(no subject)

Nov 28, 2009 14:00

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Warnings: None for now.
Authors Notes: This isn't exactly how I wanted this chapter to turn out, but it's still cool. So yeah, it's got a flashback :D and yeah...it's an update. lol This was long so it had to be split in two chappies.

Previous Chapters

A/N Two: I'll continute to point out flashbacks as they come so as to prevent confusion. Journal entries will continue to be in italics and dated and thoughts are in italics if I ever remember to write them out as actaual thoughts instead of bleh.


Ville grasped his wife’s hand tightly, afraid she would turn and run for it as he lead her toward the sound of his parents and younger brother talking to Angelica. She gripped his hand just as tightly, her worry and nervousness showing through her touch. She rarely held his hand, usually only when she was scared or upset about something. And that was only if she decided she couldn’t handle the fear and worry on her own.

He stopped a few feet away from their family, noticing the way his wife tensed and struggled to pull away. He could only imagine what she was thinking. And it probably wasn’t anything nice or decent enough to repeat in polite society. Granted they weren’t necessarily in polite society, but he was sure his mother and father had heard enough cussing and arguing already.

Ville knew that Mina would be upset with herself when she calmed down. She would be embarrassed that she had reacted so harshly and apologize more than was necessary. He would tell her that everything was alright and not to worry so much. That it would be forgotten and she didn’t need to think about it anymore. She would hate herself for a day or so and then be over it the next day.

I still think I should injure him. Maybe not murder him, but definitely injure him. I’m so not ready to meet them. I realize that they’re his and Angel’s family, but do I honestly have to be included in their lives so quickly? It’s only been...what a month? Month and a half, tops? I just don’t think we should be doing this right now. But, it’s too late now. They’re already here and I’m pretty sure Ville and Angel would be upset if I didn’t at least say hello.

Anita looked over her daughter-in-law carefully. She seemed more nervous than she had looked when they had all walked in. She was holding on to Ville for dear life. As if she was afraid she would be hurt. Surely she couldn’t honestly be that nervous. She wasn’t shy before. Anita doubted that Mina had ever been shy a day in her life. Things were different now though. The poor girl didn’t have a clue who she was, much less any of her family. Mina had enough on her mind without adding to it, but Anita just couldn’t wait any longer to see her son’s wife. She hadn’t seen her in over two years. Since before Ville and gone on his tour and taken Angelica with him.

“Mina.” Anita stepped forward slowly, being careful not to scare the frightened woman that was hiding behind Ville. All she really wanted to do was pull her into her arms and hug her. To make sure that she was really alright. That she was really alive.

“Mina, please.” Ville whispered as he pulled her out from behind him. “You said.” She nodded slowly and stepped next to him, smiling weakly at his parents and brother as they stared.


The next thing Mina knew she was being sat down on the couch after everyone had greeted her and given her a hug. Ville sat one side, his mother on the other. Jesse, Angelica, and Kari were sitting on the chair and love seat that was on the other side of the living room facing the couch. Ville was rubbing his hand in a comforting circle over her back and she fell into him, hiding her face in the crook of his arm as she tried to make herself as small as possible. She was trying not to panic, but her breathing sped anyway. Her blood pounded in her ears making it hard to hear what Ville was saying.

“Hey, it’s alright darling. You’re fine.” Mina nodded slowly as Ville lifted her head. “It’s ok.” She showed her trust in him by sitting up straight and forcing herself to breathe slowly. Counting each individual breath until she got to ten, like he’d shown her how to do the last time she panicked about something.

“Ok, I’m ok.” She said more to herself than anyone else.

“I imagine this is difficult for you Mina.” Jesse told her quietly. She nodded.

“It is, I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to meet you, all of you.” she added looking to his parents. “It’s just that...well...I don’t want to hurt your feelings by not remembering you. There must be so much, so much time, so many things and I’m sorry that I don’t remember.” She frowned looking down at her hands as she gripped Ville’s tightly. “I should remember. I...little things.” Mina concentrated hard as she thought about the woman sitting next to her.

She seemed to remember pink roses being Anita’s favorite, that Ville would give them to his mother for her birthday every year. Was it possible? And Jesse, Mina was pretty sure the younger man that was holding her daughter had been in a band. Not Ville’s band, but his own. Kari, didn’t he own some kind of shop? Mina looked up quickly when Ville laughed.

“What?” What did I do?

“You’re speaking out loud, my Mina.” Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a silent ‘oh’. His eyes held some of that hope, the pride and excitement, that they held when she remembered something. Had she actually remembered correctly?

Ville smiled, reading the questioning gaze in his wife’s worried eyes. “You’re right sweetheart.” She smiled softly and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She’d remembered something. It was small things, but more than he was hoping for. She hadn’t remembered anything in weeks. Now little things were coming back and he hoped that more and more would be coming back to her. Maybe if they all talked long enough, told her enough stories, other, bigger things would come back.

“What kind of shop?” Everyone but Angel laughed and Mina pouted, feeling like a moron. Was she supposed to be able to remember that too? Or was it such common knowledge that they figured she already knew?

“It’s a uh...an adult.” Ville bit his bottom lip trying to figure out a polite way to tell Mina what kind of store it was. He couldn’t just say it was a sex shop. Not in front of his daughter. He figured that Angelica was about twenty years from being old enough to know just what kind of store her grandfather owned. “Supply store?” he said it as a question as he looked to his mama. She shrugged her shoulders.

“Adult supply store?” Mina asked with a raised eyebrow. What the hell is an adult supply store? Does he mean like toys? Oh my God, he does doesn’t he? She blushed profusely ducking her head and asked in a whisper, “Adult supplies, as in toys? Like...grown up toys?” She wasn’t brave enough to ask aloud if it was the kind of toys she was thinking it was. She was pretty sure that Angelica didn’t need to know anyway.

“Yes, love.”

“Oh, my God.” She could swear she was blushing more than she ever had before. No wonder Ville had been so shady about some of the questions she would ask him. If everything was embarrassing as this was, she completely knew why he wouldn’t talk about some things. He knew she’d get embarrassed.

“Papa? You own a toy store? How come you never bring me any toys?” Mina gasped, hiding her face in her hands as Angelica griped at her grandfather for not bringing her toys.

“Papa owns a big girl toy store, Princess.” Ville told her quickly.

“But...I’m a big girl daddy! You tell me all the time.” Angelica pouted, trying to stare at her daddy and grandfather at the same time. It was rude that papa owned a toy store and didn’t give her any toys. Or at least let her go to work with him. “I want to go to the store.”

“I know you’re a big girl, Enkeli. But papa’s toy store is for grown ups. Like mama and grandma. It’s for really big girls.” Ville ignored Jesse’s muttering that it was for big boys too. “When you’re old enough you can go.”

“Ville! She can’t go there. Absolutely not.” Mina snapped. There’s no way in hell that man is letting my baby girl go into that store. I don’t care how old she is or will be by the time she’s old enough. No fucking way will she ever go into that store.

“Mina, I have no plans of letting our daughter go into daddy’s store until she’s at least twenty-five. Even if she will be old enough to go in when she’s sixteen. She’s my baby girl, she doesn’t need to go in any time soon. So don’t worry about it.”

“She doesn’t have to be twenty-five, Ville.” Kari told him trying not to laugh at the shocked look on his son and daughter-in-law’s faces. Both of them looked equally as shocked. He wanted to remind Ville that he had worked in the shop when he was younger, but wasn’t sure how Mina would react. She’d never been shy before, that he had ever seen, and this new side of her was puzzling. Surely she couldn’t be that upset.

Kari didn’t have to mention it. Jesse already had.
“Ville? You used to work at Kari’s shop?” Mina asked slowly, as if afraid to know the answer.

“When I was a kid, well a teenager really.”

Did Ville tell me about this before? When we were friends? Before we got married? It doesn’t seem like it. But what do I know? Nothing much except that for some fucking reason I sort of remember small things about his parents and brother. Maybe he’s talked about them in passing? Or maybe Mikko said something about it last time he was here. I think I’d remember that though. I haven’t got problems remembering anything recent. I don’t think.

Mina frowned in concentration as what she was hoping was a memory was coming through what she always thought of was a thick fog that had taken over her head, refusing to let any memories through. She could see Ville, he was sitting on a couch talking. He must have been talking to her by the direction he was facing. He looked so much younger then. He was younger though wasn’t he? She felt odd seeing him that way. His hair was a little bit shorter than it was now. He was just starting to get those wavy curls that fell over his forehead. His eyelids were covered in black eyeshadow and were slicked with kohl. She was pretty sure he was wearing lipstick and his fingernails were covered in black polish.


“I know a place we can go,” Ville whispered as he took Mina’s hand. They hadn’t been out around town in a few days. They’d been staying inside as usual. Mina had ordered in and he had gone over with a couple bottles of wine. They had been talking for hours and Mina had finally cornered him into talking about his family. Which lead him to the idea of telling her what his father did for a living.

“Where?” Mina wasn’t sure she was going to like where Ville would be taking her. He had a gleam in his eyes that meant he was plotting, she’d already figured out that much. It had only been a few weeks since she had met Ville and already she felt like she had known him for much longer. They spent most of their time talking, getting to know each other. Ville had shown her a lot of Helsinki, but she was always dying to see more.

“A little place I used to work a few years ago.”

“Oh sure, you’ll talk to me about the past job, but not the recent one.” She muttered sarcastically. He smiled softly, a smile that managed to be sweet and sly at the same time.

“It’s not important what I do.”

“Of course it is. I’ve told you what I do. Or did, since it seems I’m not going back any time soon.”

“You like it here enough to stay.” Though he said it as a statement it still had that questioning edge to it. Like he wasn’t sure if he should be asking if she liked it enough to stay. Mina smiled.
“Yeah, I like it here enough to stay.” She didn’t add that she didn’t think she would be staying. She had a feeling it would only upset him for some reason. They had already seen each other upset a couple times. She hated to see him blinking tears from his eyes when he thought she wasn’t looking.

“Great,” Ville said with an excited grin. “Then you can do me a favor here soon.”

“As long as it’s not sexual,” Mina told him jokingly. “Well, I might be persuaded,” she added as he mock pouted. “But it’ll take a lot. I’ve got excellent control.” She felt slightly worried at the devious grin that lit his face.

“So do I.” Mina was pretty sure they weren’t talking about the same kind of control.

“What kind of favor is it then?” She asked quickly before their conversation could head in the improper direction she was sure Ville’s mind was headed. He laughed.

“I’ll tell you later. Get some shoes on, love.” Ville murmured with a small groan as he lifted himself from the couch where they’d been sitting for hours. “I need to make a short phone call before we leave.” Mina nodded, groaning herself as she stood and walked to the bedroom to step into some shoes.

“So where did you used to work?” Mina asked as she and Ville sat in the cab that Ville had insisted upon. He had muttered something about making a quick getaway after and had refused to say anything else. Even after Mina had asked “After what?”

“You’ll see.” He grinned madly, and she had a feeling that he was going to enjoy her reaction immensely.

Not even five minutes later the cab stopped and Ville pulled Mina from the car and dragged her onto the sidewalk in front of a sex shop. Mina raised an eyebrow looking from the store windows, to Ville, then down the sidewalk wondering if they were in the wrong place. “We lost?” Ville laughed, shaking his head and took her hand, leading her into the shop.

“No, this is where I used to work.” He told her as he lead her into the quiet store. Mina was pretty sure not many people would be there in the middle of the afternoon, but then again. “Isn’t that right daddy?” Mina blinked seeing an older man standing in front of herself and Ville and smiled noticing the resemblance.

“You worked for your daddy at a sex shop.” Ville nodded.

“When I was younger yes.” Mina nodded, thinking it over.


ville valo, valo/ofc

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