and into a CV-to-MIDI interface to control synths, both for my own gigs and as an instrument for folks who haven't got much in the way of motor skills.
Coincidentally, I'm also learning about Monaural and Binaural beats with my HNC students (following on from some group study on creating our own binaural recording equipment) which also has a crossover with what you're exploring.
we really should get together for a pint; it's been a long time and much has changed...
For most people, I agree. I'm now working with people for whom the motor skills to play instruments that require any sort of finesse of movement is out of their reach and want to involve them in music somehow. I do some work with Soundbeam (bespoke kit, expensive, tends towards General Midi twee sounds) which requires some movement but can be configured to respond to anything from tiny to vast movements and picked up via ultrasonic sensors, but I'd like to include people with minimal or no motor skills in the music workshops too, hence my interest in brainwave-powered sound generators.
A question, O sound-wise one - how do I make a Live Album?
I have an event. I have bands. I have some sound kit. I want to produce a CD of the lot. How do I start and in particular how do I record the thing? Cheap twin-track solid state recorder to an SD card and just grab the final live mix, or do I need a big box-of-chips to multitrack it into a laptop, or should I hire something complicated?
Comments 22
We expect a full report, Comrade.
Connection quality seems to be something of a problem. Perhaps I need to use a more conductive moisturiser?
"Hello. I am experimenting with homebrew brain visualisation and also wish to keep my skin younger looking. What skincare product do you recommend?"
Also, I once knew a guy who claimed to know the guy what for the Krell were named. He was a stage magician who hung out on BBSes in the '80s. I'm pretty sure his engine ran on unfiltered bull leavings.
Proper Scientists will be laughing into their handbags at this point, but the NS link is jolly interesting. Although I am not about to wire myself up with a PP9 and some stripped-back Cat5.
I'd come across the stuff about induced flow states a few days ago, and it sounds very interesting for other people to do a lot so I can figure out if I want to try it.
It isn't very good though, and the combination of mild DC and electrodes on your head might have unhealthy side-effects (like tingling, mild pain, eventual head-cancer and looking like a dick) - but it will give you an idea of what to expect.
Coincidentally, I'm also learning about Monaural and Binaural beats with my HNC students (following on from some group study on creating our own binaural recording equipment) which also has a crossover with what you're exploring.
we really should get together for a pint; it's been a long time and much has changed...
I have an event. I have bands. I have some sound kit. I want to produce a CD of the lot. How do I start and in particular how do I record the thing? Cheap twin-track solid state recorder to an SD card and just grab the final live mix, or do I need a big box-of-chips to multitrack it into a laptop, or should I hire something complicated?
Then there's the whole production malarkey...
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