Mar 27, 2012 13:46


I wouldn't have been in London without going to watch the most famous monuments ♥

It was really a nice evening :) We walked a lot through London (we visited all these places by feet in the end of the afternoon ~)

Here is a beautiful batiment that we saw, percybumand I. I love this kind of things so I tried a bit a stylish picture... ( I love doing it but the result can be kind of strange XD ) If you want to see it, it's along the Thames~

With two friends, I went to "Sommerset House". It's also along the Thames. It's a pretty nice place! They opened an outside icepark in the middle of it (but we haven't got the chance to go there. We did do some in Hyde Park through, I'll tell you all that later ♥). It's really beautiful and the colors of the lights change by night ♥

There is also some museums around there . I went in the "Unknown Places" in there (it might be temporary through) and another one the other end of the place. The other one ( I don't know the name through but you can get in free during some hours on Monday so try going there at that time. It's a paiting museum. (I won't talk about it in next part through).

Who doesn't know the famous "Trafalgar Square" ? With Nelson's statue, really high ♥ I had so much pictures of this place that it was pretty hard to choose what but here are my favorites ~ I saw it a lot, by night, by day ! All was really exciting ! If you're interested in Museum, you might go there a lot because you have the National Portrait Gallery and the National Art Gallery right next to each other. I went there and it was quite interesting ^^ Sadly, you can't take pictures in there ^.^ But it's free so enjoy!

We also went, a friend and me, to Abbey Road. We took this picture without really seeing how it would be like with the shadow, but I fell in love with the effect! I love how both our shadows are on it ♥

Once, I walked a lot, visiting differents places and I went to the Royal Albert Hall. It's really nice. I didn't visit the inside (you can but I thought I could do so much other things in the same time :o) and after went to Hyde Park which is just in front of it. I liked that street, there were lot of white buildings like in the first picture ♥ Wonderful! I love that ~

The first one is a Church, I'm sorry I don't remember exactly the name.. The second is a view you get from the Tate Modern Museum, once you're inside, with the London Bridge ^.^

One afternoon, I did the whole "sight-seeing tour", I mean by that all the things I could in one afternoon to see London from high places ^.^ So first, I went to Saint Paul Church. It's was SO high! I went like 1000 steps ! I got sooo tired in the end ^^ It's quite expensive to go in but it was really interesting (you get a voice-guide --- that's an iPhone (or iPod Touch) ! Sadly you have to give it back ><'' XD) and can do as you wish ^.^

After that, I went to ... London Eye (when I said everything in one go XD) The first picture is still the view from Saint Paul.

Sadly, my pictures from inside are quite in a bad quality because it was by night. But let me say that it was AWESOME! Do it by night if you can ♥ (Or by day as well in fact...)

The second one is when I was in the London Eye, but it was SO hard to get a nice picture. My camera is bad with night *pout*

Now, we are at Tower Bridge (Be careful, it's not called London Bridge ;o It's not the same one). Since the first time I went to London, I was so fan of these glasse-buildings ♥ They're as beautiful as last time ! ♥

Now is from the other side of bridge (not the one with the Tower of London). If you get there, please try! You cross all the bridge, go down (you get a little road with stones and all) and there you'll get some entries at your left to go directly there. The view is awesome ~ If you don't understand, look at "how to go to design museum" and it'll help you ;o

Did you know? (Said like Massu ♥ Minna Shitteru?) In London, you got a special place about Switzerland ! And during my stay was opened a new totem ♥ With a clock and all^^ So of course I went to see it ;o

Here is all for the monuments. But I still got lot of things to show you all ;o So let's get to the next entry ♥ Next one will be about the Parks and Markets ;o


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