Happiness (5/?)

Jun 20, 2010 23:46

Title : Happiness
Author : hime_lian92
Pairings : JaeSu (main), HoSu
Length : Chaptered
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance, Angst
Warning : Unbeta-ed, grammar mistakes and typos, cross-dressing
Summary : Junsu and Jaejoong are best friend. What will happen when Junsu married Jaejoong when he's currently being Yunho's boyfriend?
Disclaimer : I own everything, except the boys.

[Jaejoong’s POV]

"Jae! Hurry up! Or else we’ll miss that ride!"

Su was dragging me to his favorite attraction of all, the infamous ROLLER COASTER!

"S-Su.. Don’t you think it’s scary? I mean.. with the height and speed.."

He stopped then turned around to look at me. I looked away, embarrassed. "Jae, are you scared?" I quickly shook my head. Even though I didn’t directly look at his face, but I can feel he’s smirking at me. "Then, let’s go. You’re not scared are you?"

Su continued dragging me knowing that I have no energy left in my body. My legs were shaking and my heart beat faster than it should be normally.

Now we’re sitting on the first row of the roller coaster. Shit. I tried begging Su (and knelt in front of him too) to let us sit in the middle, but he refused. He looked like he’s going to cry if I didn’t follow what he wants. So I did, unwillingly. I gripped my hands tightly on the metal in front of me and making sure my seat belts are fastened.

Su chuckled at my actions. He took my right hand, since I sit on his left side, and held it tight. "It’s okay, Jae. I’m here."

I blushed at his statement. "Y-yah! I should’ve said that to you. I’m older than you and I’m the husband."

"Yes. Yes. Whatever, Jae."

I pouted. He likes teasing me, is he? Then I heard Junsu laugh. That sound is like music to my ears. It made me forget that I’m currently on a very FAST roller coaster and I felt nothing at all. The only thing that I can see was Su’s face. Then only I realize the ride was already finished and we have to get off the roller coaster.

[End of POV]

[Junsu’s POV]

I’m satisfied. I get to ride the best roller coaster that I’ve ever tried! When the roller coaster was coming to stop, I unbuckled my seatbelts and getting ready to get off. But then I saw Jae’s not moving. I turned my face to look at him and caught that he was staring at me.

"Yah, Jae. We have to get off now."
"O-oh. Right."

He hurriedly unfastens his seatbelts, which he ends up messing it. I smiled as I took his hands away and unfastened his seatbelts myself. He stared at me as if I was stranger who did this for him. I looked up at him and smiled.

"See? It wasn’t so hard if you unfasten it slowly."

He nodded and without saying anything, he walks towards the exit. I sighed; wondering what I did to make Jae acting so weird.

I followed him silently until we passed by a gallery room. I read the sign board and it said that there was a camera that capture every passengers that ride on the roller coaster.

Curious on how Jae’s face would like when he was scared, I decided to see our picture and buy it. But now, I have to find good reason to go without Jae knowing that I’m going to buy the picture.

"J-Jae." Jae turned around and looks at me. "I-I’ve to go to the restroom. Can you wait here for me?"

Jae nodded and without waiting any longer, I hurriedly walk towards the gallery room.
I search for my and Jae’s picture. After I found what I was looking for, I was extremely shocked by the picture. It was me all right, but then what shocked me was Jae’s expression.

He didn’t screaming nor looked scared. His face was calm and heck, he was smiling! And then he wasn’t exactly looking in front, he was looking at his right side, which was my position.

I snapped out of my thoughts and proceed to the cashier to pay for the picture. Then, one picture caught my attention. I leaned in to get better view of the picture. I don’t know if I should be sad, shocked or surprised. I took the picture and proceed to the cashier to pay for the two pictures in my hand.

[End of POV]

[Jaejoong’s POV]

I looked around but didn’t see any sign of Junsu. When I was about to get up and search for him, I spotted him sitting under a tree with sad face. I walked closer to him and realize he was crying. I tapped his shoulder. He jumped a bit and turned his head to me. He wiped his tears away and pretends as if nothing happened.

"Oh, Jae. Sorry. I got kind of lost."

If Junsu didn’t want to tell me what makes him sad, then I won’t force him to say it. I smiled at him. "It’s okay. I was waiting for you though. Buy me ice cream to make up it to me?"

I pouted to make him laugh, and I’m glad I succeed. He pinched my cheeks and hugged me. I was kind of surprised by the hug, but nevertheless, I returned his hug.

"I’ll buy you lots and lots of ice cream."

I pulled away to see his grinning face. I smacked him playfully on his arm. "Yah! Are you mocking me? So what if I like ice cream so much? Huh?"

"Nothing. It’s just that you are so cute, Jae."

He stuck out his tongue at me and start running away. I sighed happily, thinking that I could bring that smile to his face, before running to chase him.

[End of POV]

The two of them decided to walk back home since the amusement park were not that far from their house and asked the driver to go home without them. After the car left, Jaejoong took a hold of Junsu’s hand and looked up to see shocked written all over Junsu’s face.

"Is it okay for me to hold your hand like this, Su-ah?"

Junsu nodded. Then they start walking.


Junsu didn’t turn his face to look at Jaejoong, instead he only hummed.

"It’s been a while since we walked back home like this, right?"

[Junsu’s POV]

He’s right. It’s been a while since me and Jae walk back home together while holding hands. Jae used to walk me back home while holding my hands. I used to like it very much. I like it when Jae was being so protective of me.



I turned my hand and look at him fidgeting on his seat. We’re on a bus on the way home.

"I-is it okay.. I-if I.. walk you home?"

Jaejoong was stuttered in his words. And I find it very cute. So I nodded as my answer to his question.

When the bus stopped on my station, I get up and readying myself to get off from the bus. When I turned my head, I found that Jaejoong was not following me.

"Jaejoong-shii.. Aren’t you going to walk me home?"I asked him and he immediately get up from his seat and stand beside me; allowing me to get off first and blocked the other people who were pushing around trying to get off from the bus. I smiled at the gesture.

The walked back home was really quiet. Jaejoong was walking beside me but he didn’t say anything. It’s been 2 months since we became friends, but I don’t know why Jaejoong hasn’t been comfortable around me yet.

Suddenly he stopped. And I did too; looking at him with confuse written all over my face.

"Do you mind.. if I hold your hand?"

I was indeed surprised by his request. He didn’t stutter at his words, but he still very careful in choosing his words; not to make me scared or anything.

I smiled at him and hold his hand; that makes him surprised to no end.

We kept the silence as we walk. But the difference this time is that we’re holding hands. And for me, I think this is a very comfortable silence.

As we reach my house, I stand near the gate. "This is my house. Thank you for sending me back, Jaejoong-shii."

"It was okay. Um.. Junsu-shii."

I was about to let go his hand, when he called me back and hold my hand again. "I-is it okay if I send you home from now on like just now?"

The words ‘like just now’ could probably meant me holding hands with him. And so I nodded.
"I’ll see you tomorrow, then.. Jae."

I smiled and left him standing outside my house, dumbfounded.

______________________________End of Flashback_______________________________

I snapped out my thoughts when I felt a pair of lips touching mine. I opened my eyes wide and I saw a very CLOSE version of Jae. My mind told me to push him away, but my heart told me to let him stay. I was battling with my heart and my mind. And the winner was; my mind.

[End of POV]

Junsu shoved Jaejoong away and Jaejoong fall on his butt. "W-why did you-?"

Jaejoong hung his head low, but still sitting on the ground.

After hearing Jaejoong muttering ‘sorry’, Junsu stormed out and run inside their house. Jaejoong muttered a few string of curses before following Junsu inside the house.


[Jaejoong’s POV]

I heard a knock on my door and without looking up I ask whoever outside the door to come in. The door opened slightly before closing again.

"Hyung. Look at me."

Sensing the seriousness in Min’s voice, I looked up and saw him staring sternly at me. I faked a cough and gestured him to sit in front of me. He did, but never taking his eyes off of me.

"So, what’s wrong?" I asked.

"No, I should ask you that. What’s wrong with YOU?"

I tried to look confuse; but I failed. Min saw right through me. So I just answered him with a small ‘nothing’ and then resumed what I was doing before Min came in.

Suddenly I saw a pair of hands on my documents and those pair of hands forced me to look up at his owner.

"Tell me. Or else I won’t let you go."

I sighed. I placed both of my hands on his hands and remove them from my swollen cheeks. I rub my cheeks lightly and turned to face him.

"Will you start talking?"

I nodded, giving in to Changmin. "Well, first let me ask you. How did you know that something was wrong with me?"

Changmin shrugged his shoulder and scoffed. "Simple. Because you were not paying attention to the meeting. So in the end, I was the one who make decisions."

"We had a meeting?"
"See! You don’t even know that we went on a meeting just now! God! This must be serious! Quick! Spill it to me."
"It’s about Junsu."
"What about him?"

And so I told him the rest of the story of what happened yesterday starting from the the night before, the breakfast, the amusement park and lastly..

"So in short; the night before you slept with him on the couch-"
"No! It was him slept on the couch. I was sleeping next to him on the floor, you smartass!"

Min only waved his hand in front of me; indicating he doesn’t care about the detail.

"And during the breakfast he asked you whether he can get to work here because he wanted to see his boyfriend so much and you stupidly agree with him-"
"I wasn’t stupid!"

Again, Changmin ignored me.

"During the day both of you were having fun in the amusement park and during the walk home you kissed him? Right?"

I snorted and rolled my eyes annoyingly at him. And that was he said SHORT. Whatever.

"I like the last part when you walk home with him and you KISSED him, though."

I widened my eyes at him and he looked at me. Grinning. I gave him a what-the-hell-was-that-supposed-to-mean? look.

"Well, you seem so stupid for never be able to convey your feelings to him, and I think this is a GREAT improvement."
"Whatever. Now, the problem is, Junsu seems to avoid me. I think he hates me."
"What makes you think so?"
"Let’s see. He woke up earlier than me. Then, when I was showering, he was already eating his breakfast. And when I enter the dining room, he told me that he had a meeting with his mother and had to rush out the house. It’s obvious that he hates me."

Min chuckled at me, and that make my anger boiled. And hey, who won’t get mad at this stupid cousin of mine who likes to laugh at others’ misery?

"Hyung.. I think you assume things too fast. Maybe he only needs time to calm down."
"You did KISSED him. Of course he’ll be surprised and all. Well, don’t you have the same reaction when someone kissed you out of the blue?"
"But Min.. we did kissed already. Don’t you remember? It was during the wedding."
"Well, that, was because he HAS to. Not because he WANTS to."

I think I get what Min’s trying to say. Junsu had to accept my kiss during the wedding was because IT WAS a wedding, where many people were watching us. So last night, when NO ONE was watching us, he didn’t want to accept it and had no reason to accept it.

"Min, I get your point. Now, please, can you leave me alone?"

Min got my hint and started to head for the door. Just as his hand was about turn the door knob, he turned his head my way.

"Oh, by the way, hyung. The model is coming next week and I guess you know who he is. Please treat him kind, all right?"

When I was about to ask ‘who’, Changmin already dashed out the door.

[End of POV]

[Junsu’s POV]

Will Jae be mad when he knows I avoid him? Meeting my mum, yeah right. I am sitting here in this boring café all by MYSELF. That lie was just to avoid him. But why am I feeling guilty?

No. I can’t feel guilty. He should. I mean, he was the one who kissed me. Not me kissing him. But come to think of it. His kiss is really gentle and sweet. Different from Yunho. Wait! Why am I comparing him with Yunho?

My phone rings and I reach my pocket to take it. "Yoboseyo?"

"Kim Junsu?"
"Who is this?"
"Yah! I asked you first! Is this Kim Junsu?!"
"Yah! I asked you who you are! You should answer that before I give you my answer!"
"Mianhae, Suie! This guy is really drunk!"
"Wait. Kibummie?"
"Yah. How can you forget my voice?"
"Haha. Not forget. Just.. not sure. So.. who was that just now?"
"Yah! How dare you forget me!"

I blinked. "Ow-kay.."

"Suie.. He’s Hyukkie. Eunhyuk. Remember?"
"Really?! Hyukkie?! Yah, Hyukkie! Of course I don’t forget you!"
"Yeah, right. You obviously forget me just now."
"I told you I don’t forget. Gee. Your voice changed, that’s why I don’t recognize you."
"Whatever. Are you free?"
"Meet us at K club. Now."
"Hey! I stopped being your slave a long time ago!"
"Haha. Nah, you’re still my slave. Now and forever. Now get moving."
"Okay. See you there."

I left a few notes on the table before rushing to take the taxi and heading to K club.

[End of POV]

Junsu arrived at in front of K club and he can hear loud banging sounds from inside the club. He got off from the taxi after paying the driver. Junsu never likes clubbing. He hates crowded places with loud sounds.

He enters the place with slow steps, worried if he walks fast he’ll fall down. That’s just how clumsy Junsu can get.

After seeing his friends at the corner of the club, he walks towards them, after bumping a few drunkards. Finally arrived at his friends’ seats, he sat down beside Kibum who he thinks still a bit sober. "Yah. Why are you drunk?"

Eunhyuk looked up at Junsu and talked in drunk voice. Smell of alcohol is all over his body. "Who? Me? Noo.. I’m not drunk.. I think you are, Junsu.."

Junsu turned at Kibum. "Bummie, why did you let him drink? You know that he has low tolerance of alcohol.."

"He insisted. He said that he wants to celebrate something, but then he didn’t tell me what it was."

Junsu turned to look at his drunken friend and sighed. "Yah! You ask me to come here, but now you’re drunk? Stop being stupid, Eunhyuk!"

The drunken latter suddenly slaps Junsu in the face and shocked both of his friends, especially Junsu. "Shut up! You don’t know anything, so SHUT UP!"

After yelling in front of Junsu’s face, Eunhyuk let his guard down and cried. Junsu and Kibum shocked and surprised by the sudden outburst and the mood change. Junsu wrapped his hand around Eunhyuk’s shoulder.

"Hey.. Hyukkie.. What’s wrong? You don’t mind to tell us, do you? We’re your friends. We’re old buddy, right?"

Eunhyuk finally calm down after a few minutes but still sobbing quietly, though you won’t hear it because of the club’s loud banging sounds.

"Mian.. Su.. Bummie.. I.. today I was.. Hae.. no, I mean.. Donghae.. he.. broke up with me."

A/N : Feel free to ask me if you're confused! ^^ Comments are HAPPINESS! :)

happiness, pairing: hosu, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, pairing: eunhae, fanfic

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