Beauty and the Beast

Apr 07, 2009 17:02

Title: ♥Beauty and the Beast♥
Author: ravenroses666
Summary: 2 students founds a notebook of an girl who travelled the word with the famous band HIM. In each chapter the girl was explaining how rude the lead singer was been to her. Everything began when Seppo hired Myra as Personal Assistant of the band. Ville was having problems with that, he fired others before her and now he trying to do the same to her. But Myra wasn't an easily cutter, besides she need it this money more than everyone. What would happen with her later, 2 students going to read it for you to find it out.
Rating: PG 17
Warning: swearing, teasing, passion
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction. Ville own's himself, so his friends too and famous people in this story is just a part of it, I never even met them.

Previous Chapters

♥Ch 5. New company, new problems & Ch 6. What means relationship to you?♥
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