[Drabble] Broke Up Today

Aug 22, 2010 23:30

Title: Broke Up Today
Author: hime_lian92
Length: Drabble
Pairings: YooSu
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Do not own them.
Warnings: Unbeta-ed
Summary: Junsu was frustrated, confused and upset about his relationship with Yoochun.

A/N: Inspired by Broke Up Today by Younha. Written for louvela. I'm sorry neh, dear, I didn't write a JaeSu for you. But I hope YooSu is okay for you? So here it is. Please forgive the sucky writing. Comments are always loved. ♥

The door opened and there he is standing with his head hung low covered with a thick black jacket and white muffler around his neck. Junsu stepped aside to let his boyfriend in.

“Have you eaten?” Junsu asked, his voice muffled with his white muffler around his neck.

Yoochun turned to face his boyfriend. “Was the heater not functioning again?” He asked, ignoring Junsu’s question.

Junsu didn’t respond to his lover’s question, instead he walked to the icy cold living room and sat on the single sofa. Without looking back to his lover, he said, “Don’t take off your jacket, but please take off the muffler.” as he rubbed his hands together.

Yoochun didn’t comply as he kept the muffler on and placed his belongings on the dining table. “I bought the cake.”

Junsu smiled bitterly. “What for? It’s already 17th.” He said as he tried to focus his attention to the movie that is playing in front of him.

“I was busy.” Yoochun whispered.

Junsu abruptly stood up and throw the remote against the wall. “Busy?! Tell me, how many times you told me that you can’t celebrate any events with me because you were busy?!” He yelled as he faced Yoochun.

Yoochun stared at Junsu’s reddened eyes. “Were you crying?” He asked as he took a step forward to touch Junsu, but Junsu flinched and took a step back.

Junsu didn’t say anything. He looked away, biting his trembling lips, hugging his own shaking body, his throat tightened, and his tears flowing down freely.

“Let’s break up.” His voice came out as a whisper.

Yoochun widened his eyes. “What? But Su..”

Junsu pointed to the door and yelled. “Leave! I don’t want to see your face here!”

Yoochun sighed heavily. He silently took his belongings and head to the door. As he stood by the doorway, he turned his head to see the back of his crying ex-lover. He closed the door quietly as he walked into the cold night.

Junsu slumped to the couch and clasped his mouth tightly, trying to muffle his cries. Why? When did we become like this, Chunnie?

Why? That wasn’t what he wanted to say at all. The truth is, he missed him. He missed Yoochun so fucking damn much that he could almost go crazy because of it.

It felt as if it was only yesterday that you told me you love me and you will always be beside me.

Junsu’s phone rings startled him. He took the phone to see the caller ID. He got mad when he saw Yoochun’s name on it. He rejected the call and erased his number. He smiled in satisfaction, in which a little later turned into a frown.

Why did I erase his number?

He put the phone aside as he continues on hitting his head. “Stupid.” He chanted.

Why do I like you so much, Chunnie? Why do I like you too much that it hurts me more? Was it your intention from the start? To make me love you so much that I could never live a day without you?

I hate you, Chunnie. I really hate you, but I hate myself more, to foolishly fell in love with you.

Junsu tried to gather his strength and walked to the kitchen. There, he saw a box on the table. He walked towards it and carefully opened it.

Happy Belated Birthday, my one and only duckbutt, Junsu.

Junsu fell on his knees and sobbed quietly. He found a decorative card beside the box. He took and read it.

To: Kim Junsu.

My love, I know these days we’ve been distant. I’m sorry, I’m really busy. I’m trying my best to work my ass off so that I could have the Christmas holiday longer. So that I could spend more time with you. I know I wasn’t there to celebrate your birthday together. I hope today will make up for the lost times? I love you so much, baby. Your handsome lover, Park Yoochun.

In an instant, Junsu ran off his house, without bothering to lock the door properly, or to wear thicker jacket. All he wanted was Yoochun, and he is going to have him, no matter what.

He ran here and there, trying to find his lover, but he couldn’t find him. He walked aimlessly back to his house, when a voice startled him.


That voice. Was he dreaming? He looked up and saw a figure of Yoochun ran towards him. Junsu smiled. He wouldn’t care if this was only a dream. He fell onto Yoochun’s protective arms. This is the warmth that Junsu’s longing for. Finally, he can have it.

“What the hell were you thinking?! Walking around without thick jacket?! And you didn’t even-”

Junsu caressed Yoochun’s cheek. “I’m sorry, Chunnie. I should have told you that I was really missed you.” Yoochun was about to say something, but Junsu continues. “I need to wake up soon and tell the real Yoochun that. Neh, Chunnie in my dream, would you help me to convey my feelings to him?” Junsu asked.

Yoochun buried his face on Junsu’s face as he hugged Junsu tighter. “Your feelings will get across to him, Su.”

Junsu nodded. “I’m glad.” He said as he closed his eyes. “Ah, one more thing. I love you, is what I wanted to say to him. I hope he knows that.” Junsu said with a smile on his face.

“He knows that, Su. But you should tell him that yourself.” Yoochun said as he stifled his cries and hugged Junsu’s limp body tighter. “And there's so many things that Chunnie wants to tell you, Su.”


A/N: Anyway, I need to make announcement. I'm gonna be away again, and I'm truly sorry. I don't think I'm going to write or post any time soon. And also, I'm going to break my promise. I'm NOT going to write the continuation of Aliens series. So if any of you read that series, I'm truly sorry. Please don't hate me.

pairing: yoosu, announcement, length: drabble, fanfic

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