(no subject)

Jan 23, 2009 00:54

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: G - PG13 For now.
Disclaimer: Apparently it’s illegal to own people, but I do own a couple OC’s and a bit of the basic plot line.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
A/N: Once again I'm sorry for not posting sooner, I've been stuck in the middle of a custody battle for my niece. So I blame my sister's idiocy for not updating sooner. lol.


Ville ran into the hospital carrying Angelica on his shoulders, earning a few glares from hospital staff, but most of them still remembered him and didn’t really care. They knew why he had come. News of Mina’s awakening had traveled through the entire hospital. Everyone had heard of the miracle that had happened late in the night. Mina Rochelle, the hospital’s longest patient, had finally woken up. And now her husband and daughter had come to see her.

Of course Mina, who had just woken up two hours earlier, still had no clue that she even had a husband or daughter. She stared balefully at the tv on the wall opposite of her bed as she watched the news. It was the only thing she’d kept on the tv. She had to keep up with current events, or rather, the last five years. She’d yet to find out if she had any family.

Connie seemed reluctant to tell her anything else than what she already had. And because she didn’t want to leave Mina with someone she didn’t know, (Mina didn’t know anybody) now that she was awake, Connie had stayed at the end of her shift and was currently snoozing in the chair next to the bed. She had barely left and then only to clean up for her next shift. She had woken once, when Mina had started to cry when she realized while watching the news and seeing the date, that she hadn’t been lied to. It wasn’t some huge masochistic joke being played. It was her life. What she knew of it anyway.

The doctor had been in earlier, he was the one who had woken her up and had talked with her about the tests that he had scheduled for her. She was still unable to speak, even though she tried and had just nodded while making noises that were coming closer to forming words. At one point Mina had made a noise that was close to a dogs high pitched whining and had laughed which had scared her slightly as it sounded like she was choking. She tried not to laugh at anything. Though she didn’t really have much to laugh at.

The young woman still couldn’t remember anything and was actually hoping that the last day or so of real sleep she had gotten would jog her memory and she’d be as good as new. Well, as good as old. And able to go home. Wherever home was. She groaned shaking her head. My luck I’ll never remember anything.

Mina was jarred from her musings as she heard a man running down the hall yelling for Connie. She frowned as a pair of sea-glass green eyes flashed in her mind. Who do those belong to? And who is that guy out in the hall? More importantly why does his voice sound familiar? I’ve got to be imagining things. I don’t even know anyone. I must have heard a voice like his on tv when I was channel surfing. She frowned then reached over and nudged Connie as she heard the man yell again. Connie jerked awake, growing startled and running from the room as he yelled once more.

Connie nearly slammed into Ville and Angelica as she ran from the room and they both skid to a stop. “Ville.”

“Connie, how is she? I want to see her. You have to tell me what’s happened.” He begged, his words hurried and his voice rough from running. She nodded taking his free hand and smiled at Angelica as she led them to the waiting room. The tired nurse motioning for them to sit down then sat across from them.

“She woke up at midnight, right before I called you. She’s doing well. Physically she’s fine. Mina’s having trouble speaking, but we expected that. She can write down what she wants to say, it looks like a child’s handwriting, but it’s legible. She’ll have to have some physical therapy to build her muscles back. ” She paused biting her bottom lip and staring down at the floor as she gathered her thoughts. This was the part that she hated. This was the time to tell Ville that his wife didn’t remember him. Or anyone else for that matter.

Ville frowned watching Connie stare at the floor and knew that something was wrong. What else could it be if not something terrible? He sighed shaking his head and closing his eyes when she glanced up at him, sorrow shining in her eyes. In that one moment he knew.

“What is it daddy?” Angelica asked quietly as she stared up at him. “Is something wrong with mommy? What did she say daddy?” He sighed once more, blinking back tears and trying not to cry in front of his daughter.

“She said that mommy was ok, but she can’t talk.” He translated quietly. “But she can write stuff down and we can read it.”

“Why are you crying daddy?” He looked to Connie, whom he had taught Finnish to on his many visits with Mina and she shook her head not knowing what he should say or how he should say it. He nodded sighing heavily.

“Miss Connie says that mommy doesn’t really remember us princess. That when she got hurt and hit her head that she lost her memory.”

“What does that mean daddy? Why doesn’t mommy remember?” She asked loudly as she started to cry. He shook his head holding her close, finally allowing his tears to fall.

“I don’t know baby. I don’t know. We’re going to find out though.” She nodded, sobbing onto his shoulder and Connie’s heart broke more than it already was as she wrapped her arms around the grieving family.

Mina who was once again focused on the television in front of her jumped when she heard a little girl screaming in some foreign language. What is that German? Swedish? Sounds sort of familiar. That poor little girl. She sounds so devastated.

A man’s cries joined the little girl’s and Mina pouted hearing their heartbreaking sobs. Something terrible must have happened for them to be crying like that. Did someone die? They must have. Why else would they be crying so terribly?

She stared out of door to her room waiting for Connie to come back, the room felt empty without her, and realized that the crying man must have been the one that had screamed for Connie earlier. She started biting her nails nervously then frowned at herself disgustedly and decided that she probably had detested biting her nails in what she was tentatively calling her “previous life”. She heard their sobbing lessen and moments later watched inquisitively as Connie walked back in slowly, looking excited and worried at the same time. What is it? She wrote quickly. Connie nodded then sat down.

“I have something to tell you. And I want to know if it’s ok.” Mina nodded as Connie stared at the floor.

What the hell is she talking about?

“There’s a man here, with his daughter. I...well...I was wondering if you’d like to see them?”

Why? Mina wrote, raising an eyebrow when Connie bit her lip again. She tapped the clipboard with the pen when Connie didn’t answer fast enough.

“He’s your husband.” Connie whispered. The only thing that followed was the clipboard falling from Mina’s lifeless hands and clattering on the tile floor.

Comments and con-crit are greatly appreciated, loved, etc.

ville valo, valo/ofc

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