Letting Go (12/13)

Jun 17, 2010 23:05

Title : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, U2, KiMin, slight Yoosu
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I’ll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the characters above, except the plot. If there are any similarities, it’s only coincidences

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

“Oh, you’re here.”

Sunny glanced at the two men who just came out of Junsu’s room then she walked in. “Who were those men?” She asked Junsu.

Junsu smiled. “My cousin and his lover.”

Sunny nodded. She put the tray on Junsu’s lap. “Now, eat. After you finish, you should take your medicine.”

“Gee, you sound like a grandma.” Junsu pouted and unwillingly eat his lunch.

Sunny glared at him playfully. “Yah, if I’m a grandma, then what are you? Great-grandpa?” She said as she stuck out her tongue at Junsu.

Junsu ignored her as he continued eating. Suddenly he remembered something. “Sunny-ah, can you buy me a pen and a book?”

Sunny titled her head in confusion. “For what?”

“I can’t tell you. But, can you buy them for me?”

Sunny nodded. “Okay.” She said as she walked out of the room.

As soon as the door closed, Junsu sighed. He put down his spoon beside his plate and stared out of the window, looking at the clear blue sky.

“I wonder why I wanted to meet you so badly today, Jae.”


Jaejoong glanced at the book on his hand. It was dusty, because the owner never opened them for so long. He dusted off the book and opened it carefully.

‘Junsu’s Diary! If you’re not Junsu, then don’t open!’/

Jaejoong chuckled when he read the first two sentences. Then he continued.

‘This book was bought by my dearest, greatest, loveable, and amazing best friend in the world, Kim Jaejoong for my 16th birthday present.’

Jaejoong remembered. Ever since he knew Junsu, Junsu always likes to write. He wrote anything. Stories, dramas, essays, poems, practically anything. That’s why Jaejoong thought Junsu would like a diary for his 16th birthday present.

Jaejoong turned to the next page.

’16 December 1990,
Dear Joongie,
Sorry, I know I should call my book ‘My Diary’, but I really wanted to call you ‘My Joongie’ since this was a present from Jaejoong.
I wonder why Jaejoong gave you to me. I never write a diary before, but I will try, because Jaejoong gave you to me.
Jaejoong said I should write more about my life, rather than writing something like stories or dramas, because they’re only fictions.
So, I tried. I wanted to be myself inside this book, because it will only be me, who read this book.
Err, I guess that’s it for today? Bye!’

Jaejoong skipped a few pages until he came across his name in a big letter as the title.

’14 February 1993,
Omo. Omo. Omo!!!
Okay, I’m officially crazy right now, but who cares!! My crush had just confessed that he loves me!! Kyaaaa!
I need to go see a doctor now, or else I might pass out because of over-happiness!
Jaejooooongie, I love you sooooo much too! And yay! We’re officially a couple now! I can call my Jaejoongie as my BOYFRIEND now! Yay!
I’m going out for a date with my Jaejoongie! Bye!’

Jaejoong flipped to the next few pages.

’24 May 1995,
Dear Jaejoongie,
I know we just had a fight. This is our first REAL fight ever since we became a couple. That’s because you’re too stupid. Why did you have to look at other people when you have me, beside you?
Jaejoongie, you know that I love you, right? I know I’m a fool, but I just wanted to have you for myself. Sounds possessive? Well, wait until we get married. You will know how possessive I could get over you.
Jaejoongie, you’re my only one. My only love. The only person who have my heart, mind and soul. No matter what, I won’t let you go, Jaejoongie.
I love you, and I’m sorry. I will say it to you directly tomorrow.’

He closed the book and put it aside. Then, he reached out for another book. This one is not too dusty. He opened it.

‘Junsu’s diary no. 2! As usual, if you’re not Junsu, then don’t open and read! Sneaky Jaejoong! =_=’

Jaejoong smiled. He remembered Junsu was angry with him because Jaejoong secretly read his diary. Junsu was ignoring Jaejoong for a week.

‘Again, bought by Jaejoong. But this time, it’s for our anniversary gift. Can you believe? I’m married with Jaejoong for a year already!’

Jaejoong continued to flip the pages. Most of the first few pages are their honeymoon memories, their happy, sweet moments and some of them are their fights too. Then he came to the last page, he remembered the day was a few days before Junsu told Jaejoong that he wanted a divorce.

’29 June 2000,
Jaejoong, I’m sorry.’

That was it. Only three words. ‘Jaejoong, I’m sorry.’

What did Junsu trying to say? He’s sorry? For what?


Junsu smiled in satisfaction after he finished writing his new diary. He opened it to read it again.

‘Junsu’s diary no. 3! The only one, who can read this, is only Jaejoong.
This time, this book is not bought by Jaejoong, but my personal nurse. I hope I’ll still be here until you bought me my new diary, Jaejoongie.’

He flipped to the next page.

‘7 January 2001,
Dear Jaejoongie,
It’s only a week since New Year, and yet, I don’t feel anything different. Jaejoongie, how are you today? Did you celebrate your New Year alone? I did, but I wasn’t really alone, since YoungMi is here with me. Oh right, YoungMi is our girl’s name. Can you believe it? We’re going to have a girl, like what you’ve always wanted.
Yesterday, I talked to a guy. I don’t know what his name is, but I really pitied him. He divorced with his wife, though he still loves him. I guess his wife is a stupid one?
Oh well, I guess his wife is just like me. I’m really stupid too, for leaving you.
It’s been 7 months since I last saw you. Did you eat well? Did you clean your house? Did you ask someone to iron your shirt, because you can never iron your shirt properly?
Joongie, I missed you so much today. I love you and I’m sorry.’

Junsu smiled lightly. He closed the book and put it on his bedside drawer.


“Aren’t you going to end this soon?”


Heechul chuckled as he sat on the bed beside Yunho. “I saw how your expression changed when you saw him trembling. You wanted to hug him right? That’s why you should stop this now.”

Yunho grabbed Heechul’s front shirt and glared at him. “If you still want to be considered as my friend, shut the hell up.” After he said that, he let go of Heechul.

Heechul smirked. “If you don’t want to end this, then maybe I should take some advantage on you.”

Yunho turned at Heechul. “What the hell are you sayi-”

He was cut off when Heechul suddenly slammed his lips onto him and forcefully kissed him. They were so into the kiss until they didn’t hear that someone opened the door and was marched at Heechul.

Yoochun punched Heechul hard on his face until Heechul’s corner lips bleeds. Yoochun send Heechul a death glare. “Don’t ever fucking touch my wife again!” He said, emphasizing the words ‘my wife’.

Heechul smirked as he wipes away the blood with his thumb. He got up and walked out the room without saying anything.

Yoochun turned to Yunho who was still frozen because of the sudden event happening in front of him. “Yunnie? Are you okay?” Yoochun asked, concerned.

Yunho looked up and he saw a very worried Yoochun in front of him. For a moment, he was melt into those loving gaze that Yoochun gave him. He was about to reach for Yoochun, but stopped when he realized that he wasn’t supposed to do that.

He glared at Yoochun. “Don’t pretend to be nice and concerned about me.” He said coldly. He turned his face to the side. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Yoochun was sad, but he pretend that he didn’t care.

“Yunnie..” Yoochun tried. “Give me a chance to fix all my mistakes, okay?” Yoochun reached out for Yunho and was about to hug him when Yunho slapped his hands away.

Yunho stared at Yoochun coldly. He scoffed. “A chance? Then what the fuck you call all those times I wait for you? Huh?! Wasn’t that a chance?!”

Yoochun widened his eyes. “Yo-you remember..?”

Yunho cursed himself for revealing his secret. Then he gave Yoochun a challenging look. “So what?”

Yoochun couldn’t hold back his tears anymore and he let it out freely. He covered his mouth with his palm and sobbed. “I-I’m glad, Yunnie. I’m glad you remember.”

Yunho tried to convince himself that Yoochun was just acting. But seeing how broken Yoochun looks, he couldn’t deny that Yoochun wasn’t acting. It was real. This man in front of him was really Yoochun. Yoochun, who never cries for anyone, cried in front of him.

Yoochun pulled Yunho into his embrace and hug him tight. Yunho struggled, but that will only make Yoochun tighten his embrace.

After some time, Yunho lessen his struggle and only hit Yoochun’s chest. He sobbed. “I hate you. I hate you so much.”

Slowly, Yoochun stroked Yunho’s hair. “But I love you, Yunnie. I love you so much.”

Then, he leaned in and captured Yunho’s lips with his. Their kiss was gentle and sweet. It was their first real kiss ever since they’re married. But the kiss turned into a passionate one. Yunho’s hand made its way to Yoochun’s nape, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.

They pulled away when they feel the need of air. They panted and both of their faces are red. Yoochun smiled and caressed his wife’s cheek and kissed it softly. “I love you, Yunnie-ah.”

Yunho nodded and hide his face on Yoochun’s chest. “I love you too, Chunnie. Promise me you won’t leave me?”

Yoochun nodded and smiled. He played with Yunho’s soft locks. “I won’t let you go again. I promise.”



Junsu was startled when he heard someone called him. He slowly turned around, with the help of Sunny. He widened his eyes at the person in front of him.

“Yunho-hyung!” Junsu wanted to run and hug him, but he can’t. Blame his big stomach and his sickness.

Yunho rushed to him and smiled sadly. “Junsu-ah. How are you?”

Junsu smiled. “I’m fine. Oh, hyung, what are you doing here?”

“I was staying in this hospital for a month or so.”

“Really?! Why?!” Junsu widened his eyes. “Are you sick? What? Yunho-hyung, tell me! I’m worried!”

Yunho chuckled as he ruffled Junsu’s hair like a big brother would do to his younger brother. “Aigoo, this kid. You should worry about yourself first before worrying about others! I’m fine, really. It was actually really stupid of me staying in this hospital, though I can actually go home after 2 or 3 days. That’s why today I’m finally out from this hospital.” Yunho smiled at Junsu. “How about this little one?” He asked pointing at Junsu’s stomach.

Junsu smiled ear to ear. “She’s doing well. I gave her name already. It’s YoungMi.”

Yunho nodded. “YoungMi? It’s beautiful. I’m sure she’s going to beautiful just like you, Junsu-ah.”

Junsu smiled shyly. “Thanks, hyung. Oh, are you here alone?”

Yunho shook his head. “Nope. I’m with Chunnie.”

Junsu grinned. “So you guys are okay now, right?”

Yunho blushed. He nodded shyly. “Thanks to you, I guess.”

“I’m glad.” Junsu smiled.


“Who was that?” Sunny enquired as soon as they arrived in Junsu’s room. She helped Junsu to sit on his bed before settling herself beside Junsu’s bed.

“Who?” Junsu asked.

“That guy you met just now.”

“Ah. That guy is some-what my brother-in-law.” Junsu smiled.

“Some-what? Why?”

“Well, he’s my some-what brother’s wife, so he’s my some-what brother-in-law.” Junsu chuckled when he remembered about the guy who told him that. Why did that guy not visiting him today? Didn’t he say he’ll visit him? Or maybe he’s busy?

“Oh, Junsu-ah.”

Junsu turned to Sunny. “Yeah?”

“I talked to the doctor just now, and he said there’s a possibility.. that you will give birth earlier than it supposed to be.”

“What? Why?”

Sunny was fidgeting on her seat. She didn’t know how to tell Junsu the truth. “You know that your condition isn’t the best, so..”

“I understand.” Junsu answered short. He couldn’t argue with it more. Because it was the truth. His condition isn’t the best. He knew he’s putting his life on the line by having this baby, but for him, it’s worth it.

No matter what, he just wanted YoungMi to be safely born into this world.


A/N : Comments are loved :D

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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