Letting Go (8/13)

Jun 06, 2010 03:02

TItle : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, 2U, KiMin, slight YooSu
Rating : PG
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the character above except the plot. If there're any similarities, it's
only a coincidences.

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Jaejoong ran through the hospital corridors. He ran and ran. Until he stopped when he saw Changmin, Kibum and Yoochun sitting in front of a room. He approached them slowly.


The said man looked up. Jaejoong saw dark circles below the younger man’s eyes. Then he turned at Kibum and Yoochun. They have them too.

“You’re here, hyung.” Changmin moved slightly, giving Jaejoong space to sit. Jaejoong sat beside Changmin and ran his finger on the younger’s hair to smoothen it. Jaejoong nodded. “Tell me, what happened?”

Yoochun and Kibum exchanged look. Yoochun decided to answer for him. “Yunho is overdose with sleeping pills.”

Jaejoong turned at Yoochun and gasped. “Is he okay now?”

Yoochun nodded. “The doctor said he’s okay. But he just needs some rest.”

“Can we go in?” Jaejoong asked.

Kibum sighed. “We can’t. The doctors are still running a few tests on him.” He put his hands to cover his face. Jaejoong pitied them. They looked so worried and tired.

“I’m sure he’ll be alright.” He said as he gave Changmin a comforting squeeze on his shoulder. The other three smiled at him, though it’s a weak one. Jaejoong stood up and pat his knee lightly. “So, do you guys want anything to eat? I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet.”

Yoochun shook his head. “It’s okay, Jaejoong-ah. You can go with Changmin and Kibum. I’ll stay here to wait.” Changmin gave him an are-you-sure look. “I’m sure, Changmin. You guys must’ve been really tired. Now go eat and washed up okay?”

Changmin looked reluctant on leaving Yoochun. “Okay, we’ll go. I’ll bring you something to eat after we come back later, hyung-ah.”

Yoochun nodded and smiled. And soon the three walked away to the hospital’s cafeteria, not knowing that one certain person is heading there as well.


“Have you ever been in love?”

Sunny was taken a back from the sudden seriousness in Junsu’s voice. “I haven’t.” Sunny answered.
Junsu turned to look at Sunny. He flashed a smile at her. “Oh, really?”

Sunny nodded. She didn’t know whether to smile or frown at Junsu’s change of attitude. Though they only know each other for a day, they’ve become quite close. It worries Sunny to see Junsu who usually a happy-go-lucky person became serious.

Junsu led them to sit in the corner in the cafeteria. “I had, and it didn’t end up well.”

Sunny saw Junsu’s smile turned upside down. She felt sad for the guy, but couldn’t do anything.

“Do you think the baby can survive this?”

Sunny grabbed Junsu’s hand and smiled. “Of course. Not only the baby, but you too, Junsu-ah.”
Junsu let out a heavy sigh. “I hope so.”

“I know so. The doctor said so too, didn’t he?”

Junsu nodded weakly. “But we won’t know what will happen in the future, Sunny-ah.”
Suddenly, Junsu remembered Kibum’s words. Yes, they can’t predict what will happen in the future. Only God knows. No matter how much he wanted to believe that they’re going to be okay, somehow that strange uncertain feeling will just crept into his heart.


Jaejoong stopped his track. He wanted to go there, but somehow his feet won’t allow him. A sudden tap on his shoulder brought him back into reality.

“Hyung? What’s wrong?” Changmin asked, confused as to why his hyung suddenly stopped.
Jaejoong pointed at a guy sitting in the corner with his back facing them. “Changmin-ah, don’t you think that guy looks like Junsu?”

Changmin looked at the direction where Jaejoong pointed. He nodded. “Yeah, I guess. He has the same hair color and hairstyle too. But that couldn’t be possibly Junsu.”

Jaejoong turned at Changmin. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because I saw Junsu two days ago and I dropped him off at Yoochun-hyung’s house. Maybe he’s at their house now.” Changmin answered as he walked away to sit in an empty seat.

Jaejoong followed him. “Why didn’t he come and visit Yunho?”

Changmin shrugged his shoulder. “Maybe he’s not feeling well. Ah, I forgot to ask Yoochun-hyung. But I’m sure Yoochun-hyung will know where Junsu is.”

Jaejoong looked uncertain. He really wanted to meet Junsu. He came here to meet Junsu, but unfortunately Junsu is not here. He turned his head to take a look at the guy who sat in the corner, but he’s not there anymore. Jaejoong sighed. He pray that guy was not Junsu.

Later, Kibum joined them. “Anyway, Jaejoong-hyung.” Jaejoong looked up to meet Kibum’s eyes. “Have you meet Junsu after-”

"No, I haven’t.”

Kibum felt guilty after asking that question, because Jaejoong’s face looked sad. “I’m sorry, Jaejoong-hyung.”

Jaejoong smiled. “It’s okay, Kibum-ah. If Junsu is happy, then I will be too.” Kibum and Changmin exchanged looks. They wondered if it’s alright to let it go like this. Jaejoong doesn’t know that Junsu is pregnant with his child. And Jaejoong doesn’t know that Junsu has a cancer too.

Changmin was about to tell him the truth, when suddenly his phone rings. He picked it up. “Hello?”

“Changmin-ah. Yunho has woke up.”

“Really?! We’ll be right there!” Changmin hung up and smiled excitedly towards his lover and hyung. “Yunho-hyung has woken up!”


"What? What do you mean by that, doctor?!” Yoochun was angry, heck, he was furious. He couldn’t believe his ears. The doctor must be joking with him. No, it can’t be possible. He must be dreaming.

The doctor sighed. “It is true, Mr. Park. It must be because he took too much of those pills.” Yoochun felt his knees gone weak. He fell down in front of the doctor and sobbed. He looked so pathetic right now, but he could careless.


Yoochun felt Yunho’s finger moved. He couldn’t help but grin excitedly to see his lover woke up. Yunho’s eyes fluttered open and he knitted his eyebrows. Yoochun smiled and stroke his lover’s hair lovingly. “Hi, Yun.” Yoochun said before he proceeds to kiss Yunho’s forehead. He helped Yunho sat up.

Yunho tried to adjust his vision with his surroundings. He looked around and then his eyes stopped at Yoochun. He tried to open his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Who are you?” He asked with his husky voice.

Yoochun’s smiled at Yunho. “Don’t play around, Yun-ah. Do you know how much I worried about you? Oh, Changmin and Kibum are here too. Jaejoong is here with the-”

“Who are you?” Yunho asked again, this time colder.

Yoochun stared at his lover. His smile is now gone. “I’m your husband, Yunho-ah. How could yo-”

“Husband? I’m married?” Yunho asked while touching his ring on his finger. Yoochun froze. This is not what he expected. Immediately, he called the doctor.

__________________________________End of Flasback___________________________________

“Yoochun-hyung!” Changmin called out with a smile on his face. “Yunho-hyung has woken up?” Yoochun nodded weakly. “Why didn’t you go in?”

Yoochun chuckled sadly. “You’ll know the reason after you go in and see him for yourself, Changmin-ah.”

Changmin exchanged look with Kibum. Then the three of them enter the room quietly. They saw Yunho is sitting on his bed with his eyes looking out of the window. Jaejoong closed the door and that got Yunho’s attention. He turned his head towards the three. “Yunho-hyung.” Changmin slowly made his way at the said man. “I’m glad you’ve woken up. Are you alright?”

Yunho nodded, but he has a confused look on his face. “Do I know you?”

Jaejoong, Changmin and Kibum stared at Yunho in disbelief. Did Yunho just ask them who they are? How could-

Suddenly Yunho coughed furiously. Yoochun entered the room in a flash and came by Yunho’s side to ease his pain, only to be swatted away by Yunho. “Don’t touch me.” Yunho said coldly and glared at Yoochun.

Yoochun took his hand away from Yunho and looked away sadly. Jaejoong tapped Yoochun on his shoulder. “Yoochun, we need to talk.” He turned to the other two. “Changmin and Kibum, stay here with Yunho, okay?” They nodded.

Yoochun followed Jaejoong out after glancing at Yunho to make sure he’s alright. Yoochun closed the door behind him and turned to meet Jaejoong with his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Explain.” Jaejoong said.

Yoochun sighed. He never liked Jaejoong in the first place. “He lost his memories.” Jaejoong kept quiet to let Yoochun continue. “Doctor said it’s because of the overdose of sleeping pills. They damage his brain and made him lost a few of his recent memories. He remembered his name, his family, but he doesn’t remember he’s married to me.”

Jaejoong wanted to hold the poor man in his embrace, but he’s not close with Yoochun. After all, they hated each other. So he just cleared his throat. “It’s only temporary, right?”

Yoochun shrugged. “I don’t know.”

This is one of the times where Jaejoong wished Junsu was here instead of him. He never been good at consoling people. “Oh, Yoochun. Where’s Junsu?” Jaejoong asked.

Yoochun looked up. “Junsu? I met him yesterday in the park, but after I went home, I saw Yunho unconscious, so I immediately went to the hospital. I didn’t see him after that.”

“Can you call him for me?”

Yoochun smiled at Jaejoong. Jaejoong must’ve been worried about Junsu. “Here’s his number. You can call him yourself.” Yoochun said as he hand Jaejoong a piece of paper with Junsu’s number written on it.

Jaejoong shook his head and refused to take the paper. “No, no. I just wanted to know if he’s alright. That’s all. I bet he doesn’t want to talk to me.” Jaejoong said dejectedly.

Yoochun wanted to tell how stupid Jaejoong is for thinking like that, but he couldn’t when Mr. Jung came with a young man around their age. “Yoochun! Where’s my son?” He asked. “
He’s inside, Mr. Jung.” Yoochun answered with his head hung low.

They immediately rushed into the room, surprising Kibum and Changmin. Mr. Jung went to his son’s side and hugged him tightly. The unknown man stood behind Mr. Jung.

"Appa!” Yunho exclaimed happily, seeing his father. He hugged his father and sobbed on his chest. His father stroked his son’s hair lovingly and cooed his son. He pulled away slightly, enough to see his son’s face.

“Are you okay, Yunho-ah?” Mr. Jung asked as he wiped away his son’s tears.
Yunho nodded. “I’m okay, Appa. I’m just scared.”
“Scared of what?”

Yunho looked down. “When I woke up, I was surrounded by people I don’t know. They said they know me, but I don’t remember them. What should I do, Appa?” He titled his head to get a better look of his Appa's face.

Mr. Jung caressed his son’s face. “You don’t remember, them, Yunho-ah? What about Yoochun, then?” Mr. Jung asked as he pointed at Yoochun.

Yunho looked away as if looking at Yoochun is a disgusting thing. “I don’t know him. Who is he, Appa? He said he’s my husband.”
“He is your husband, Yunho-ah. How could you not remem-”

Mr. Jung turned his head to see the unknown guy smiled at him.
“It’s enough, Mr. Jung. I’m sure you don’t want to make Yunho tired trying to remember these people, right?” He smiled.

Then he turned at Yunho. Yunho smiled seeing him. He extended his hand at the man and pulled him into his embrace. “Heechul!”
The man called Heechul accepted his hug and smiled at Yunho. “I’m glad you remember me, Yunho-ah.” He said as he stroked Yunho’s hair softly.

Yunho pulled away and pouted. “How could I forget you, Heechul-ah? You’re my boyfriend.” He smiled cutely at Heechul.

All people in the room widened their eyes at Yunho. Yoochun looked away and bit his lips to prevent himself from crying. He walked out of the room quietly while holding back his tears from falling.


“Junsu?” Sunny turned to look at Junsu who stopped in front of a room.

Junsu smiled at her and continued walk back to his room. “Ah, nothing. I thought I saw a glimpse of someone I know.” Sunny followed him.

“Really? Who?” She asked teasingly.

Junsu looked away to hide his blushing face. “Oh, shut up, Sunny. You won’t know him even if I tell you who he is.”

Sunny shrugged. “Maybe. But at least it can satisfy my curiousity.” She stuck out her tongue at Junsu.
Junsu raised an eyebrow at her. “Don’t you know that curiousity killed cat?” He said as he entered his room and closed the door.

Sunny who was left alone in the hospital corridor pouted at him, though Junsu can’t see her. She was about to turn the door knob, when someone came out of the room Junsu just stared at and bumped into her. She fell down. “Ouch.”

The stranger looked back at her and helped her to stand. Sunny frowned; did she just saw tears coming out from the stranger’s eyes?

"I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry.” He said as he left her.

Sunny looked at the retreating back and wondered what could make that handsome man cry like that?


A/N : As you wish, I made Yoochun suffered! Haha. I'm evil. Comments are loved!

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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