LONDON DISCOVERY ~ Parks and Markets

Mar 27, 2012 16:59


London is well known for its Parks, so here I wanted to talk to you about some of them ♥

First of all, who says London says Squirel ♥ I seriously still have an hard time knowing how you pronounce it even after being there for like 6 weeks :o But well ♥ Cute ^.^ And not scared at all! The two right under here were in Kenshington Park (next to Hyde Park). I got at least 5 of them around me at one time (and I didn't give them anything ! XD)

Now talking about another park, we got the "Holland Park". I'm sure that in Summer or Spring it's wonderful and full of life~ Of course I was there in Fall so it was quite poor and no flowers :( But it stayed beautiful. Don't ask me why they got a Japanese style garden in "Holland" Park ;o

I fed this Squirel with Pocky ♥ He loved it XD Lovely little squirel ~ I should have called him Daiki shouldn't I? But well I called him Pocky anyway~

Next is a MUST ♥ REGENT PARK ! Yep the one and only~ I was SO lucky! It was a wonderful sunny day ~ Really I was so happy there ! The first pic is because it made me think of Oh-chan ♥ Isn't it? Seriously, I loved Regent Park. It was wonderful ! The sight, the water, the flowers (even if for sure in summer it would be better). I'm sure that everybody would enjoy it!!

After Regent Park, I went to Primrose Hill. Quite a nice view but lot of people ;o (It's just next to Regent Park! So do visit it if you can ;o) And (like I hadn't walked enough XD) I rejoined the beginning or Regent Park and walked along Regent Canal ! It was a wonderful view! I seriously enjoyed it (while listening to Big Bang music XD)

Walking along Regent Canal, you walk right next to the water ! You get some banch and really it was pretty enjoyable. In the other side of the canal, you can see awesome houses! Seriously I got so much pictures of them! Each time I was : Waaa *___*

From Regent Canal, I joined what is called "Little Venice". A really nice and quiet place. Again would have been better with flowers in summer ;o I ate in the boat you can see on the second picture. I ate a salmon panini that was SO GOOD ♥

Let's get back to .... Hyde Park! Like it was Christmas, we could find Winter Wonderland there! It was really really awesome! We really could feel like in some american christmas movies !! We went Ice Skating there with lot of friends and it was soo enjoyable ♥ It was a wonderful memory ~

On top, you have the ice rink. We turned around the music kiosk and there was LIVE MUSIC ♥


London is also known for its markets,. I didn't go to most of them, but I did the "Portobello Market" and the "Camden Town Market".

First some pictures of Portobello Market. I got a bit disappointed by it but it was interesting anyway. In fact my mom told me SO much about it from the time she went that I had huge hope... But if I had to choose i would say that Camden Town one is better ;o Oh and don't feel the need to go until the end of the road XD It's boring in the end ;o

And now two pictures of Camden Town Market ^^ It was really nice ~ I enjoyed it very much! I even found a shop with manga/anime goods! I bought a L t-shit ♥ (With a HUGE reduce ~ Usually I'm bad at that but I got a discount ♥) -- Not L the size XD L the character ^.^ Be careful not to get lost through ;o

Here I go for now ;o I did my best to give you my report ;o I wish you'll like it !! Next post will be about the "Outside of London" ;o But perhaps not today XD I just got tired ><'' (Well what XD It need time to choose these pictures and all XD)


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