(no subject)

Apr 06, 2009 00:13

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: PG - PG-13 for now.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
Disclaimer: Apparently it's illegal to own people, but I do own a couple characters and some of the basic plot line.
Authors Notes: Here's the next two chapters as they're both a bit short. Will update again soon. My bad for any spelling and/or other grammatical errors and possible random sentences that make no sense whatsoever.

Previous Chapters

Ville stared at his wife, slightly confused as to why she was pulling away from him looking panicked, and finally realized after seeing her eyes flick down to the clothes then back to him that she was afraid of him seeing her naked. He smiled softly, lowering his hand, then sighed and backed away. “Darling you don’t have to be afraid.” She shook her head.

“Y..yes.” He shook his head sighing.

“You want I should get Connie to come help?” Mina nodded frantically.

“Pl..ease.” She managed to stutter out. He nodded smiling weakly then walked out of the room in search of the woman who had helped him so much the last five years.

Angelica stared up at her mother in confusion. Why didn’t mommy want daddy to help her get dressed? Daddy had always helped her get dressed in the mornings. And sometimes even when she got really dirty when she was out playing in the yard. Then there had been that one time that she’d fallen in a mud puddle right when the snow had started melting. It was so cold, but daddy had rescued her from the icy water and taken her inside and cleaned her up and warmed her up with hot chocolate with lots and lots of tiny marshmallows. Maybe mommy liked hot chocolate and lots and lots of marshmallows too.

Angelica sighed, her lips forming a pout and she wrapped her arms around her Uncle Mige’s legs, dropping Mina’s clothes on the floor. She still couldn’t figure out why mommy didn’t want daddy’s help. “Why doesn’t mama want daddy and me to help?” She asked him quietly. He smiled down at his niece then lifted her up and sat down in the chair next to the bed. He leaned down picking up the clothes Angelica had dropped then sat them on the bed as he tried to think of a childproof excuse as to why Mina was afraid of them helping her get dressed. He couldn’t very well tell her that Mina was afraid of Ville seeing her naked.

“Mama hasn’t seen you or daddy in so long sweetheart.” He whispered in Finnish. “And since she doesn’t really remember you very much she’s shy of daddy.”

“Why is mama shy of daddy?” She asked seriously. Daddy was so nice. How could anyone be shy of him? Mige laughed.

“Well, it’s . . . Mama is shy of daddy because she thinks he’s cute. And since she doesn’t remember him much she’s nervous.”

“Why?” He laughed once more and shook his head.

“Grownups just get nervous and shy of people sometimes Angel.” Angelica nodded, not one bit satisfied, but figured that, that was as much as Uncle Mige was going to tell her. She’d have to ask daddy when he got back with Miss Connie.

Ville walked through the silent hallway smiling when he saw Connie sitting at the nurses station chatting to another nurse about Mina. She was all Connie seemed to talk about, before and after she had awaken. The nurse looked up at Ville and gasped, her eyes widening as she saw him for the first time. She’d just started working there and had yet to see the man who Connie had said was the closest thing to an angel she’d ever seen.

“Hello, sweetheart.” She nearly sighed as the rich baritone of his voice flowed over her, even from those two simple words. Connie was right. She smiled softly, blushing crimson when he smiled at her then walked off to do her rounds, leaving Ville and Connie laughing quietly behind her.

“Don’t tease the new nurses like that Ville.” Connie admonished jokingly. She still got goose bumps and a shiver down her spine when he said that to her. Of course he was always just teasing her to see her reaction. “It’s not nice.” He laughed then walked around and sat on the desk next to her stacks of charts.

“I need help Connie.” He whispered. She smiled.

“I’m not a psychiatrist. I keep telling you and telling you Ville.” He laughed then shook his head sighing heavily. “What is it, honey?”

“Mina, she...I need to ask you if you’ll help her get showered and dressed? She freaked out when I tried to help her. She’s scared.”

“I would be too, honey.” He raised an eyebrow and Connie patted his knee. “Think about it. She just woke up and she doesn’t remember you. All she knows about you, aside from that fact that you’re her husband, is that you’ve got a daughter together and your name. It’s been two days since she’s woken up and technically she’s only known you for one. All the sudden this beautiful man who claims to be her husband is wanting to take her into a shower and help her get cleaned up and put her clothes on. Don’t let it hurt your feelings, Ville. She’s just not...comfortable with you yet.”

“We used to be so close Connie.” He whispered dropping his head. She sighed then stood up and hugged him tightly.

“I know, baby. I know.” He wrapped his arms around her just as tightly then kissed her cheek as he pulled away. She smiled encouragingly and he nodded then smiled back weakly. “Let’s go get her ready so Angel can take her mama to dinner.”

Chapter Twelve

Mina smiled at Connie then laughed slightly when Connie nodded and turned her toward the mirror stuck on the tiled walls of the small bathroom. She had yet to see her face and bit her lip nervously as she held onto the sink for support when Connie let go of her just long enough to wipe the steam from the mirror. She gasped seeing herself for the first time then leaned closer to the silver backed glass, almost slipping on the damp floor. She reached up with one hand, Connie was supporting most of her weight, and she stared into her own silver-grey eyes. They were the same color as Angelica’s. From what she could tell she shared most of her features with her daughter. Or was it that her daughter shared her’s?

She traced her elfin features looking for something that felt familiar and sighed when she realized that she was looking at a stranger. She thought that maybe seeing herself in the mirror would jog something loose, but apparently she was wrong. What could she do that would make her memory kick back in? She started shaking visibly and Connie seemed to know that she was upset and sat her back into the wheel chair she would have to use until she could walk on her own once again.

Mina shook her head trying to push herself back up. “W..ant t.to wa..lk.” She ground out between her teeth. Connie sighed then nodded and lifted her back out of the chair helping her stand.

“Just until Ville and Angelica see you standing up. Then you go right back to your chair. Ville will whip me if you get hurt.” Mina nodded smiling. She sort of wondered if Connie was joking. She really didn’t want to take any chances though. Just in case. “Are you ready?” Mina shook her head and Connie laughed then opened the door and helped her walk through it slowly. “May I present to you Mrs. Mina Rochelle Valo.”

Ville looked up from the conversation he was having with Mige and Angelica about why Mina was shy of him and gasped. She’d never looked so beautiful. Except maybe at their wedding. Her sable colored hair was pulled back in a loose pony tail, her long hair cascading down her back. It hadn’t been cut since the accident and reached down to her lower back. The royal blue shirt she wore highlighted her grey eyes adding a blue tint to the silver, she wore very little make up (she’d never really had a need for it) that Connie must have put on her because of the tired bruising under her eyes. Her beautiful pouty lips where hidden from view as she chewed on them nervously, the blue shirt clung to her curves as did the black jeans she wore with it.

“Ville, stop drooling after her and get her chair will you, honey?” Connie asked as she tried not to laugh at the slightly glazed over look in Ville’s eyes. “She’s going to fall if you make her stand up any longer.” He shook his head to clear it and Mige laughed hitting his shoulder lightly before speaking in Finnish.

“Down boy.” Ville flipped him off as he moved toward Mina and Connie.

“You’re incredible, darling.” he whispered. Mina blushed then smiled shyly. “Absolutely gorgeous.” he leaned forward slowly and kissed her cheek then stepped past her to get her wheelchair. She reached up slowly and touched her cheek where his lips had pressed against her skin and nearly collapsed as an image of she and Ville holding hands and walking down a narrow sidewalk flashed in front of her eyes. She tried to hold onto something that would make what she hoped was a memory stick and she saw a sign for a jewelry shop. Had that been where they had gotten their rings?

“M..Moody’s.” She gasped quietly.

“What was that sweetheart?” Ville asked as Connie sat her in the chair. Mina shook her head not wanting to speak again. “Did you say Moody’s?” She nodded biting her bottom lip and he smiled. “That’s where we picked out your engagement ring. I tried to get you to let me take you somewhere..” he didn’t really want to say more extravagant. “else, but you wouldn’t have it. You said that if it was good enough for your mother it was good enough for you. It’s where your father got her ring.”

Mina nodded smiling softly and Ville sighed wondering if anyone had told her that her parents had died in a house fire when she was nineteen. She was bound to ask about them one day. Hopefully it wouldn’t be anytime soon. He didn’t know if he could handle seeing her grieve for their loss. God knew it was hard enough when she had told him after they had been dating for a few months.

“Are you ready to go downstairs?” She smiled nervously and nodded. She was afraid she would make some kind of...mistake, but thought that she should go anyway because Angelica wanted her to go so badly. She would have liked for their first family dinner to not be in the hospital, but her daughter and husband were so excited to have her back. Even if she wasn’t really herself.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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