Happiness (3/?)

Jun 09, 2010 01:24

Title : Happiness
Author :  hime_lian92 
Pairings : JaeSu (main), HoSu
Length : Chaptered
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance, Angst
Warning : Unbeta-ed, grammar mistakes and typos, cross-dressing
Summary : Junsu and Jaejoong are best friend. What will happen when Junsu married Jaejoong when he's currently being Yunho's boyfriend?
Disclaimer : I own everything, except the boys.

[Junsu’s POV]

Our car stopped at a very huge mansion, twice as mine, which I guess it’s Jae’s own house. Jae came out of the car and then came towards my side to help me out. He smiled at me when he offered me his hand, but I pretend not to see. I got out quickly and Jae follows me from behind. Then, I stopped in front of the door, waiting for Jae. I looked back, but I saw no one. I’m begun to feel scared. Can it be that Jae left me alone, here, in this huge mansion?


I tried calling for him as I went back to his car. I tried looking around, but I can’t find him. When I turned around, I was really shocked when I found Jae’s in front of me, and his face is just an inch from mine. I stepped back a little while holding onto my chest right where my heart is.

"Jae! Don’t scare me like that!" I exclaimed. My heart quickened its beating pace and I feel so hard to breathe.

Jae smiled at me, and then he walked closer to me, trapping me within the car and himself. "At least, you just showed me an expression other than sad, Su."

I felt guilty when he said that. But, what can I do? I don’t love him. This marriage is an forced one, not because I wanted to. I wanted to get married to the person that I love and our feelings are mutual.

"Jae, let’s go in. This dress is really annoying. I wanted to change to normal clothes." I said that as I pushed his body slightly with my hands. He moved a bit, giving me space to move.

"Then, go first. Go ask the maid where your bedroom is. I’ll follow you later."

I nodded and start walking towards the door, leaving Jae.

[End of POV]

[Jaejoong’s POV]

As I watched Junsu walking towards the door, I stared at his retreating back. His body in a wedding dress is really amazing. It fits him well. Without my permission, my tears suddenly flowing out of my eyes. I cried.

"Su-ah, why can’t you see my feelings? Don’t you ever see anyone beside Yunho? I love you, Su. I will always love you."
Then, I wiped my tears with my shirt sleeve and head towards the door.

[End of POV]

Jaejoong went into the house and saw Junsu already sitting on the couch in the living room, with his normal clothes watching TV. Seeing Junsu didn’t turn around when he closed the front door, he assumed that Junsu didn’t know it was him. So Jaejoong walked directly to his room, not knowing that Junsu was actually listened to every step Jaejoong took. After he heard a soft click from Jaejoong’s room, he looked back to where Jaejoong was standing when he looked at Junsu. He sighed. Then, he turned his attention to his phone in his hand.

[Junsu’s POV]

He still hasn’t reply my messages.. Is he that busy?

While I’m still wondering what’s the reason for my boyfriend not replying my messages, I heard the bell ring. When the maid wanted to open the door, I asked him to go back to his work and I walked towards the door.

I opened the door to see someone who I haven’t see for many years.

I exclaimed. "C-Changmin!"

"Ah! Junsu-hyung! Long time no see! How are you?"

Changmin jumped on me and hugged me really tight. When I felt that I'm almost out of breath, I quickly pushed him off. "Yah! You want to kill me?!"

Changmin smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, hyung. I’m just really happy to meet you! It’s been so long!"

"Yeah, right. The reason why we lost contact was because you lost my number, isn’t it?"

Changmin rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Aish, okay! It’s my fault! I’m sorry! Oh, anyway, don’t you want to invite me in, hyung?"

I was speechless for a second there. That’s right, since I’m married to Jae, that’s mean, this is my house too. So, I can invite whoever I want, right?

"S-Sure. Come in, Minnie-ah. I’ll go get you something to drink. What do you want?" I said as turned to close the door before following Changmin to the living room.

Changmin smiled at me. "Anything is okay. Oh, and hyung.." He called me back.

I turned around to face Changmin. "Yes?"

"Congratulations on your marriage. I’m happy to know that you guys married to each other."

When I was about to ask Changmin what he meant by that, Jae came walking down the stairs, surprising the both of us.

"Ah! Changmin. You’re here. Su, can you ask the maid to make some drink? Tell them to bring it to my office."

"O-okay. I’ll go tell them. Um, Jae-h-hyung.. Can I go to my friend’s house later?"

Jae was quiet for a while, then he turned, so that his back was facing me. "Yeah, sure. But don’t be back too late. And be careful." He muttered quietly, I almost couldn't catch them.


Then, I go to the kitchen.

[End of POV]

[Jae’s POV]

I sit down on my chair as soon as we entered the office. I massaged my temple because of a sudden headache. Changmin sat on the couch in front of me.

"Hyung, are you alright?"

I looked up to see Changmin frowning at me. I smiled at him to make him sure that I’m okay. "Yes, I’m okay, Min. So what are you here for?"
He sighed. He knows how I’m feeling right now because he’s the only one who knows my one-sided love to Junsu.

"Stop pretending in front of me, will you? I may not be the best advisor in love-life, but at least I can lend an ear to listen to you."

I smiled. He knows me too well. I stood up and walked towards the window. I look outside and saw Junsu’s walking to the front gate. There’s someone waiting for him and I know it’s none other than Yunho, my best friend and his boyfriend.


I turned my attention to Changmin and smile sadly. "No, I’m not okay, at all, Min. I’m hurt. I’m distressed. I should be happy, right? Because I’m finally married to Junsu, my love. But why do I feel this is useless and I don’t feel happiness at all?"


I quickly cut him off. "Min, he’s my everything. My love, my soul and my heart. You know that, right? But he doesn’t even realize that."

Changmin hurried and take me into his embrace. He patted my back as I cried on his shoulder. "I know you’ve loved him since college, hyung. I’m the only one who knows. Junsu-hyung is only plain dense because he never realized the love that you have for him, hyung."

I pushed Changmin slightly and calm myself down. I held onto his arms and sighed. "Min, I’ve decided to let Junsu date Yunho."

He widened his eyes and shouted right in front of my face. "Hyung! Are you crazy?! How could you let your wife date his boyfriend, when he’s legally your wife!! Are you insane?! You should ask him to break up with Yunho, not the other way around!!"

I held Changmin’s arms once again, to prevent him from going out of control. "Minnie-ah, I know. I’m a fool. I should’ve do that, but I can’t. He was forced to marry me, and that’s enough for me. I don’t want to take away his happiness."

"What? You think Yunho is HIS happiness?"

I nodded. Then, I walked away and sit on the couch Changmin sat a few minutes ago. "He loves Yunho, not me. I love him, so I’m happy as long as he is."

Changmin turned his back at me. "Whatever, Jae. Whatever."

He’s mad, I know. Minnie only calls me ‘Jae’ when he’s really mad at me. But then, I can’t do what he wants me to do. It’ll be just too cruel for Junsu if I asked him to break up with his boyfriend.

"Ah, Minnie.. Why did you come here for?" I asked to make the atmosphere less tense.

Changmin turned at me, but the frown still appear on his handsome face. "You don’t want me to be here?"

I shook my head. "It’s not that. It’s just.. I’m not really in the mood of cooking.."

"No, I don’t come here today for eating. I came to give you this." He said as he gave me an envelope written my name and Junsu's on it.

"What’s this?"
"Your wedding present."
"Ah, you don’t have t-"

I was speechless when I opened the present Changmin had given me. It was a two person honeymoon tickets to Paris. "Min.. I-"

"Hyung, tell you the truth. You are the BEST hyung I know and I love you like my own brother. Even though we’re only cousins, but for me, we’re more than that. Your pain is my pain. Your happiness is mine too. So, please, just accept this gift. Consider this as your payment of working hard too much for the company. Hm?"

I feel touched when I heard Minnie’s speech. I immediately hugged him again. I don’t care how tight I hugged him, because I love him so much. Yes, he’s right. We’re more than cousins.

When he heard I’m sobbing on his broad chest, he pulled away and wiped my tears with his thumb. "Yah! Why do you cry so much today? Hmm? Has THE GREAT Kim Jaejoong turned into a crybaby now?"

I smacked his arm playfully as I glared at him. He just laughed to my actions. Then, he ruffled my hair as if I’m younger than him.

"Minnie-ah." I called him and he stopped laughing and focused on me. "Thank you. Thank you for everything."

Changmin smiled and ruffled my hair, again. "Your welcome, my dear hyung. Just promised me that you’ll have fun during your honeymoon."

I nodded. Then, he got up from the couch and I followed him. Somehow, I wanted to repay Changmin’s kindness. And I know how to do that.

"Min, do you want to stay for dinner?"
"Did you say dinner?"

I can literally see sparkles in his eyes when he heard words relating to food. I laughed and nodded.

"Of course I will! Do you think I’ll just let your cooking pass?! No way! No!"

I laughed at his childish behavior. He still hasn’t changed. Even though he’s already 21 years old, yet, he’s still acting like a kid, especially around FOOD.

[End of POV]


"Yunnie.. Are you listening to me?"

Yunho snapped out of his thoughts and look at Junsu’s worried face. "Ah, sorry, babe. I was just thinking about something. What did you say just now?"

Junsu sighed for the nth time. Yunho has lost in his own world ever since they stepped into his car, and Junsu really don’t like this side of his boyfriend.

"What is on your mind right now, Yunnie?"

Yunho stiffened at Junsu’s sudden question, but he kept his face calm as not to make Junsu suspicious. "I was.. thinking about you, Su."

"Why would you thinking about me when I’m here beside you and you’re ignoring me because you’re thinking about me? Yeah, right. You think I’ll believe that?"

[Yunho’s POV]

No, I can’t tell about him to Junsu. Aish, that stupid guy! Why would I think about him, now when I’m with my beloved boyfriend?!

I hold Junsu’s hand with my right hand and caress his cheek with my other hand. "I’m sorry, Su. I was just thinking about some stuff in the office. A lot of problem has occurred and even me has to work something out to fix it. I’m sure Jae-hyung will get restless nights because of it."

[End of POV]

[Junsu’s POV]

I stiffened at the mentioned of my hy-no, I mean my husband. I quickly look out the window. Then, I turned my head to face Yunnie again.

"Yunnie, do you love me?"

Yunnie smiled at me and kissed my lips. His kiss was different with Jae’s. Jae’s kiss is more sweet and gentle. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head.

"Does that answer your question, Su?"

I pouted. What I really want to hear was the words. "Say it. Say it like you really mean it."

"I love you, Su. I love my baby Su really much!"

I smiled in satisfaction, and then I hugged him tight. I whispered in his ears. "Then, I’m relieved. What I’m doing now is right after all. I love you too, Yunnie."

[End of POV]

[Jaejoong’s POV]

"Then, hyung.. I’ll see you in the office tomorrow."

"Okay. And um.. Min.." He turned and faces me again. "Thank you so much for everything."

He smiled and patted my shoulder. "I should thank you for the excellent dinner."

I smiled. When Min was about to open the door, I grabbed his wrist and he turned around, again.

"What is it now, hyung?"

He looked a bit annoyed, but I ignored it. I leaned in and whisper in his ear. "Go for it for that Kibum guy."

Suddenly Minnie pushed me off and I stumbled backwards. I looked up and see his red tomato face.

"Yah, hyung! What are you talking about?!"

I smirked because I know he’s embarrassed, and I love to tease this guy. "You can hide it from him, but you can’t hide it from me, my dear cousin."

"Whatever! I’m going home!"

He stomped out the door and slammed the door hard, which I’m afraid it’ll break soon. But who cares, I can just buy a new door anyway. I smiled, and then I walked back to my office to get my work done.

[End of POV]


[Junsu’s POV]

I opened the door slowly and I saw the maid bow at me. So, I bowed back at him and told him that he can go back to his room. I walked pass the living room and saw the clock. It’s already 2 a.m. Jae must be sleeping by now.

Because the house is just simply TOO big for me, I got lost easily. I walked and walked through the hallway, and I saw a room with lights on. So, I figured that that room is MY room, since I forgot where my room is. I opened it and I walked in. Then only I realized it’s not my room, instead it’s an office. When I was about to walked out the door, I saw something or rather someone from the corner of my eyes.

I stepped closer to the figure and I realized it was Jae. Jae is sleeping on his desk. His paper is scattered around the table. He must’ve been tired. Then, I remember Yunnie’s words.

'I’m sure Jae-hyung will get restless nights because of it.'

"Mianhae, Jae."

I walked to the closet and I take a blanket. Then, I cover Jae with it. Suddenly, I felt the urge to kiss him good night. But, I held back myself from doing so.

I went back to my own room after asking the direction from the maid.

[End of POV]

[Jae’s POV]

Break out Break o-

"Yah! Are you crazy?! Why do you have to call me so early?!" I shouted at Changmin (on the phone, of course), and I know it’s him because I put personal ringtone on everyone that I love. And Changmin, is one of them.

"Yah, hyung! Have you look at the clock yet? And do you mind to tell me what time is it NOW?!"

I glanced at the clock on my computer screen and I gulped down nervously. "Um.. now is.. 12 pm.."

"And 12 pm is early for you?! God, I wonder what this company will be with you as the CEO."

I could hear Changmin sighed from the other line. "Yah! I’m not that incapable! I was just kind of.. overslept?"

"Whatever. I don’t want to hear any more excuses. If I don’t see you here in the office in 1 hour, I am so going to kick your butt."
"Okay.. Okay. Jeez.. Don’t get too strict, will you?"
"1 hour starts now."

I gulped. Changmin can be really scary too when he's mad. "Okay! I’ll go and clean up. I’ll meet you in my office later."

"That’s better. Now move your butt. Hurry up."
"I’ll see you later. Bye."

I hung up on Changmin as I don’t want to hear anymore of his grumbles. I wonder who’s older.

When I was about to stand, I realized I was covered with soft blanket. Who put it on me? Was it the maid or..?

I smiled foolishly when I imagine him covering me with the blanket.

[End of POV]

[Junsu’s POV]

I glanced at my watch. It’s already 1 pm. I wonder if Jae still sleeping or he’s already in the office. I dialed Jae’s phone number.

" Hey, Su."
"Ah, hey. Um, where are you?"
"At the office. Where are you?"
"Um.. at the train station."
"What are you doing there? Are you alone?"
"No-nope. I-I’m with my friend. I’m going shopping with them."
"Su, tell me the truth. Don’t lie to me."

I was surprised. How does he know that I was lying? "I.. I have nowhere to go. And yes, I’m alone."

"Why didn’t you stay at home, Su?"
"I didn’t want to disturb you. You look really tired yesterday.. and I don’t want you to be angry."
"Angry? Angry for what?"
"I came back late last night. And.. I’m sorry."

I must heard wrong, because I think just now I heard Jae’s chuckling on the other side.

" J-Jae?"
"Are you afraid of me, Su?"
"N-no! It’s not that I’m afraid of you.. I was just.."
"Come back home, Su."
"I won’t be angry at you, so don’t worry. Just return home. Okay?"

I let out a small ‘uhm’, but I’m sure Jae could hear it.

"I’ll send someone to company you later. See you at home, Su."
"Okay. And, Jae."
"Please don’t work too hard, okay?" 
"Thanks for caring, Su. Bye."

I hang up on Jae and walk back home.

[End of POV]

[Jaejoong’s POV]

I sighed. I felt so happy after hearing Su’s voice. And I felt extremely glad when I heard Su’s cared about me. I picked up my office’s phone and dialed Changmin’s number and asked him to come here.

Changmin knocked on my door before opening it and bowing at me.

"You called for me, hyung?"
"Yes, Min. Um, do you know where’s Kim Kibum right now?"

I could see Min’s face turned red and he looked away.

"Y-Yah! Why are you asking me?! How do I know where that guy was!"
"Yah! Why are turning red? Are you embarrassed?"
"O-Of course not! Babo!"
"Aish! Just tell me where Kim Kibum is!"
"I told you I don’t know!"
"Aish! It’s useless asking you after all!"

Someone knocked on my door, so I let whoever it was in. He opened the door and bowed at me.

"Good afternoon, Jaejoong-hyung."
"Ah! Good timing, Kibum. Come here."

Kibum walked over to me with his head hang low but stopped when he saw Changmin standing beside me.

"I’m.. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were here, Mr. Shim."

Realizing Changmin won’t reply Kibum’s statement soon, I decided to reply instead. "Oh, don’t mind him, Kibum. So, is there something wrong for you to come and look for me?"

"Th-There’s nothing wrong, Jaejoong-hyung. I just wanted to ask you about Junsu’s phone number."

"Ah, is that so? Well, then, be glad. I was just about to ask you to accompany Junsu as he was very lonely at home. Do you think you could go and see him?"

"It’s my pleasure, hyung. But.. what about my works?"

"It’s all right. You can bring them home or something. And I’m sure Changmin wouldn’t mind to help you. Right, Min?" I turned my head to see Changmin, and just as I thought, he was in daze staring at Kibum. I secretly chuckled. I nudged him to bring him up to reality. "Yah! Stop day dreaming, will you?"

"Ah, mianhae, hyung. What were you saying?"
"I said you’re going to help Kibum with his works."
"What?! Why?! He’s my assistant. A-S-S-I-S-T-A-N-T!! Why should I?"
"Because he’s going to come over to my house to accompany Junsu."

When Changmin was about to retort back at me, Kibum cut him off perfectly. "Eh?! Junsu is at your house, Jaejoong-hyung?"

"Yes. Could you possibly don’t know that we were married?"

I could see Kibum widened his eyes and dropped his jaw. "Are you serious, hyung? Since when?!"

"Yesterday. Weren’t you invited?"

"He wasn’t there at your wedding because he went oversea and just come back yesterday." Changmin answered for him.

I nodded my head in understanding. "Aah. No wonder I didn’t see you. Okay, now off you go, Kibum. Oh, if you don’t mind, please buy some strawberry cake on the way. Junsu likes it. And here’s the address. Hope you don’t get lost." I said as I gave him a piece of paper with our address written on it.

Kibum bowed to me and muttering thank you and see you again to me and Changmin before walking out the door.

"Now I think I have to work overtime today." Changmin sighed as he turned at me.

I patted him on the shoulder and squeeze it lightly. "Sorry, Min. I guess I owe you one."

He smiled sheepishly at me before smacking my arms playfully. "Nah, it’s okay. As long as you cook me the food I want, then we’ll be even."

I grinned and return the smack back at him.

[End of POV]


A/N : Part 3 ^^ I'm going for an hiatus for a few weeks. Please leave me some comments, will you? I hope you're gonna miss me~ :D 

pairing: kimin, pairing: hosu, pairing: jaesu, fanfic

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