Jan 24, 2012 23:06

Hello everybody!

I know I'm really late :o I really have so much things to say !!

First of all, Happy New Year to everybody !! ♥ (Yay my first entry of 2012 >_>'). I have SO much things to say !!! So much things to share too ~ I also want to thank all the people who have sent their wishes to me :) It made me really happy ♥

Secondly, and like everybody ( Read more... )

london, life : home

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Comments 13

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percybum January 26 2012, 21:43:46 UTC
I don't think London is that great >.<
Maybe cause I live there? ^^ hehe


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himitsu_17 January 28 2012, 21:56:54 UTC
For me, I also went to Paris sometimes and London. And I think that Paris is nice once in a while but I would NEVER be able to live there. In the other hand, London is enjoyable to see, to visit, and english people are really nice to talk to. Try talking to a .. (Fey-chan, how do we say parisien in english? Parisian? XD) person living in Paris, and you won't get a really happy answer (from what I saw ^.^). London is really enjoyable in all possible ways ~

But well, like you said Fey-chan, all depend of one's personality~


percybum January 26 2012, 21:43:11 UTC
I had a great time with you and I miss you!! ♥
Next time I will visit you~


himitsu_17 January 28 2012, 21:57:32 UTC
Dear ♥
I also had a great time with you ♥

I'm waiting for you then ~

Thanks for coming by and commenting !


ianne_xxyl February 1 2012, 01:37:43 UTC
The first time I saw your post I just went through the pics and theeey weree am amazing.
I was nodding while readiiing it.
Ohhh, I love museeuums. But I never had the opportunity to come into so maannny. I envy youu T.T
I should get rich so i can travel far T____T and see all those pretty thingss.
Those boooks. I'm gonna die in there.

When I'm the mall and I'm waiting for friends, I always wait in the bookstore. and I don't read, I smell them. I just smell them. I don't read cause I won't be able to buy T.T


himitsu_17 February 11 2012, 19:46:16 UTC
Ianne-chan ♥
*sorry I'm late answering*

I'm so happy you commented there :o I'll try to work on the second post tomorrow ^.^

I'm really happy you like my pictures ^.^ I LOVE taking pictures but I'm not that great in it ^.^'' I wish you'll get to visit London IRL ♥ It will be a nice thing to do ♥

Oooh some books really smell good doesn't they ♥ Not all of them (some smell bad XD) In the past I read a lot. I stoped recently through because of the Johnny's Fandom *hide* It takes me too much time ><''

Lot of love ♥


ianne_xxyl February 13 2012, 05:24:08 UTC
Himi, you're always forgiven. It's really okay if you're late to answer :)

Ohh, I do dream to visit London.. Europe in general actually, haha. :D Your pictures were good cause there were love in it? Hihihihi.

Yeah, some books are just so comforting and I don't know, they bring you to places you've never been too, just with the smell. And of course, much more when you read. Haha,don't worry, that is happening to me as well. :)

Hmm, books that are wet smells bad?

Lots of love and Ninoooes for you :P


ministryofbees February 10 2012, 12:39:48 UTC
Hey, this is great! I am going to London in a couple weeks and my sister is insisting that we go to the museums there :) Will definitely take note of your review and go explore some of these lovely museums. Thanks!


himitsu_17 February 11 2012, 19:47:38 UTC
Ooh ♥ I'm so happy if that'll help you!
Tell me what you'll visit ^^
I think I'll write the next post tomorrow, so if you want to see more of things about London and what to see ;o

When exactly are you going there ? ;o


ministryofbees February 12 2012, 16:45:32 UTC
I'll be there on the 25th until the 1st, then we r going to explore edinburgh, glasgow and paris <3

I am still not sure about what to visit but i guess the museums (of course :D), the shopping district, walk around and see the landmarks near Thames and watch Les Miserables at West End :DDD So excited X3

Yay, more recommendations! I'll definitely drop by again tmrw :3


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