Resurrection of Hope: Chapter Fourteen

Nov 29, 2009 17:31

Title: Resurrection of Hope
Author: poisonxangel
Rating: NC- 17
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own
Warnings: cheese, drama, and insinuations. what else is new?
Summary: Ville meets a new hope
A/N: sawy... no internets on friday :(
beta'd by the MIA and yet still smashing snickers_wiggle

It took them an hour and a half to tour the tower; Charli studied every room, taking in the heavy draperies, the art on the walls, the books covering the walls in the library...

"I absolutely love this place!" she said, her dark eyes alight with adoration.

Ville smiled and took her into the last room, the master bedroom.

"Oh my Ozzy..." she said as she looked around. "Ville... this is beautiful!"

Ville was happy that she liked his taste; he'd wanted to keep most of the original integrity of the house, but incorporate things that modernized it. He'd gotten a four poster, black iron bed made for the room, detailing an intricate design of vines wrapping themselves around his trademark heartagram, and placed violet drapes on the poles to shroud the daylight when he wanted. His other furniture was heavy, solid Victorian era mahogany with iron handles, plush carpet on the floor and a massive fireplace sat right across from the bed.

He'd told Charli that he'd loved her work, but what he didn't say was that it was the only art that hung in his bedroom. He'd picked prints that matched the theme of his room, and the one over the mantle was a black and white print of a man standing in sunlight on an empty dirt road in the woods, back to the viewer and arms outstretched at his sides. It was titled "Salvation," and though he wanted the original, Charli's manager never got back to him about purchasing it.

"Oh... Ville," Charli said, turning back to him when she looked around at the chosen accents. "You can have the originals... Why didn't you say something? I would have brought them..." she said bashfully.

Ville was leaning against one of the bedposts, smirking at her blush, and replied, "I'm not expecting free... Besides, I did tell you I love your work, the first day we met."

"Yeah, but you didn't say it was all you'd put in your room! I'm so flattered," she said, lowering her eyes to the floor.

Ville walked over to her and lifted her chin so he could kiss her. He loved it when she went all shy about her work. Sometimes he'd rave about it just to see the heat flush her face. What made him really excited, though, is the fact that she only looked like that when he said something about her talent; when anyone else did, she just smiled and said "Thanks."

"Well, you are excessively talented," he said.

"So that's why you hang out with me. You want a collection of talented friends," she said back, swatting him playfully. Ville laughed and grabbed her again. "Thank you for coming and seeing my home, rakaas. I'm glad you like it," he said, looking into her eyes.

"Thank you for having me... I adore your home," she said back.

Just then, Ville's phone rang and he rolled his eyes as he fished it out of his pocket. It was Linde, so he answered. Charli walked back toward the door and announced she was going to get her bags, ‘cause she'd never met Vedrana and didn't want her first impression to include the scent of sex.

Ville was chuckling when he answered the phone.

"Dude, you're here?" Linde asked.

Ville sat down on the bed and said, "Yeah, we're here. Having dinner with Mige and Vedrana tonight. Care to join?"

"Yeah, if we can find a babysitter. Charli really came with you?"

"Oh yeah, she did. She thought I didn't want her to, and I'd come back here and forget about her, until I told her I wanted her to come with me. So... here we are."

"I'm really glad to hear it, Ville. Mige told me she's still good for you. What did she say when she saw your art?"

Ville laughed and said, "She turned seventeen shades of blush! It was truly a good moment. She said I could have the originals. I might take her up on just one, though. Mige is picking us up in an hour though, so let me go and get ready. We'll see you and Manna, right?"

"Yeah," Linde answered, "Manna really wants to meet this girl..."

They said goodbye and Ville was putting the phone in his pocket when Charli came back in the room, bags in tow.

Ville chuckled lightly, watching her maneuver the suitcases in the door. They were heavy, and Charli was so slight, they almost knocked her over. He walked over to help her, taking her carry-on bag from her. She said, "Ya know, I have too much crap," and wrinkled her nose.

Ville put the suitcase in his closet, on the dresser in the middle of it. He heard Charli call from somewhere in the massive closet, "But I don't think I have anything on you!" Ville laughed, remembering Charli's walk in closet. It was less than half the size of his. She appeared from behind the t-shirt section, hair mussed again, grinning at him.

"When the hell do you have time to wear all these things? You'd put even Amy to shame! I don't think I've seen so many clothes even in Wal-Mart. Sheesh."

"I have to make sure I have all my bases covered; presentable t-shirts, bummin’ t-shirts, suits, ties, holey jeans, not holey jeans, formal wear..." he gestured to each section as he named them all off, seriously amused by the incredulity in Charli's face. He'd always thought his clothing was a normal amount for a person in his line of work, but Charli was a mini-celebrity herself, and had nowhere near the amount he did. She shook her head in disbelief and opened her suitcase to find something presentable for dinner.

"Uh... can I take a shower? I think it'll help the jet lag," Charli asked.

"No. No showers for you," Ville said with a smirk. Charli rolled her eyes.

"The shower's right through there... I'll be in as soon as I find something to wear," Ville said to her.

"Ok!" she said, winking at him and turning in the direction he pointed. "If I'm not there when you get there, I got lost in this damn closet."

"Just come out of it, already, Charli. I won't be mad," Ville said, earning himself a swat from her.

Chuckling, he turned to his semiformal section and studied it, looking for something worthy of the beauty that would be on his arm. He was relieved to be home. He'd been gone so long he didn't know if it even still stood. He had all his comforts; his books, his guitars, clothes, and his nutella. Charli didn't know what nutella was, and he didn't even think to buy some while he was in the States. And then, his Charli was there with him.

He was most definitely home, though he knew it wouldn't be for long. There was talk of the tour kick off right after Helldone, which was only three weeks away now. And he wouldn't get much home time while he was in Finland anyway; between interviews and meetings and the finishing touches on the show, he had to squeeze his family in somewhere. Ville frowned to himself, and reminded himself to check his calendar to see when he could go and visit Anita and Kari, and swing by his brother's gym to see him too.

Finally, Ville selected a Sabbath t-shirt and dark colored jeans and headed into the bathroom. He heard the water running and could see Charli through the glass of the shower cove. He stood for a bit, just studying her methodical cleaning process. He felt the familiar tightening in his pants again, stripped down, and stepped in behind her, pressing his body close so she could feel the effect she had on him.

"You better be my boyfriend, or you're gonna have some major issues in the very near future," she said jokingly.

"Oh, darling, don't worry. I'm yours; you've claimed me," he said seductively, taking her loofah and washing in soothing circles down her back.

"I believe... you're... distracting... me..." she said, somewhat breathlessly as he'd started moving his freehand around to her front, mimicking the southward motion of the loofah on her back.

"Who said distraction is a bad thing?" he whispered in her ear. Charli whipped herself around to face Ville, lust taking over her again.

He delighted in her shower soaked hair and her soap streaked body until he was spent, all the come out of his body, his lust sated. Well, for a bit, anyway, he thought to himself.

They finally managed to get dressed, and Charli was pulling a brush through her hair as Ville heard the door slam, announcing Mige and Vedrana's arrival. Ville poked his head out of the bedroom door and called down the stairs, "Hei! Be down in a sec."

He turned back into the room and almost knocked Charli down. "You shouldn't be all ninja-like... You could get hurt," he said, grinning down at her.

"Ninjas don't get hurt; they're too trained. So, I wouldn't get hurt if I'm bein’ ninja-like. Besides, I'm still somewhat indestructible," she answered, laughing and reaching her arms around his neck to kiss him.

"Mmm... you really shouldn't do that right now, rakaas. We're expected..." Ville said.

"Seriously? Your dick's not tired?" she said, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Aw, don't tell me I've worn you out," he said, mocking pity.

"You haven't worn me out, but you're dangerously close to wearing my vagina out."

Ville laughed again and pulled her closer to him for another heated kiss.

Charli sighed when he pulled away and said, "I don't think I'll ever get tired of that, though."

They walked down the wide staircase, side by side, hand in hand. Ville looked over at Charli, seeing some nervousness.

"Don't worry honey. Mige adores you, so Vedrana will too," he said, trying to quiet her nerves. He could almost hear her heart pounding in her chest, and smiled gently.

Charli took a deep breath and looked back at him. “It’s just… women… don’t usually like me,” she said nervously.

“That’s because they’re jealous of you and think you are gonna try to take their men. Birmingham knows, it would be very simple for you to do so… but Vedrana is the only woman who would have Mige, so she’s definitely not worried,” Ville answered, laughing.

Charli gave a slight smile to him as they reached the living room, where Mige and Vedrana were sitting on the couch, flipping through TV channels.

“It’s about damn time! Jeez, Ville, couldn’t finish quick?” Mige asked in mock irritation. Vedrana slapped Mige on the chest before getting up to hug Ville. “Welcome home, Rakohammas. Please, introduce us,” she said, looking warmly at Charli.

“Vedrana, I’d like you to meet Charlotte Tyson. My girlfriend,” Ville said, big, cheesy grin on his face. He could never get enough of saying that about Charli.

Vedrana reached her hand towards Charli and Charli took it, shaking lightly. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Mizee’s told me as much as he can, but I like firsthand information. Not to mention he couldn’t remember much so I don’t really know lots,” Vedrana said, warm smile still on her face. Ville looked at Charli while Vedrana was talking, and noted with relief that Charli didn’t seem so worried anymore.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” she said shyly.

Mige clapped his hands together and said, “Let’s go eat! I’m starved!” and turned toward the door. Vedrana rolled her eyes and reached for her bag, but when she turned around, she looped her arm through Charli’s. “I’ve seen some of your work, Charlotte-”

“Oh, please, call me Charli. My grandma was Charlotte…” Charli broke in.

Vedrana smiled again and said, “Ok, Charli. You’re very good…”

Ville let the two women walk ahead of him, listening to their conversation, but mostly watching Charli. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable around any of the wives. Vedrana was a good start, because she and Mige were the only ones without children, or the distractions that went with them. He nudged Mige and asked if he’d heard if Linde and Manna were meeting them, part of him hoping they would, but concerned about Charli’s reaction; would she be nervous around Manna, too?

“Yeah, they’ll be there,” Mige answered as they climbed in the car.

Ville slid in next to Charli in the back, and placed his hand on her knee. She was laughing at something Vedrana said about the anniversary in the Mediterranean, and Ville felt that she wasn’t as tense as she was when they were walking down the stairs.

“See?” he whispered in her ear. “No jealous women around these parts. They can’t be; it’d destroy the relationship. And they have to be sweet by nature, just like you, so they can take things in stride, just like you do.”

Charli looked at him for a long minute with what Ville thought was a slightly panicked look on her face, before it was wiped away and replaced with love. He wondered to himself what it was about, but shrugged it off, knowing if it was of any importance, she’d talk to him later about it.

“So, Ville, did Mizee tell you that Linde and Manna are meeting us too?” Vedrana asked, turning in her seat so she could see the couple in the back.

“Oh yeah, I know. I talked to him earlier and he said if they could find a sitter, they’d be there, so I sort of expected them anyway,” Ville answered, glancing sideways to see Charli’s face. He relaxed when she didn’t panic or tense next to him. She’d be comfortable, he was sure of it.

Dinner was smooth, just as Ville predicted. Manna was just as warm toward Charli as Vedrana’d been, and it was Manna’s nature to be perky, so the women got along fine, laughing and playfully picking at their men for various reasons. Ville smiled, Linde rolled his eyes, and at one point, Mige stuck his tongue out at Charli. She was welcomed into the group by the wives, just as she’d been accepted by the whole band- except for Gas who’d had yet to meet her still, since he’d left early, right before Ville met Charli. That was on the list for the next day, which was a Sunday.

Now that Ville had no reason to hide, he came out of his tower often, even for things other than work. He took Charli around to see the sights, even though she’d been there before. She took massive amounts of pictures, carrying extra memory cards with her and using up three of them.

He took her to meet his parents and his brother. Jesse teased her about being the same age as him; she must like her men like her books, old and falling apart. Ville punched him, briefly forgetting it wasn’t a very good idea to punch a Thai fighter until Jesse put him in a headlock and carried on a nonchalant conversation with Charli.

Anita was reserved with Charli, worried about what the woman would do to her boy. Kari welcomed her with open arms, and theatrically whispered to Charli that she should just shrug off Anita; she could be a bit overprotective. Ville’s cheeks flamed at the thought of his mother still being protective of him, but Charli winked at him and he realized that his mother would eventually like Charli too. Charli could win over Stalin if she’d had a chance.

The fourth day they were in Finland, Ville had to meet with Seppo for his interview schedule and festival progress. He left Charli in the tower, happily flipping through TV channels in front of the fireplace with coffee.

“Hurry back, boyfriend!” she said to him after he’d kissed her goodbye and was walking out the door.

He found himself humming happily while he walked the short distance to Seppo’s office. He breathed in the cold air, his mind running through the list he knew he had to take care of, when his attention was caught by a magazine stand displaying a tabloid proudly on the corner of the street. It was Ville and Charli on the cover, arm in arm, smiling at each other as they walked.

“Son. Of. A. Bitch!” he growled, grabbing the magazine and flipping through it.

He found what he was looking for, a whole two page spread depicting them around the city with very little writing. What could they write about anyway? Nothing had been said to the press. Even after the catastrophe in LA, no one had tied the two of them together. The little caption did say, “Ville Valo seems to have replaced ex Jonna Nygren with young American photographer, Charlotte Tyson. Took you long enough, Ville. How will Charlotte handle Ville’s longtime pining over Jonna?”
REALLY, tabloids? SHEESH. lol.

Chapters 1- 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Leave some <3

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