(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 04:24

Title: Yours
Pairing: Ville and OFC
Rating: G - PG13 For now.
Disclaimer: Apparently it’s illegal to own people, but I do own a couple OC’s and a bit of the basic plot line.
Summary: A woman wakes from a five year coma only to learn that she has a husband and daughter she doesn’t remember.
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I'm been super busy trying to get some family matters situated. This is unbeta'd but I don't think it's too bad. I'll post the next chapter in a day or so. It's actually longer than usual. lol.


Ville rushed through the airport, his five year old daughter in tow. His longtime friend and bandmate Mige trailed behind carrying all of their bags. In just a few short minutes they would be able to see Mina for the first time in two years.

Ville and Angelica had been woken from their slumber by his phone ringing shrilly. A number he had known by heart for the last five years flashing on the screen.

He glanced at a clock noting it was barely seven in the morning and knew that something had happened to Mina. Even though he and his daughter had only been home and asleep for less than five hours, he rose from the bed as he answered and walked to the window, lighting a cigarette on the way. “What’s happened Connie?” He whispered in English so his daughter would have problems understanding him in case she was listening.

“She’s awake. I don’t know how or who, but God, Ville she’s finally awake.” Connie continued rambling unintelligibly telling Ville the entire story before he could get a word in.

“What? Connie, you’re rambling sweetheart. What’s happened?”

“She’s awake.”

He had gasped, thanked her profusely, and hung up. Immediately pulling on yesterday’s jeans and t-shirt from the floor and packing his and Angelica’s bags with clean clothes before getting her up and dressed.

We’ve been waiting for this for so long. I can’t wait to see her. My Mina, my beautiful Mina. I wish we’d gone straight to the hospital instead of coming home. Poor Angel, she’s going to be stuck on another twenty hour flight. We just got home poor baby. She’s going to be worn out before we ever get to see her mama. I can’t believe it’s been two years. We shouldn’t have stayed gone so long. But what else could we do?

“What is it daddy?” Angelica whispered watching her father pace back and forth. She’d sat half asleep as she watched him back their bags and only woke up fully when he had carried her down the stairs. He smiled sitting next to her on the couch and looked her over. Her tired grey eyes were knitted with worry, her pouty lips drawn into a frown.

“Mama woke up.” She grinned and threw herself into his arms.

“Oh, really daddy? Did mama really wake up?” He nodded and she squealed excitedly bouncing up and down. She didn’t have time to be nervous or afraid, Ville thought. Just so excited that her mama had woken up.

“Yes princess. We’re going to go see her. Uncle Mige is going with us.” She pulled back frowning slightly.

I’ll probably be out in the hall with Uncle Mige and daddy will be inside with mama. I don’t want Uncle Mige to go. She pouted listening to her father talking about seeing her mama.

“Just for a few days baby. Then we’ll bring her.” he stopped abruptly. There’s no telling how much Mina has changed or if she even remembers us.

He’d done every sort of research on comas he could in the five years that she’d been sleeping and knew that there might be some complications involved in her waking up. “We’re going to go see mama, and then we have to wait until mama feels better before we bring her home ok?” Angelica nodded laying her head on his shoulder and waited for a honking horn to announce that her Uncle Mige had arrived.

I can’t wait to see mama. I haven’t seen her in so long. But what if mama doesn’t remember me and daddy? What if she’s mean and doesn’t like me? There were too many ifs. She wished that her daddy would be able to tell what she was thinking like he did a lot of the time, but then again she thought he might be upset with her if he knew she was worried about her mama not liking her.

Ville smiled down at his daughter watching as she drifted back to sleep then lay her down on the couch pulling a throw over her. He stood up pacing the room once more as he waited for Mige. He hoped that Mina hadn’t forgotten them, hadn’t lost her memories, all the memories they had made together. The two years they’d spent together before the accident. But he knew that more than likely she’d lost her memory. He hoped and prayed that she hadn’t, but it was a constant nagging thought in the back of his mind as he hoped she hadn’t forgotten.

He walked through the airport quickly, shaking his head and holding his daughter closely as someone recognized him and asked for an autograph. He didn’t have time. He had to hurry and get to the hospital to see Mina. They nodded looking slightly depressed and he smiled weakly then ran past them with Mige following. As soon as the found the car they were going to the hospital and Mige would then drive to the hotel to check them in.

“Ville, slow down.” Mige said as they ran outside. Ville shook his head spinning around in circles as he looked for the car. If he ran anymore he was going to have an asthma attack. Then he’d wind up in the hospital along with his Mina. “I know you’re excited about her waking up, but if you keep this up you’re going to get ill.” He muttered as Ville grabbed his hand and dragged him to the car.

“Hurry Mikko.” He ordered sharply. Well, it would have sounded sharp if he wasn’t wheezing so badly. Mige muttered under his breath as he walked around to the driver’s side of the car and fetched the key from his pocket.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.”

Comments and con-crit are loved and appreciated. They make me happy. :)

ville valo, valo/ofc

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