Letting Go (Epilogue)

Jun 19, 2010 20:03

Title : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, U2, KiMin, slight Yoosu
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I’ll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the characters above, except the plot. If there are any similarities, it's only coincidences.

Chapter 13


Jaejoong sat on the bench waiting for his love to come. From a distance, he could see his love ran towards him. He looked so gorgeous wearing a baby blue t-shirt with tight white pants complementing his adorable duck butt.

Jaejoong let out a chuckle as his love stopped in front of him panting because of running. He tried to catch his breath. He looked up when he heard a giggle from Jaejoong.

“Something’s funny?” He enquired with his arms crossing over his chest.

Jaejoong shook his head. He stood beside his lover and pecks his lips gently. “You’re gorgeous. I’m speechless.” Jaejoong smiled.

Junsu hit Jaejoong on his chest lightly. “Cheesy.” He blushed.

Jaejoong never get tired of wanting him. He hugged Junsu tight, surprising the younger man. Junsu relaxed into Jaejoong’s hug after some time and he returned the hug. “What’s wrong, Jae?”

Jaejoong shook his head but hug Junsu even tighter. Junsu could almost break within Jaejoong’s grasp, but he didn’t say anything. If this hug can make Jaejoong happy, then he’ll let Jaejoong hug him. No matter how hurt he is.

Jaejoong pulled away and stared into Junsu’s brown eyes. “I love you, Su.”

Junsu wanted to say that Jaejoong is being cheesy again, but he didn’t when he saw the seriousness in Jaejoong’s face and voice. He smiled from ear to ear. “I love you too.”

Jaejoong offered his hand at Junsu. “Shall we go now, princess?”

Junsu pouted and hit Jaejoong on his shoulder. “Yah, I’m a guy. I should be a prince.”

Jaejoong chuckled seeing how adorable his lover is. He pinched the cute chubby cheeks and kissed it after. “Okay, my prince. Shall we go to pick up our adorable little princess?” This time he offered his arm. Junsu smiled and linked his right arm with Jaejoong’s left and they leave the park smiling widely.


The kindergarten wasn’t a very big one, but not too small either. Junsu looked around for his angel but couldn’t find her anywhere. Jaejoong was waiting in the car. At first Jaejoong wanted to pick their angel up together with Junsu, but Junsu insisted that he can do it by himself.

Junsu saw the teacher and approached him. “Excuse me.”

The teacher turned at him and smiled. “Yes? Can I help you?”

Junsu nodded. “Do you know where Kim YoungMi is?”

The teacher asked his colleagues and he saw them shaking their heads. The teacher turned at Junsu again. “Sorry. We don’t know. But we’ll help you to find her. I’m sure she’s still around.”

Junsu nodded. “Thank you.” He said before running around again looking for his daughter.

He walked pass by a class and there’s sounds coming from inside. Junsu stopped his tracks and peek inside the room. His legs turned weak when he saw his daughter was there playing with a young boy.

He wanted to open the door, but they look so much fun playing with each other. So he just watched from behind the wall.

“MinMin, do you love your parents?” YoungMi’s little voice asked.

“Of course I do. If not because of them, where do you think we came from?” The little boy answered. Junsu could almost snorted hearing that boy’s answer.

“I love my parents too. But I especially love my mother.” YoungMi said. “My mother loves me so much too. I don’t want to see him sad.”

Junsu brought his hand in front of his mouth to prevent his sniffles to be heard by the two kids inside. Suddenly, someone stepped in front of him. He looked up with teary face. It was Jaejoong. Jaejoong pulled Junsu in his embrace and rubbed his back.

After Junsu calmed down, they decided to enter the class room. “Hey, angel.” Jaejoong said as he opened his arms wide to welcome his daughter. YoungMi ran to her father as soon as she saw him and hugged him tight. “Appa!”

Then she pulled away to stand in front of her mother. She pulled Junsu down to be the same level as she is, then she kissed him on both of his cheeks. She smiled at him. “I love you, umma.”

Junsu hugged the little angel in front of him and stroked her soft hair gently. “I love you too, YoungMi. I love you very much.”

Jaejoong smiled seeing mother and daughter interaction. He cleared his throat and pretending to sulk. “No one loves appa.” He said, faking sobs to give the effect.

Junsu rolled his eyes at his husband’s silly action, but YoungMi believed her appa. She pulled out from Junsu’s embrace and ran to her appa. “Appa! YoungMi loves you! Umma loves you too!”

Jaejoong laughed at his daughter cute behavior. He pinched her chubby cheek lightly. “Of course I know that! We’re a family, aren’t we? So we should love each other!”

YoungMi nodded at her father then she reached out for her mother. “Umma, you love appa, right?”

Junsu glanced at Jaejoong and blushed. Jaejoong smiled seeing the redness on Junsu’s cheeks. So he decided to answer instead. “You know, if your mother doesn’t love me, he wouldn’t be marrying me twice.”

YoungMi titled her head cutely. “Twice? But my teacher said people should only get married once.”

Jaejoong kissed his angel on her cheek and smiled. “We made a mistake in the past. But since we love each other too much, that’s why we’re married again.”

YoungMi tugged her father’s shirt hem. Jaejoong looked down at his angel. “Appa, tell me about your story with umma?”

Jaejoong ruffled his daughter hair before bent down to pick his little angel up in his arms. “I’ll tell you the details at home, darling.” He said while walking out of the class room with his baby.

Junsu widened his eyes. “No! Don’t tell her the details!” He turned at the young boy. “Aren’t you going home?”

The young boy shook his head. “My mom will come later.”

Junsu nodded and ruffled the little boy’s hair. “If so, don’t go anywhere and wait for your mom here, okay?”

After seeing the young boy nod his head, Junsu ran out to catch up with his husband and daughter.


“Tell me again why do we have to do this dinner party in our house?” Junsu grumpily asked as he chopped the meat with a butcher knife.

Jaejoong widened his eyes, scared with the knife Junsu’s holding. “Er.. because it’s our turn?”

Junsu glared at Jaejoong. “No. It’s because you lost the bet with that Changmin. Oh, I hate that cousin of mine so much!”

Jaejoong was having a hard time to even gulp down his saliva when Junsu gave him a death glare like that. He smiled nervously at Junsu and held his wife’s arm and rubbed it slowly. “Su.. I’m sorry. Don’t be mad at me, please?” Jaejoong pouted at Junsu.

Junsu looked over his shoulder, ignoring Jaejoong and called for his daughter when he heard the door bell rings. “YoungMi-ah, can you please help open the door for me?”

“Yes!” YoungMi shouted excitedly and head to the front door.

Junsu resumed chopping the meat in silence. Once in a while, he would steal a glance at Jaejoong who was busy pouting and setting the table on the same time. He wanted to chuckle seeing the adorable pout on his handsome husband’s face and kiss the pout away. But for now, he wanted to tease Jaejoong, so he pretended to be mad.


Junsu turned when his name being called and found Yunho and Yoochun standing by the kitchen’s doorway. Junsu put down all the utensils that he used when he cooks and wash his hands before walking at Yunho and hugged him tight. “Yunho-hyung! It’s been 3 years! How are you guys doing?” He smiled at Yunho and Yoochun.

Yunho and Yoochun moved away to start a new life. They lived in Busan. They said it was great to live there. Yoochun was a bit mad at Yunho when he found out that Yunho wasn’t actually had amnesia back then. But because Yoochun loves Yunho too much, he learns to forgive him.

“We’re doing great. How are you? And seriously, Junsu-ah, your YoungMi is just too cute!” Yunho squealed in happiness.

Junsu joined in squealing with Yunho. “I know right! My little angel is just too cute. But what about your son? You said you have a son, right? If I’m not mistaken, he’s a year younger than YoungMi?”

Yunho nodded. He called a boy from the living room and holds his hand to the kitchen. “Junsu, Jaejoong, meet our boy, Minho. Minho, this is uncle Jaejoong and aun-” Junsu cleared his throat. “I mean.. uncle Junsu.”

“Hello, uncles.” The little boy named Minho bowed down to the adults.

Junsu squatted down to be the same level as the boy and ruffled his hair. “Aren’t you the kid from YoungMi’s school?” Minho nodded. “Aigoo, you’re really smart boy.” Junsu chuckled.

Suddenly the front door opened and Changmin come barging in with Kibum following behind. “Hyuuung~! I’m here! Where’s my food?”

Junsu wanted to whack Changmin on the head, but he couldn’t because the kids are watching. He cleared his throat. “Okay, guys. Let’s go to the dining room, shall we? I’ll have the maid bring over the food for us.”


After dinner, Junsu tucked his daughter in to sleep and Minho too, in different room, of course. Junsu walked down the stairs when he heard Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Changmin and Kibum’s voices from the living room.

“So, there’s no possibility Junsu will get pregnant again?” Kibum asked.

Junsu stopped his tracks. Suddenly his heart beating so fast it could almost jumped off his chest.

“No, the doctors said his stomach was not strong enough to carry a baby again.” Jaejoong’s voice answered.

Junsu looked down to feet. It’s true. Ever since 5 years ago, after he succeeds giving birth to YoungMi and survived from the damn sickness, he wasn’t able to eat like a normal person.

Junsu scoffed. He could never be a normal person again.

“But I’m glad he survived.” Jaejoong said. “It’s okay if we can’t have a second child. Having Junsu and YoungMi in my life is the only thing I could ask for.”

Junsu smiled. He walked in to the living room and hugged Jaejoong from behind. “Having you as my husband is the only thing I could ask for too.”

Jaejoong smiled and pulled his wife to sit on his lap. “You were listening?”

Junsu wrapped his arm around Jaejoong’s neck and snuggled closer to him. “How can I not, when you talked so loud?”

Jaejoong brushed away the bangs that covering Junsu’s beautiful face. “Should I be sorry then?” Junsu giggled.

“Yah, save that for later after we all gone home. Geez. That’s why I should I separate you guys while I can.” Changmin said as he pouted and earned a light slap on his thigh by Kibum.

“Babo. We’ll be in a deep miserable situation if we ever try to separate them again. Don’t you remember last time when we did a prank on him? We have to face Junsu’s wrath for a week.” Yoochun said as he shuddered from the memory.

Junsu stuck out his tongue at Yoochun. “That’s what you get when you didn’t tell me the truth. I could almost ask for a divorce again when I heard from you two,” He pointed at Changmin and Yoochun. “that my husband was cheating on me.”

Jaejoong pouted at his wife. “That’s why you should believe me more than them. You know I would never cheat on you, Su.”

Junsu turned at his huband and smiled. He kissed the pout away. “I know. And I’m sorry for being a babo. I’ll believe you more than anyone, Jae.” Jaejoong smiled from ear to ear. “But, if I ever find out you’re cheating on me, you are so dead, Jae.” Junsu said while glaring at his husband.

Jaejoong gulped. “O-okay, sir.”

Junsu smiled widely as he snuggled on Jaejoong again. “I love you.”

Jaejoong smiled. “I love you too, Su. As long as I live, I’ll love you and never let you go again.”

And they know, no matter what they’ll face in the future, they won’t let go of each other anymore.

A/N : I really don't know what to write for an epilogue, so it turned out like this. I hope you still like it anyway. Comments equals to happiness! ^^

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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