Jan 24, 2012 23:06

Hello everybody!

I know I'm really late :o I really have so much things to say !!

First of all, Happy New Year to everybody !! ♥ (Yay my first entry of 2012 >_>'). I have SO much things to say !!! So much things to share too ~ I also want to thank all the people who have sent their wishes to me :) It made me really happy ♥

Secondly, and like everybody, I'm really really sad and kind of peacefully angry against .... THE CLOSURE OF MEGAUPLOAD. But well, we can do nothing about that. I just wish that it won't touch Mediafire (even through it could happen). It would be SO much work dying and just all the fandom and !!! WHY OMG WHY ?! Anyway, I won't talk about that now because everybody hear about it way too much already.

This message, perhaps nobody is waiting for it, is the first one about my travel in London. To explain it to people not knowing that yet, I went to London in the end of last year during more than 2 months ♥ I made really wonderful discovery ! As much social ones and intellectual ones ♥ It was really a wonderful moment and I wish I could stay there more ! ♥

I will talk to you in thema ♥ So here is the first one ...


The museums in London also are really important! In London, most of them are free and I also could get some reductions with the student card if we had to pay ♥ So it was really a great opportunity to visit !! Here are some pictures and what I think you should go and watch !!

Here is the BRITISH MUSEUM ♥ It was really near my school (like less than 5min by feet) so it was the first museum I did, on my second day in London ^.^ It was really nice, really big ! It was my second time there, but seeing some of the things again was so much a pleasure! You can see above my favorites pieces ! Took note that it would take way too much time to watch everything carefully so you NEED to take some room pretty fast! ~

Next one is a museum I really loved! I visit it with my lovely percybum and I don't know if it was because I had her as a company but I CLEARLY enjoyed it! It is... RIPLAY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT?  I think it might have been my favorite museum. It was really fun to see, some interesting objects, stories, facts. You need to pay, but I seriously think that if you're with some friends, you'll enjoy it ! Oh and OF COURSE, knowing that it was Percy-chan and myself, we HAD to find some Arashi thingy ♥♥

If you want to go there, notice that... People give reductions in the street (The museum is in Piccadilly Circus, pretty easy to go there ♥) ! So just take note before going in! It's better ♥

Left, some fishes for Oh-chan ♥ And right Agatha Christie's manuscript ♥ A real one *excited* 

In what do you think that the dress was made of ? Yep! Yep! Tissue ~   


Next museum, that I did with my dear percybum-chan was the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. It was a nice and interesting museum but so you know, there is WAY TOO MUCH stones. So do not take too much time watching them because you'll find some again next flood and the next floor too and all. Info: We ate pizza in the museum's restaurant and it was pretty good ♥

Next museum is VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM !! It was really a nice place, seriously I think London's buildings are just so wonderful!! ♥ Anyway! Here are some pictures ♥

Here is a kind of library ♥ It's a wonderful place! I love this kind of things and I was just so in love with this one! Of course, you can't touch the books but just seeing it ♥♥ If you go in the V&A Museum, please go want watch this room! It's really nice ♥

Some of the beautiful architecture of the museum ♥ I love this whiteness ♥

Here is just a wonderful picture!! I love it! Will you be able to know what is true in there ? ♥ I love this photo ~

Next museum is the TATE MODERN!! ♥ Do not confound with the Tate Museum because it's two different museums. (From the same "company"  but not the same place and content). The Tate Modern is about Modern Art. If people will ask me if I understand them, I'll just say that NO I do not understand most of them. but I feel the things. If my heart beat for it, then I like it ♥ One thing I didn't like in this museum through is that there were lot of photos of people and they didn't look happy and all. I mean they weren't smiling and that made me think like I was invading their life :(

I like the second one a lot because it's a lot like our society now ! Don't you think so too?

This one is my favorite one ! It's really beautiful and I felt so attracted to this one ♥ It makes me think like you can think that this is upside down but in fact no. And it's a lot like "Do you want to go up and discover something new?

I love the first one because in the same room, you have these two so different pieces of art together and that you can see how well, even through different, they can fit each other. The second one is really interesting, everything coming from the book ♥

Did you knew that when I was littler, I wanted to design objects? It was one of my dreams (but later on, when I understood that I needed to know how to draw I knew it was impossible XD). So I went to the DESIGN MUSEUM and saw some really nice objects. Through, I would say that it's expensive for what it was. So if you don't have any special interest in the things you better not go :o

The following museum is the SCIENCE MUSEUM ! From the moment I knew I would go in London, I knew I would go there ! It was a really interesting place ♥ There is a BIG place where you can do experiments! Really, I was like a child. Do take notice that there will be (cute and less cute) child running everywhere around you in this part of the museum ^_^ And do visit the store! It's really full of interesting things and gadget! ♥


Last museum for this entry is .... LONDON FILM MUSEUM. Near London Eye, this museum can be seen as expensive but I think it was really enjoyable. The more you're interested in movies the more it'll be great. It's not that big inside, but it's really interesting. For me, there was a big place about Harry Potter so it was enough to worth the entrance fees ♥ I'll show you the Harry Potter pictures in another post full of things about HP ♥

You think I missed something ? Well yes ! Two museum aren't in the information here. Two IMPORTANT museums. It's the "National Portrait Gallery" And the "National Art Gallery". It's not that I haven't been there, it's that they forbid to take pictures so I don't have much things to show. And without pictures, it's less interesting right? Anyway, I found both interesting and if you have time, do visit them ! It's free ;)

There will be one museum I'll talk to you in another message, it's Greenwich museum. I want to talk more than a bit about it ;)

So here is the end of my first London review ♥ What did you think of it? (Well does anybody read it ? XD Because I think that nobody will *sob*)  If people do read it, please tell me what you want next:

- London's Monuments
- London's Harry Potter
- London's Christmas Life

So that you all know, London's Geeky and Japan's Fan life will have to wait, I'll do it last ♥♥ XP

PS : Sorry if there is english mistakes but I'm too tired to correct anyvway :<

london, life : home

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