From Coals to Flame Part 1/4: Sparks

Sep 23, 2009 17:38

From Coals to Flame: Part One- Sparks

Evie was unsteadily walking down the hallway in her hotel in Sydney, arms around her friend Amelia, who was too drunk to walk alone.  "And this is why I don't drink..." she thought to herself as Amelia, affectionately known as Mia, chewed on Evie's shoulder. "Om nom nom nom, om nom nom..." Mia was saying, "Why do you taste so good?" she asked.  Evie giggled and said, "My body wash has avocado in it," as Mia continued her chewing and stumbling.  Suddenly, Mia and Evie's legs became tangled when Mia stepped too far out of line, and just as Evie was about to tumble to the floor with Mia, thin, tattooed arms grasped her waist and caught her. "Whoa. Th-" Evie turned to see who her savior was, and was stunned by brilliant green eyes set in the most beautiful face she'd ever seen.  For a second, the world stopped spinning as the two stared at each other, both taken aback at the shock that accompanied the first look upon the others' faces.  "Ow." Evie turned, remembering Mia on the floor.  Attempting to help her stand without ending up on the floor, she said, "Thank you.  That would have been really embarrassing."  She looked down at her outfit, remembering she was wearing a dangerously short dark silver skirt and an ice blue corset, threaded with the same silver as her skirt.  "Not to mention unladylike trying to get up," she finished with a grin to him, finally propping Mia up against the wall. 
"Well, I couldn't very well let you fall... she'd," gesturing to Mia, "have fell anyway," he said with a laugh.  "And don't worry, I seem to have my own drunk person," indicating to the fallen figure of a man behind him.  "Looks like you've had quite a night.  Designated walker, I presume?" he asked her. 
"As per usual," she answered, "since I don't drink much; I like having all my limbs working properly," and they both chuckled in agreement.

"Viiilllleeee! I feeellll!" came a whine from the floor.  They both looked at the man on the floor, and Ville moved to sit him up. "Ok, now you sit there so you don't throw up, ok?" With a frantic look on her face, Evie turned to Mia, and seeing the dangerously dizzy look on her friend's face, grabbed a trash can and moved it under Mia just in time.

Evie turned back to Ville, who was watching with a slightly amused look on his face.  "Sorry," Evie apologized, blushing.  "It's alright, happens all the time.  I'm Ville," he said, extending his hand to Evie.  She took it, saying, "I know... you're sort of why I'm here.  For Soundwave. I'm Evie.  The drunk behind me is my friend Mia.  She's going to hate herself in the morning."

"Why?" Ville asked.

"Because she missed you.  Well, not missed you, I guess, but won't remember you," Evie answered.

"I'm sure I'll cross paths with her tomorrow, if you're going to the festival.  My drunk is Gerard.  He, also, is going to hate himself in the morning; he's got to practice for the show," Ville said, smiling.

After a pause where the two sober ones looked at each other, Ville said, "Would you like to get a coffee? If it's not too late..."

Surprise covered Evie's face and she said, "Sure! Give me about 15 minutes?  Just to change and get her into bed?" Evie nodded her head toward Mia as she heard her friend still sick in the trash can and paused, chewing on her bottom lip. "On second thought, maybe a half hour? I should put her in the shower first..."

"A half hour would be great.  I'll meet you right here," Ville answered as he pulled Gerard out of his slumped position, and the four of them continued to their rooms, Evie and Mia's just two doors away and Ville's five doors away, across the hall.  Fumbling with her card key, she looked up to see Ville glancing her way, and felt Mia slump against her shoulder, saying loudly, "I want marshmallows!" Evie laughed and said, "Ok, we'll have a marshmallow fight right after you stop smelling like rum," pushing the door open.

25 minutes later, Evie had shed her party clothes, and her party hair, leaving her hair falling in dark auburn waves down her back.  Satisfied with how she looked in her Rainbow Bright t-shirt and converse sneakers, she came out of the bathroom to find Mia lying quietly on the bed, looking at her.  "Bring me marshmallows?" Mia asked, her drunkenness seeming childlike. 
"Yes, Mia, I will bring you marshmallows.  Little ones or big ones?" Evie asked. 
"BIG!" Mia yelled, giggling. 
"Ok, big marshmallows, on the way," Evie said, heading toward the door.  She had the door cracked when she turned to check on Mia again, and seeing her friend chewing on the phone cord yelled, "No! Mia, don't chew on that!" and turned back into the room to remove the cord from her friend's grasp.  Mia didn't like that, so she grabbed Evie's wrist and drug her down to the bed, rolling over and pinning Evie under her. 
"But I'm hungry!" she whined, pulling feathers from the pillow under Evie and tossing them around.  Evie took advantage of Mia's distraction to get the upper hand and free herself, beginning a very slight struggle causing both girls to fall into a giggling fit.  Evie finally was able to jump up and before Mia could figure out what was happening, Evie was out the door, adjusting her shirt as she ungracefully tumbled into the hall, stopping just short of running into Ville, who was leaning in the doorway across from Evie and Mia's room.  "Ok," she said, "I'm ready... sorry about that." 
Ville grinned at Evie, saying "Tough time, huh?" as he reached to pull a stray feather from Evie's hair. 
"Yeah," Evie said, blushing again.  She saw him glance at her shirt, and heard the chuckle start in his chest and work its way out his throat, "Rainbow Bright?"
"She's my hero," Evie said shrugging with a huge grin. 
"Shall we then?" Ville said, offering his arm to her.  Evie nodded eagerly and looped her arm through his as they went out into the warm Australian night air.

"So, do you prefer diner coffee or Starbuck's?" Ville asked.
"Diner coffee.  Starbuck's is too... ugh," Evie answered, wrinkling her nose. 
Ville chuckled in agreement.  "I couldn't help but notice the tattoo on your back.  Sweet and useful, huh?  Multitasker?" he asked. 
Evie giggled and said, "Well, Horace wrote that poetry must be both enjoyable and instructive, sweet for the heart, and useful for the mind.  I decided I should be, too," shrugging, adding, "I love all languages, and when I find a phrase or a word that stands out to me, something that I know I can apply my own personality to, or aspire to be like, I stick it somewhere that I can be reminded of it.  I have the Sanskrit words for angel, tolerance, and acceptance, the Finnish phrase 'Love's light', and the angelic symbols for compassion and patience on me as well.  I love getting tattooed," she finished, grinning up at Ville, who was listening intently. 
"I know the feeling.  Although, I prefer people.  Idols, I guess.  A tribute, if you will," grinning at her, then, "How's this one?" looking at the 24 hour diner they'd found. 
"Looks good to me," Evie said, even though she hadn't even looked at it, in favor of looking at Ville.  He held the door open and they went in, settling at a booth next to the window.

They ordered their coffee, just talking about anything and everything, for at least an hour.  Evie loved how she could make him laugh, and adored the way his eyes sparkled when they talked about favorites, friends, places they've been, and places they wanted to go.  His energy lifted her spirit, and for once, she felt like she wasn't wearing a happy face to cover her heartaches or distract her from the stresses she'd had to deal with in real life.  She felt... like she was in a fantasy, about to wake up at any minute, back in her bed in Virginia.  She was undeniably attracted to him, but then again, who wouldn't be?  He was Ville Valo, for god's sakes!  But to her, he was more than a singer, a performer.  He was real, a breathing entity, and he was the most wonderful man she'd ever met.  He was kind, generous, intelligent, funny... all those clichéd things she'd heard throughout her life, but the best word to describe him was enigmatic.  He drew her in with his stories, kept her in rapt attention with his frequent glances, and made her feel irreplaceable with his attention to her.  She'd never felt so... electric.

Their time was only interrupted once by Linde, who'd seen them in the window as he passed by and stopped in.  Introductions were made, and Linde said "Enkeli…" with a nod to her when Evie smiled at him.  "Linde-" Ville started, only to be interrupted by Evie who laughed lightly and said "Hardly. I'm definitely no angel."  Both men looked at her, Ville only mildly surprised she knew what the word was.  After all, she'd said she loves languages...

Linde got his cheese sandwich and left the two alone again, reminding Ville that they had to head to the venue early in the morning, and he should get some rest.  Ville answered back with a roll of his emerald eyes and said "I know, Dad.  Jeez." Evie looked at the clock behind Ville, half surprised that it was after midnight; she and Mia had left the club early because Mia was drunk early.  She looked back at Ville, who was studying Evie.  He said, "Do you want to walk for a while?  See the city lights?"
Without hesitation, she said "Absolutely!" and they paid their bill and crossed the street from the diner.  They walked for a while, continuing their conversation as though they'd never been interrupted.

"I try to stay positive and optimistic, but it's bad for the miserable poet thing, ya know?" he said.

"Yeah," she said, wrapping her arms around her waist and looking sadly at the sidewalk, "I sort of have to stay positive. I can't think too much about things in my life.  I might fall apart," she said with a small laugh, "And it's my job in my 'crowd' to make people feel better... you can't really have 'silver lining' girl be miserable."

"What's wrong with falling apart occasionally?  It's supposed to be therapeutic," Ville interjected.

"Well, nothing, I suppose, for most people.  But I keep my spirits up so I can do things like this," she gestured towards him, "If I'm all broken down, I miss stuff like this, getting to meet you, and seeing the world.  I don't want to live life in the dumps.  I love light.  And being here, with you, so unique and beautiful... if you got anymore perfect, I think I'd cry."

She didn't realize until then that he'd stopped walking, and she stopped, under a street lamp, and turned around. "What's wrong?" she asked, concern written on her face.

Ville stared for a second longer, then in two short strides was in front of her, one hand on her waist, the other gently grazing her lamp- lit features, and said, "I've got nothing on you, kulta," before leaning down and taking her mouth with his.  Evie felt suddenly overwhelmed; her senses went on overload, feeling his soft mouth on hers, tasting his last cigarette and his coffee, the scent of his hair filling her nostrils; she felt her knees go weak and dizzily leaned into him.  He broke the kiss, trying to steady her, "Are you alright?" he asked, grinning slightly.  Gasping and looking into his pools of jade, she whispered "Yeah."  She felt him take her elbow and lead her to a bench next to them, sitting her down first, and then settling himself next to her, putting his arm around her small frame.  Evie finally managed to find her voice, and turned to Ville abruptly. 
"I'm broken," she started, as he looked back into her clear blue eyes, "I'm so broken, I can't go to the grocery store because I don't want to commit to what I'm going to be eating for the rest of the week.  I can't handle having to answer to anyone; I never have, not even my parents while I was in high school.  I'm cold at times, and it's not out of selfishness, it's just because I don't think about other people.  I don't think about myself.  Mostly, I just try to keep my mind busy so I don't fall apart.  I'm just trying to get through life the best I can and sometimes, it's all I can do to take care of me.  So, I don't know why you just kissed me, or what's going on in your head, but I felt that in the interest of full disclosure, I should be upfront so I could be fair to you," she finished, looking up at him cautiously.  She found him smiling gently at her, and he reached to caress her face again. 
"Sweetheart, we are all broken in some way.  I kissed you because I wanted to feel what it was like- and 'incredible' doesn't cover it, by the way, much better than that- and because I enjoy you very much, and because I'm an affectionate person, showing you that I enjoy being around you meant kissing you in my mind.  I didn't mean to invade your space, or put you off, I'm sorry if that's how I made you feel..." he trailed off. 
"No! I... loved it.  You didn't invade my space..." she said.  They looked at each other for a minute, and Evie smiled at him.  "I like being around you, too.  You're very good at alleviating my worries," she said.  He chuckled and stood.

"Maybe we should be getting back... it's getting late," he said, reaching for her, taking her hand in his so she could stand.  He pulled her close to him, and wrapped his arm around her waist, paying attention to whether or not she'd hyperventilate again.  "I find you very amusing," he said, breaking the silence as they walked. 
"Amusing?" Evie asked. 
"Yes.  You have all your shit together, with a good head on your shoulders, but you still hold onto your humor and joy in life.  You may not think so, on your darkest days, but you are joy and light, and meeting you proves to me that even miserable poets can experience that joy and your brilliant light," he said.

They arrived back at the hotel, and said good bye at Evie's door, Ville kissing her lightly on the forehead saying, "See you tomorrow?"  Evie nodded her head, opened her door, and, once it was closed with her on the other side, sank to the floor in a puddle of joy and utter speechlessness over the entire night.

As she crawled into bed, next to a sleeping Mia, she knew she was completely in love, commitment issues be damned.

Love it? Hate it? too... fangirlish? lemme know...

ville valo, valo/ofc

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