[Oneshot] Forever

Jun 04, 2010 19:18

Title : Forever
Author :  hime_lian92 
Pairings : U2, JaeSu, slight MinSu
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Angst, Romance
Warning : Unbeta-ed, m-preg, character death
Disclaimer : I don't own the characters. I own the story and credit the poem to my friend
Summary : And forever I'll wait for you

It’s been over a year, and yet my wound is still not healed. I looked out of the window and saw people passing by the café I’m currently sitting in right now.

I haven’t met him for a very long time, but I feel it’s as if I just met him yesterday. His touch, his kisses and his everything, I still remember them all.


“Jaejoong-ah, where’s Junsu?” Jaejoong shrugged his shoulder.

“I don’t know. Maybe hanging out with his so-called-boyfriend.” He pouted. I chuckled seeing the pout on Jaejoong’s face.

I hit his shoulder lightly. “Yah, I know you’re jealous. You should’ve told Junsu that you’re in love with him!”

Jaejoong looked at me in horror. “Are you crazy, Chun? Me? Tell Junsu that I’m in love with him?”

I raised an amused eyebrow at him. “What’s wrong with it?”

“You know I don’t want to ruin our friendship! And also, FYI, I don’t confess! I am the one being confessed to!” Jaejoong stuck out his tongue at me and left the living room.

I heard the front door opened. I walked to the front door and saw Junsu with his boyfriend. I greet them. “Hey, Su. Hey, Changmin.”

Changmin bowed at me. “Hello, Yoochun-hyung.” Then he turned at Junsu again. “Su, are you sure I can leave him with you? I don’t want to bother you and your housemates.”

Junsu smiled at him and pinched his cheeks. “Aigoo, you cute little kitty. I already told you I’m alright with it. After all he’s a big guy. I’m sure Chun and Jae won’t mind. Right, Chun?” Junsu turned at me and gave me his infamous puppy eyes and pout.

“Huh? Oh, sure. Whatever.” I said as I walk back to the living room. After a few minutes or so, Junsu joined me and sat on the couch in front of me.

“Chun, where’s Jae?”

I shrugged. “In his room, I guess. Maybe sulking as usual.”

Junsu smiled widely at my answer. He stretched his arms and sighed. “If only he could be more honest towards me.” “That’s why I said you should confess to him.” I said as I drink my half-finished black coffee.

Junsu gave me a disgusting face. “Ugh, hyung! How could you still drink that? Isn’t that bitter?”

“Duh, it is, idiot. But I like it the way it is. You should try it too sometimes.” I said. Junsu just stuck out his tongue at me and stood up. “Are you going somewhere again?”

Junsu nodded. “Maybe I can consider what you said just now, hyung.”

“About trying the black coffee? Here, you can try mine.” Junsu widened his eyes and shook his head.

“No! About me confessing to Jae.” He whispered to me. I nodded in understanding. “I’m going to get something for him.” He smiled.

“You should. Now go and hurry come back before I see Jae cooking us some burnt foods again.” I said and gave him a light pat on his shoulder. He nodded and smiled.

“Okay.” He walked towards the door but stopped by the doorway. “Oh, by the way, someone’s coming later.” Before I get the chance to ask him who, he is already gone.


“Can I help you?” I asked the guy who just rang my door bell.

He hesitated for a while. “Um, are you Kim Junsu?” He asked. I shook my head.

“No, but I know him. Are you looking for Kim Junsu?” He nodded. “He’s out for the moment, but you can wait inside if you want.” I said as I stepped aside to let him in.

He muttered thanks and walked into the living room. I eyed his belongings. He brought two big bags. Being the kind hearted man I am, I offered to help him. “Mind if I help you?”

He looked shocked at my sudden offer, but nodded anyway. “Thank you.” He said.

I asked him to sit down in the living room while I get us something to drink. I opened the refrigerator and saw it’s empty. I made a mental note to ask Junsu to buy some later. I walked back to the living room and put a can of soda in front of him. As for myself, I made a black coffee.

“I hope soda is alright for you.” I said.

He nodded. “Thank you.” He picked up the soda and opened it. “Are you living with Kim Junsu?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I am. There’s also a Kim Jaejoong here, but they’re not related at all. We’re best friends.” I said.

“I see. May I know your name?”

“I’m Park Yoochun.”


There’s an awkward silence as we stared at each other. We didn’t speak a word, but only stare at each other. I was mesmerized at his features. Black hair, pointy nose, well-built body and I bet he has a six pack too. I shook my head to make that kind of thoughts disappear.

I cleared my throat. “Who are you to Kim Junsu?”

“I don’t know Kim Junsu that well. I’m Changmin’s best friend. He said I can stay here for a while.”

I cursed that little dolphin in my mind. How dare he inviting someone to stay at our house without telling me and Jaejoong first?

“You don’t like me staying here?” He asked quietly when he received no response from me.

I looked up at him and smiled. “No, I don’t mind. I’m sure Jaejoong won’t mind too. Oh, by the way, I haven’t known your name.”

He extended his hand and smiled. “It’s Yunho. Jung Yunho.” I accepted it and smiled back at him. “Nice to meet you, Yunho.”


I tiptoed behind him as I planning to surprise him. As I was about to reach him, suddenly he turned around and our faces are almost meet. I stepped back from shock and put my hands over my beating heart. “Yah! You startled me!”

Yunho snorted. “You are the one who sneaked behind me. Your fault, not mine.” He shrugged his shoulder and walked out of the room to the kitchen. I followed him.

“You’re no fun.” I said, pouting. I sat on the nearest chair and put hands below my chin. He turned to me and standing beside me. He kissed the top of my head.

“I’m sorry, okay.” He said as he stroked my hair lovingly. I smiled and no longer mad at him. I pulled him and asked him to sit beside me.

Yunho and I have been going out after 2 weeks of his stay here. I was the one who confessed to him. And I’m really glad I did, because he told me he felt the same way. Being Yunho’s boyfriend is happiness for me.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked. I smiled at him and pecked his lips.

“I am thinking about you.” I said. He smiled and hugged me. “I hope we can always be together forever, Chunnie-ah.” He whispered to me.

That time I didn’t know what he meant by that.


One day, I came home late. I walked in the house and saw Jaejoong and Junsu are sleeping on the couch in the living room. I approached them slowly and carefully not to wake them up and put blanket to cover them. I smiled at them.

It was after I confessed to Yunho and we became a couple, Jaejoong finally had the courage to tell Junsu how he felt. Junsu of course immediately said yes. When Jaejoong asked him what about Changmin, Junsu shut him up with a kiss. Later on, Junsu told us (Jaejoong and I) that he only use Changmin to make Jaejoong jealous.

After I finished covering them and cleaned some of their snacks, I headed to our (Yunho and I) bedroom. I opened it slowly and smiled seeing a figure of a person that I love so much sleeping with his back facing me. I closed the door and walked at him.

I leaned closer to get better look of his face. I caressed his face slowly and plant a kiss on his forehead. I whispered to him. “We’ll be together forever, Yunho-ah.” I said as I changed my clothes and later on joined my beloved on the bed to sleep.

The next morning, I was really surprised when I found Yunho’s not there with me. I rubbed my eyes and walked out the room. I passed by the living room and saw the couple is still there, sleeping soundly. I turned my head at the kitchen, but Yunho’s not there.

“Maybe he went to buy something.” I whispered to no one.

Then I found something in the dining table. An envelope with nice and neat hand writing on it. I took it. I realized it was for me, so I opened it.

‘Dear Yoochun,

If only I could, if only I'm strong
I would let you go from the beginning
But I can't, just can't
I can't breathe without you
You are my air also know as my lover.

We can't see each other often
We are always far away from each other
We can't always kiss like how we use too
We can't always say the "I love you"
We still love each other.

Your beloved, Yunho.’

That’s when I know Yunho left me.

_____________________________End of Flashback_______________________________________

I was startled when someone pats me on my back.

“Hey, have you wait long?”

I shook my head. “Not really. Sit down.” I gestured them to sit down. “So, how are you guys nowadays?”

They smiled at me. “I’m currently in my 4th month.” Junsu said.

I widened my eyes. “Really?” They nodded. “Congratulations, Su! I’m so happy for you!” I said as I squeezed his hand.

Junsu looked down shyly. “Thanks, Chun. How about you? Are you still working as a freelance photographer?” I nodded.

Jaejoong looked at me and sighed. “It’s already been 2 years, Chun. You know it’s imp-”

I cut him off. “The word impossible is not in my dictionary, Jae. No matter how long, I’ll keep waiting for him. I know someday I can meet him again. Not in this life, but maybe afterlife. After all, being a professional photographer is his dream.” Junsu nodded his head and smiled at me.

“I understand, Chun-ah. You just have to try harder to achieve his dream, don’t you?”

“But Su, Chun’s dre-”

“I’ll do what Chun is doing now too if I lost you, Jae.” Junsu turned at his spouse and caressed his face. Jaejoong looked down and smiled sadly. Then Jaejoong hugged Junsu.

I smiled at the interaction. I’m glad they ended up together. Not like me.

But no matter how long, I’ll keep on waiting for you, Yunho-ah. 


A/N : This is written for Yoochun's birthday. Happy Birthday Yoochun. May you be more happy and success for the years to come. Comments are loved! =)

pairing: yunchun, pairing: jaesu, pairing: minsu, length: oneshot, fanfic

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