Letting Go (13/13)

Jun 18, 2010 19:06

Title : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, U2, KiMin, slight Yoosu
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I’ll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the characters above, except the plot. If there are any similarities, it's only coincidences

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

“Waiting for someone, Junsu?”

Junsu was startled by the sudden voice coming from behind him. He turned around and smiled
nervously at Changmin and Kibum. He shook his head.

Then he saw Kibum was holding a lunch box, so he snatched it from Kibum’s hand. He grinned. “This is for me, right?” He said as he wriggled his eyebrows. He walked towards the couch in his room and sat on it. The couple followed suit.

Kibum and Changmin chuckled. Changmin ruffled Junsu’s hair. “Aish, I can’t believe you’re going to be a mother soon. You’re still a baby yourself!”

Junsu put aside the lunch box and pouted at Changmin. He points a finger at Changmin. “Yah! Don’t call someone a baby when you are one yourself!”

Kibum laughed at the two cousins’ interaction. He opened the lunch box and set it out in front of Junsu. Junsu widened his eyes. “Wah, all of them looks delicious!”

Changmin wrapped his arm around Kibum’s waist and brought the man closer to him. He smiled
proudly. “Of course. It’s my Bummie. You’re just jealous at me.” He stuck out his tongue at Junsu.

Junsu let out a ‘tsk’.

Kibum slapped Changmin’s hand lightly. “Stop teasing Junsu, Min. You’re so childish.” Kibum said as he started to feed the sick man. Junsu grinned mischievously at Changmin and gave him Huh-Look-Who-Wins-Now? look.

Changmin pouted and he stomped all the way out of the room.

Kibum and Junsu laughed at Changmin’s childishness. “I can’t believe he’s your lover, Kibum-ah.”

“I can’t believe he’s your cousin, either.” Kibum said. Then he put down the lunch box on his lap and looked down. “Junsu-ah.” He called out.

Junsu stopped laughing and turned at Kibum. “Yes?”

“Jaejoong-hyung.. is on a business trip now. For 3 weeks.”
“O-Oh. Why are you telling me?”
Kibum shrugged. “I just thought I should let you know.”

Junsu smiled lightly. “Thanks, Kibum. But.. it’s okay. You don’t have to let me know.”

“Junsu-ah. Do you know you’re so stupid?”
“I know.”
“Can you just tell him and-”
“And what? Let him feel sad if he knows I’ll die?”

Kibum sighed. “That’s not what I meant. You need him, Junsu-ah. He needs you too. Both of you are lovers. Husband and wife. Don’t you remember what did you vowed to him on your wedding day? In sickness and health. You forgot all of these?”

Junsu looked away. “Please, don’t talk about this anymore.”


Jaejoong walked in a circle for God knows how long. He pulled his hair out of frustration and cursed himself in his mind.

“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Why did I forget to tell that guy that I can’t be coming over to the hospital now that I’m on business trip?! God, I’m so stupid! I don’t know his name, moreover his number! Now how am I supposed to contact him?” He said to himself.

“Chill, Jaejoong. It’s not like you can’t meet him again.” HyunJoong said as he took a few sip from his drink. Jaejoong glared at him.

“Shut up if you can’t give me any solution.” Then Jaejoong went back to walk in a circle again while mumbling some incoherent things.

After some time, HyunJoong lose his patience seeing Jaejoong like a broken robot who kept on
repeating the same thing over and over again. He stood up and turned at Jaejoong. “Yah! If you really want to meet him that bad, why didn’t you go and meet him when we’re still in Korea?”

Jaejoong snapped. “I forgot, okay?! You know my brain never works well whenever I’m nervous!”

Hyunjoong can only sighed at his best friend. He walked towards Jaejoong and patted his shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s only 3 weeks. I’m sure he’ll still be there.”

Jaejoong looked up at Hyunjoong like a lost puppy. “What if he’s not?”

Hyunjoong shrugged. “Well, let’s just say that fate is not on your side? And also, what’s so special about that guy you met only once?” Hyunjoong asked as he walked out of the hotel room they’re staying at.

“Because.. my heart told me that he is.” Jaejoong mumbled quietly.


Junsu took out his diary and started to write on it again.

’31 January 2001,
Dear Jaejoongie,
How are you today? I heard from Kibum that you’re on business trip? So, where to this time, I wonder?
I hope you remember to eat. I know how you always forget to eat whenever you’re busy with work. I remember how I always forced you to bring me along whenever you’re on business trips. But now, there’s no more me beside you, Jaejoongie.
So, please, take care of yourself well, okay? I don’t want you to get sick. If you’re sick, who’s going to take care of YoungMi?
Oh, by the way, that guy who I told you last time, didn’t come again. I’m pretty sure he’s busy. I don’t know why, but even though I only talked to him once, I feel pretty attached to him. We didn’t even know each other’s name or faces, but we just clicked.
No, I don’t mean I have feelings for him or anything. My love is forever yours, Jaejoongie. What I meant is, maybe, just maybe because we’re some way in the same situation? He’s divorced and me too.
Jaejoongie-ah. Don’t forget to have your coffee before going into the meeting, because you’re always doze off every time during the meeting!
I love you and I’m sorry.’

He closed the book and smiled at it. He felt as if he’s writing a letter to Jaejoong, though he knows he’ll never send it to Jaejoong.


Jaejoong was having his morning coffee before going in for the meeting later. He chuckled as he remembered how angry Junsu was when he told him that he was almost fall asleep during a meeting.

Jaejoong looked at the seat beside him. There was no Junsu.

Usually, whenever he’s going for business trips, whenever he had his coffee, Junsu will be beside him. Reminding him things, cheering him up and most importantly, loving him.

But no. Junsu wasn’t beside him anymore.

Jaejoong was about to get up, when his phone suddenly rings. He put his coffee on the table and placed the phone on his right ear.

“Oh? Yoochun-ah. What’s wrong?”

“Jaejoong. Where are you?”

“I’m in Japan. I’m on business trip. Why?”

“You have to go back now.”

Jaejoong chuckled. “Yah. I told you I’m on business trip. Unless there’s something urgent, I can’t go-”

“It’s Junsu! He’s in labor now!”

Jaejoong dropped his phone.

After telling his secretary a quick message, he rushed out to the airport and took the flight back to where Junsu is.


“Where’s he? What’s wrong?” Jaejoong asked as soon as he arrived in the hospital. He saw Yoochun, Yunho, Changmin, Kibum and Junsu’s mother waiting in front of the room.

His flight took longer than he thought it’ll be. He rushed to the hospital as soon as he arrived in the airport. He didn’t care how messy he looks like. He just wanted to meet Junsu, his wife.

Yoochun looked away. Hearing it once was already hurting him, what about repeating the same
thing that he heard from Changmin to Jaejoong? It can really kill him. He took a deep breath and faced Jaejoong.

“Junsu is pregnant with your child and he has a stomach cancer. The doctor called Changmin and they said he’s giving birth today.”

Jaejoong stared at Yoochun like an idiot. Yoochun lose his cool as he stepped in front of Jaejoong and shook his shoulder. “Yah! Are you listening to me?!”

Tears poured out from Jaejoong’s eyes. “You lied, right? You’re lying, right? It can’t be. Not Junsu. Not my Junsu.”

“How many times do you want me to repeat it for you until you get it?! Junsu is in there, giving birth to your child!” Yoochun yelled in exasperation. Yunho came to Yoochun’s side to calm him down.

Jaejoong only stood dumbly and let his gaze fall on the floor. He was about to fall and hit his head on the floor when Changmin held him firmly to prevent him from falling.

The last thing he heard was his name being called by so many people before falling into unconciousness.


Jaejoong woke up abruptly and scanned the whole room. This is.. hospital room. What is he doing here? Is he sick? No, he can’t be sick.

He sighed and ran his fingers on hair. What happened? He couldn’t recall.

The door opened and Jaejoong turned to the door. He saw Sunny holding a baby. Whose baby? He wondered.

He was about to ask her when she held out the baby to him. He looked confused, but still accepted the baby. This little bundle of joy is so precious. He didn’t know whose child this is, but he held her with care. He cooed the baby and played with her small fingers.

He kissed the baby on her forehead.

“Her name is YoungMi.” Sunny whispered.

Jaejoong smiled at the baby. “Hi, YoungMi-ah. Nice to meet you.”

Sunny was covering her face with her hands to held back the tears that are ready to pour out of her eyes. “She’s.. She’s y-your daughter.” She said in between her sobs.

Jaejoong looked up. “My daughter? But..”

Sunny couldn’t hold back her tears anymore so she let them out freely. She smiled even though she was crying. “Junsu is alright. He’s okay.” Sunny said as she pointed to the bed beside Jaejoong, which was covered with the curtain. She opened the curtain. Jaejoong turned his head to the side, and there he saw Junsu, lying on his bed with a beautiful flawless face. Even though he was pale, but he was alive.

Jaejoong looked at YoungMi then held her tight. Jaejoong was crying too. “Thank you.. Junsu.. thank you for bringing such a precious gift in my life.. Thank God you’re safe, Su..” Jaejoong said while holding YoungMi tight as if he was talking to Junsu.

Then Jaejoong pulled away. “YoungMi-ah, I’m your appa. You are so lucky, because you have the
greatest umma in the world.”

Sunny smiled. She was happy for Jaejoong, Junsu and YoungMi. She turned her heels and was about to reached for the door knob when she stopped and turned at Jaejoong.

“Don’t forget to check Junsu’s bedside drawer later, yeah?” She winked and walked out of the room before Jaejoong had the chance to ask her why.


Junsu woke up with a major headache. He tried to sit upright, but his headache was killing him so he lied down again.

Then only he realized. He was still alive?

He glanced over the room. It’s still his hospital room, where he stayed for the past 2 months. Then he realized something is missing. His stomach is now flat. He was about to get up and searched for his baby, when someone opened the door.

“Oh, you’re awake?”

Junsu widened his eyes at the person in front of him. He must be dreaming. He was seeing a figure of Jaejoong with a baby covered in a pink cloth in his arms. But the dream felt so real. He pinched his thigh and let out a groan in pain after that.

Jaejoong immediately rushed to him and rubbed the spot where Junsu pinched himself earlier. “Why did you pinch yourself?” Jaejoong asked.

Junsu’s eyes started to moistened. He looked away to hide his embarrassing face. He never wanted to look weak in front of Jaejoong. Jaejoong saw this and turned Junsu’s head gently with his hand.

He smiled at Junsu.

“This is not a dream, Su.” Jaejoong said as he bent down and kissed Junsu on his forehead. Tears are flowing down Junsu’s cheek, but he didn’t care. Jaejoong pulled away and smiled gently at Junsu. “Do you want to meet our YoungMi?” He asked as he put the baby girl beside Junsu.

Junsu sobbed. He reached out for the baby’s small delicate hands. “You-YoungMi-ah..” He said. “Our YoungMi.. This is our YoungMi..” Junsu said in between his sobs.

Jaejoong nodded and couldn’t help but to cry with Junsu. “Yeah. This is our YoungMi, Su. Our daughter.” Jaejoong smiled lightly at Junsu. “Su.” He called out. Junsu turned to look at Jaejoong.

“Will you.. will you give us a chance, to start over again?”

Junsu smiled. He pulled Jaejoong to bend down and kissed him on the lips. It was their first kiss after so many months being separated. The kiss tasted like a strawberry. It was sweet.

They pulled away when YoungMi cried. Jaejoong immediately rock the baby back and forth and rubbed her back to calm her down. Junsu stared at the baby sadly. He wished to hold her, but he couldn’t. He’s not strong enough.

Jaejoong saw the sad look on Junsu’s face and kissed the latter on the cheek. “You’ll be able to hold her soon. Don’t worry. You're her umma, after all.”

Junsu was grateful at Jaejoong. Jaejoong understand him more than anyone in the world. He wished he can undo what he did in the past, his mistake for leaving Jaejoong. But what happened in the past, can’t be rewind. They just need to move on and walk side by side along with their daughter, YoungMi, from now on.


A/N : the end? there's still an epilogue though. ^^ comments are loved <3

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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