From Coals to Flame 5: Catching Embers

Oct 12, 2009 22:09

Title: From Coals to Flame: Flame
Author: cherimorton
Rating: there's kissing, does that make it pg?
Pairing: Ville/Evie (OFC)
Disclaimer: puh- lease
Summary: Ville returns to Evie
A/N: One more part left...

She stood in the airport, looking around for Ville.  Her phone went off, and she looked down to find a message from him: “Look up.” She did, and he was standing in front of her, a few people blocking her path to him.  He was staring at her, his brilliant jade eyes locked on her sapphire ones.  A smile spread through her, ending on her lips as they gravitated towards each other, barely noticing their moving feet or the people who were giving them irritable looks for having to dodge them.  He wrapped his long wary arms around her and she breathed him in, emotions flooding her heart, her mind.  All he said was, “Hi.”

She said “Hi back,” and flashed her brilliant smile as he took in her form, still slight and small, the same as it was when they’d met a year before.  She commented on his Ninja Turtles shirt, and he said jokingly, “What? You can wear Rainbow Bright, who hasn’t made a public appearance since 1988, but I can’t wear Ninja Turtles and support the pizza and totally rad ass kicking?” making her laugh harder.

They got his bag from the belt and headed to her car.  Ville couldn’t help but comment on how he knew hers was the violet Scion sedan; in reality, it did kind of scream “Evie”.  She giggled as she released the trunk and helped him load his bags.  “I thought I deserved a car I adored, and so I got one,” she grinned. “And so you do,” he responded.

“I have to swing by my office to sign a couple of things… would you prefer to go to the house first, or…” she said.  He interrupted her there, saying “I came to spend time with you, not your house enkeli.”

Evie smiled and said, “Ok, to the office it is.”

Evie worked hard to get to the position she was in with her company.  She loved her work, and it showed in the quality and care she took with her projects.  In the year since she’d met Ville, she worked her way up from Division Head to Vice President of Technical Manuals, enjoying a corner office and her own secretary, whom Evie adored.  Evie introduced Ville to her, Leigh, who was caught off guard first by her boss being in on what was supposed to be her vacation, then by the amazingly beautiful man standing behind her.  “I didn’t know you were going to be in, or I would have had your afternoon pot on,” Leigh said, referring to her boss’s coffee craving.  Evie waved her hand saying, “Don’t worry, I’m not actually here.  Hence the jeans and t-shirt.  I just have to sign off on a couple of things, including your vacation this week.  Hey, if I’m not here, why should you be?” she finished, seeing the happiness in her secretary’s face.  They turned to Evie’s office, Ville openly impressed by her decorating taste; professional, with hints of gothic and alternative undertones.  “If this is your office, I can’t wait to see your house.  You have impeccable taste, darling.” Evie blushed as she sat down behind her large but always covered desk.  “Thank you,” she said.  She felt a little flustered knowing Ville was watching her work methodically through the things that demanded immediate attention.  After about 10 minutes, Evie stood, “All done.  Ready?” Ville nodded and the two left.

Before they even got out of the building, Leigh was ringing her phone. “I haven’t even got off the elevator… what’s wrong?” she asked, concern creasing her forehead. “Nothing!” Leigh said, “I just wanted to wish you a great vacation, and I’m happy to see that he’s convinced you to take off.” Evie laughed and said, “Go home, Leigh.  Enjoy the last weekend of winter,” and disconnected the call.

“You’re devoted to your work.  And you must be good at it; VPs don’t happen from luck.  Also, you are generous.  Do you always give more than you receive?” Ville asked observantly.

“I don’t really see it that way; I love my career.  I’ve always wanted to be a writer.  And so I am,” she said, grinning, “And I don’t give more than I receive.  The loyalty and friendship I get is so much more than handing someone a dollar and saying ‘Here.  Go buy yourself something pretty.’ I’d much prefer to have a happy employee.”

“I see,” he said, processing what she’d said, “Did I convince you to take a much needed vacation?” he asked, amused.  Evie blushed and said, “Oh, I should really turn the volume down on that thing…” as they got in the car and as they drove to Evie’s house talked about everything, as usual.  Their conversations could go anywhere; they could start talking about the price of eggs in China, and wind up in a deep discussion of historical politics.  Evie loved that.  She loved never running out of things to say to Ville, things that didn’t relate to work, or issues, or memories.  She could talk to him forever and not pause for breath.

Evie was suddenly shy when they pulled up in front of her small house in the city.  She’d fallen in love with it the first time she’d seen it, and kept it up lovingly, but with Ville there, it didn’t seem fancy enough.  Ville had come to know Evie well, and could feel her hesitation.  He smiled at her and said “It’s beautiful,” before getting out of the car and going to get his bags from the trunk.  She unlocked the door and took Ville upstairs to the guest room, where he sat his bags down.  Evie saw his eyes droop and suggested he take a nap.  “Ok, I think I may be somewhat jet lagged…” and laid down and was out in an instant.  Evie smiled to herself and got an extra towel out of the linen closet and placed it quietly inside his room.  She made her way downstairs with her laptop and settled in on the floor, turning on her iTunes and opening her book, content just to be lying there, with him in the house.

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1: Sparks
3:Steady Heat

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