Letting Go (11/13)

Jun 16, 2010 21:33

TItle : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, 2U, KiMin, slight YooSu
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the character above except the plot. If there're any similarities, it's only a coincidences.

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Jaejoong stood in front of room 3315 and stared at the door hard. He wanted to open it, but he was scared. He didn’t know why he was scared. He knows he was curious. After what Sunny told him, curiosity got into him. He wanted to talk to this man.

Unknowingly, he knocked on the door.

“Yes?” A raspy voice answered from inside. For a second, Jaejoong regretted he knocked on the door. He cleared his throat.

“Um, sorry, I knocked on the wrong door.”

He was about to turned to walk away, when a voice called out to him again. “Can you come in here?” Jaejoong stopped and turned to the door again. He opened the door and walked in. He saw a silhouette of a figure lied on the bed, but he couldn’t see his face because of the curtain surrounded his bed.

“Are you here for someone?” That voice asked.

Jaejoong nodded. He then realized that person couldn’t see him, so he replied. “Yeah. My some-what friend.”

The person chuckled. “Some-what? Why?”

Somehow, for Jaejoong, that chuckle sounds like music to his ear. He wanted to hear it more. “Well, he’s my some-what friend’s wife. So yeah, it’s some-what friend.”

He giggled. Oh, how Jaejoong wanted to record the sound. “What a complicated relationship you have there.”

Jaejoong chuckled. “Oh, how are you?”

That person stopped giggling and somehow the atmosphere turned tense. Jaejoong regretted asking ‘how are you?’ to a sick person.

“I’m fine.” He answered. Then he rubbed his tummy. “I hope YoungMi comes out soon so that I can give her to her father.”

Jaejoong frowned. This person looks so fragile. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to protect him. “YoungMi?”

“My baby. It’s a girl.” He said as he smiled. Jaejoong couldn’t see him smiling, but somehow, Jaejoong knew he was smiling.

“A girl? Congratulations.”

Jaejoong sighed. “I’ve always wanted to have a baby girl with my wife.” There’s a hurt in his voice.

“Your wife is having a boy?” The person asked.

Jaejoong shook his head as he ran his finger on his hair. “No. My wife isn’t with me anymore.”

“Sorry.” That person muttered quietly.

Jaejoong chuckled. “No, my wife isn’t dead. What I mean is, we divorced.”

“But you’re still in love with your wife, right?”

Jaejoong smiled. “I will always love him. Somehow, my life is so complicated.”

The person chuckled. “Yeah. Life is so complicated.”

Suddenly, Jaejoong’s phone vibrated. There’s an incoming message.
‘Hyung! Yoochun-hyung and Yunho-hyung are arguing! Where are you? Hurry come! - Changmin.’
Jaejoong sighed. He cleared his throat. “Um, sorry, but I have to go.”

“It’s okay. Thank you for talking with me. It’s a bit bored staying in the hospital alone.”

Jaejoong thought for a moment. “Do you want me to come and visit you again?” He paused. “I-if you don’t mind, of course.”

The person giggled. “Of course I would be glad having you as a company. Thank you.”

Jaejoong walked out of the room after muttering ‘bye’.


Jaejoong pulled his hair in frustration. He just remembered that he forgot to ask that guy’s name! How stupid could he get?

“Ah, but I can ask him tomorrow.” He said, smiling to himself.

He opened the door and groaned. It’s been like this for a whole month. Yoochun and Yunho are arguing again, though mostly, it was Yunho who yelled here and there like a crazy person.

“Chullie-ah! You’re my boyfriend, right?” Yunho asked sweetly. The audience (Changmin, Kibum and Jaejoong) could almost puke hearing that sickly sweet voice.

“Yunho-ah, please? Can you try to remember me? I’m your husband, Yunnie.” Yoochun plead.

Yunho glared at him. “Can you just not to disturb my sweet moment with Chullie? And puh-lease. Don’t call me ‘Yunnie’. The only person who can call me that is my lover.” Yunho said. He was actually feeling happy when Yoochun call him ‘Yunnie’. He wanted to test if Yoochun is stubborn enough and keep calling him ‘Yunnie’. And maybe that way, he can forgive Yoochun sooner?

Unconciously, he let out a giggle. Then, he realized he was in a situation where a person should not giggle. So, he cleared his throat and turned at Heechul.

“Chullie-ah. You want me to feed you?” Yunho asked. Heechul smiled and nodded.

Immediately, Yunho brought the spoon in front of Heechul’s mouth. Heechul was about to welcome the spoon into his mouth when Yoochun pushed the spoon away. Yunho blinked and glared at Yoochun.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Yunho yelled. He was surprised when he saw blood-shot eyes on Yoochun’s eyes. Yoochun was trembling. His face was red from anger, and yet, Yoochun never yelled at Yunho. Not once ever since Yunho was admitted into the hospital.

Yunho really wanted to say ‘game over’ to this revenge thing he was plotting. But he was scared and insecure. What if, if he accepts Yoochun now, will Yoochun really love him and not leave him ever again? What if Yoochun leave him? What if.. these are all are dreams?

“Leave me alone.” Yunho said.

And so, all of them left the room quietly.


“I can’t give up.” Yoochun said with a determination in his voice.

They’re now sitting inside the hospital cafeteria waiting for Kibum and Changmin. They said they need to go somewhere, so Yoochun and Jaejoong decided to have a talk in the cafeteria.

Jaejoong sighed. “I know. But don’t you think Yunho is a bit too much?” He said as he stirred the coffee in front of him.

“That wasn’t even half of what I did to him in the past. Somehow, I think Yunho is holding himself back. There’s a possibility he will remember me.”

Jaejoong didn’t say anything. He knew, no matter what he say, Yoochun wouldn’t listen. He couldn’t believe he was actually getting along with this guy.

“Oh, Jaejoong-ah. Any news from Junsu?” Yoochun asked.

Jaejoong shook his head. “No. You can’t call him?”

Yoochun sighed. “I think he changed his number. I can’t get through to him.”

Jaejoong nodded. “Maybe.. maybe Junsu doesn’t want to be found.”


Jaejoong smiled. “If he doesn’t want to be found, then I won’t search for him.”

“But, Jaejoong-ah..”

“Instead, I will wait for him. No matter how long.”


“Aigoo, YoungMi-ah! I’m sure you’re going to be as cute as your umma here!” Kibum exclaimed as he talks to Junsu’s tummy. Junsu smiled hearing that. Then, Kibum looked up at Junsu. “How many months already?”

Junsu put his finger on his chin. “Um, I guess it was 6 to 7 months?”

Kibum grinned. “She’ll come out soon! Aigoo, Minnie-ah! We should buy baby accessories and the bed and this and that.” Kibum said to Changmin. Changmin could only face palmed himself seeing his lover.

Junsu chuckled at the couple in front of him.

Suddenly, Changmin’s phone rings so he turned to the corner to answer it. “Oh, Jaejoong-hyung.”

Junsu’s heart skipped a beat when he heard the name that belongs to his ex-husband.

“Oh, ok. I get it. We’ll be there soon. Yah! Don’t leave us! I didn’t bring my car, how are we supposed to go back?” Changmin whined on the phone at Jaejoong.

Junsu chuckled remembering when Changmin always came to their house and asked Jaejoong to cook him foods.


“Aaah, Jaejoong-hyung. Please? Please?” Changmin whined at Jaejoong, giving him his best puppy eyes and pout.

Jaejoong chuckled as he ruffled the younger man’s hair. “Ok, I’ll make it for you. But promise me, you won’t tell my Su, okay?”

Changmin nodded furiously as he grinned and wait on the dining table like a good puppy.

Junsu who was hiding behind the wall and heard the whole conversation, smiled. He wished they can live like this forever.

___________________________________End of Flashback_________________________________


Junsu snapped of his thoughts and blinked. Why did he have to remember all those moments again? He turned at Changmin and Kibum who gave him a worried look.

“Are you okay?” Changmin asked.

Junsu smiled and nodded. “Yeah.”

Changmin looked reluctant on telling Junsu, but he did anyway. “It was Jaejoong-hyung.”

“O-oh.” Junsu cursed himself for stuttering.

“We have to go back soon.” Changmin said.

Junsu nodded. “Okay.”

The atmosphere became awkward after the phone call. Kibum cleared his throat. He reached out to caress Junsu’s face. “We’ll come back again tomorrow, okay?”

Junsu nodded. “Okay.”


The ride home was awkward. Usually, Changmin and Kibum would be bickering with each other or Changmin would disturb Jaejoong. But none.
Nothing happened. They only sit quietly without talking.

Getting pissed off with the silence, Jaejoong decided to break it. "I met a guy this afternoon."

Changmin and Kibum looked up at Jaejoong who was focused in driving. "A guy?" Changmin asked.

Jaejoong nodded without turning his head to them. "He's a patient. He stayed in 3315."

Kibum thought for a moment. 3315? "Wasn't that Junsu's room? Jaejoong-hyung has met Junsu?" Kibum whispered to Changmin. Changmin shrugged.

"So, what about that guy?" Changmin asked.

"I pitied him. He was pregnant and yet, his husband wasn't there with him. If he was Junsu, I will never leave him alone. Not even for a second."

But it WAS Junsu! Changmin wanted to scream out loud.

"Then don't leave him, hyung." Kibum said.

"I said don't leave him. You may not know who he is, but seeing a person like that, don't leave him. Not even for a second." Kibum said. He wanted to tell Jaejoong that it was Junsu. But, even though he never promised Junsu that he won't tell Jaejoong, he respected Junsu. This matter, he thinks it was wise if it was Junsu who told Jaejoong himself.

Jaejoong nodded. "I won't leave him, Kibum-ah. Don't worry. What are you getting so worked up for?" He chuckled.

Kibum sighed. "Because it was Junsu." He muttered quietly.


A/N : I think it's going to end soon! A chapter or two. Comments are loved~! ^^

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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