[Oneshot Series] Aliens Are Here?!

Jul 21, 2010 13:31

Title: Aliens Are Here?!
Authors: hime_lian92
Pairing: Teen!Yunho and Chibi!Junsu
Length: Oneshot Series
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG (for language, I guess?)
Warnings: Unbetaed
Disclaimer: No matter how much I want an innocent Junsu, I can't have him. =( Not without getting killed by leader-shii. xD
Summary: Junsu thought the aliens are going to abduct him this time.

A/N: A sequel of Aliens. Okay, I was like 'WTH' when I wrote this. I hope this is not a failure. *bows* I'm so sorry. Please enjoy though^^ Comments are really loved. ♥

Little Junsu was running with his short legs to Yunho’s welcoming arms. Yunho lifted Junsu off his feet and hugged him tight.

“Yunnie! Su misses you!”

Yunho chuckled. “I miss you too, baby Su.” He pinched Junsu’s nose and getting slapped by Junsu’s small palm on his shoulder.

“Su is not a baby! Su is 8 already! Su is an adult!” Junsu pouted.

Yunho laughed at the adorable creature in his arms and ruffled his hair. “Right. Right.” He said casually, before bending down to put Junsu back on the ground. “Are you being a good boy while I was gone?”

Junsu nodded excitedly. “Su learnt a lot in school! And you know what, Minnie is a genius!”

They walked to the bench nearby, waiting for Junsu’s mother to pick them up and head home. Yunho was really tired from the 2 hours flight and he just wanted to rest as soon as possible.

Yunho lifted his eyebrows, pretending to be surprised. “Eeh? What do you mean he’s a genius?”

Junsu crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Yunnie doesn’t know what genius means? Maybe you should study harder, Yunnie.”

Yunho burst out laughing at the cute answer. He held his stomach tightly and covered his mouth with his other hand. After he’s done laughing, he turned at Junsu and pinched his still chubby cheeks. “You are so cute!”

Junsu pouted and slapped Yunho’s hand away. “Su is not cute! Su is handsome!” He stuck out his tongue at Yunho.

A few moments later, Mrs. Kim’s car stopped in front of them and Mrs. Kim gestured them to enter the car. She drove off after that.

Junsu was sitting on the back seat while Yunho sitting on the passenger seat, beside Mrs. Kim.

“So, how’s your study, Yunho?” Mrs. Kim asked without looking at Yunho, because she has to focus her attention on the road.

“It’s good, auntie. I’ve done well. Oh, by the way, mom and dad send their regards to you and Uncle Kim.”

Mrs. Kim nodded. “Ah, it’s been a year since we last saw each other. Junsu has been talking about you nonstop. And when he knew you’re coming back here, he was ecstatic!”

Yunho stole a glance at the boy behind him through the rear mirror and smiled when he saw that the boy was sleeping soundly. His body curled up like a kitten.

They soon arrived at Junsu’s home since Yunho will be staying at Kim residence. Yunho opened the back door of the car and shook Junsu’s body lightly. “Su, wake up, we’ve arrived.”

Junsu stirred and his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed his sleepy eyes cutely. “We’re home?”

Yunho nodded. “Let’s go.” Junsu didn’t answer. When Yunho felt Junsu wasn’t following him, he turned and saw that Junsu was still sitting on the same spot. “You’re not coming?”

Junsu extended his hands at Yunho. “Carry me.”

Yunho laughed and walked towards Junsu. “And you told me that you’re an adult now.” He snorted.

Junsu didn’t answer as he let himself being carried by Yunho. He closed his eyes again and continues his sleep. Yunho piggyback him and they walked into the house. Yunho greet Mr. Kim and smiled when he saw him. “I’m going to put Junsu upstairs.”

Kim couple nodded and let Yunho made his way to Junsu’s room.

Yunho opened the bedroom door and walked to the bed. He put Junsu gently on the bed and covered him with the blanket.

Junsu came out of his room in the middle of the night, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He wanted to go to the toilet. He walked through the corridor and found himself standing in front of the toilet.

“A-ah! F-fuck! Junsu!”

Junsu widened his eyes. Aliens are here again! And they know his name! They’ll captured him and eat him!

He slowly retreated back to his room and snuggled into his thick blanket. His plan of going to the toilet is now forgotten.

A knock on his door made him jumped. He pretended to sleep.

Please, don’t capture Su. Su still wants to be with Yunnie.

He heard his door being opened and footsteps walking towards him.

His heart was thumping hard.

No, don’t come to Su!!

Junsu screamed to the top of his lungs when that ‘thing’ or rather.. person, tapped him on his arm.

“Su! Calm down! It’s me, Yunho!”

As soon as he heard Yunho’s name, Junsu hugged the older tightly as if his life depended on it. “Yunnie! Su is so scared!” Junsu was crying on Yunho’s chest.

Yunho rubbled the younger back in circles, to calm him down. “Ssh, don’t cry, Su. I’m here.”

After minutes of persuading Junsu to stop crying, Junsu finally stopped after Yunho promised him that they’re going to have a ‘date’ on the weekend.

“What’s wrong?” Yunho asked after Junsu calm down.

Junsu bit his lips. “Aliens are here, Yunnie.”

Yunho rolled his eyes inwardly. “Aliens don’t exist, Su.”

“They do! Minnie proved it to me!” Junsu retorted.

Yunho widened his eyes. “What?! How?!” He shouted in surprised, but he realized it was a middle of night, so he clasped his mouth.

“Minnie recorded it.” Then he went to take a tape recorder from his desk, before sitting in front of Yunho again on the bed. “Here. Listen to this.”

Yunho clicked the play button on the tape recorder to listen to the recording.

“A-ahh! Damn! Fu-fuck y-”

He immediately pressed the stop button. His face flushed and he widened his eyes. “Changmin recorded this?!” Yunho asked, half shouted, half whispered.

Junsu nodded innocently. “It’s alien language, Yunnie. Su is sure.” He paused. “You know, Su heard it again, just now in the bathroom. Su thinks the aliens are in the house. Su is scared, Yunnie. They know Su’s name and they’re gonna capture Su!”

Yunho’s face reddens. Damn, did Junsu hear him? Yunho mentally slapped himself for masturbating in the toilet just now.

“Uh, Su.. I don’t think it was alien..”

Junsu pouted. He looked up to Yunho and knitted his eyebrows. “How does Yunnie know? That alien said ‘fuck’ then ‘Junsu’. ‘Fuck’ is not human language, right? Minnie told Su.”

Yunho sighed. What did that Changmin boy told Junsu while he was gone? “Su, listen to me. It wasn’t alien, okay? It was me. I was in the toilet.”

Junsu titled his head. “So did Yunnie meet the aliens?”

Yunho face palmed himself. Oh God, why did he have to do this?

“Didn’t I tell you that it wasn’t alien language? It was language that you speak to the person you love.” Yunho explained.

Junsu frowned. “But Su wasn’t there. Did Yunnie speak that language to someone other than Su?”

Yunho scratched his non-itchy head and laugh nervously. “Um, of course not. I was too embarrassed to speak that language to Su.. that’s why I was practicing in the toilet.”

Junsu’s mouth curved into a smile. “Aw, Yunnie is so sweet. Yunnie no need to feel embarrassed with Su. Su loves Yunnie too!”

If only you know the truth, Su. Yunho thought inside his head.

pairing: hosu, length: oneshot, fanfic

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