A Little Lie To Love [ONE]

Jul 19, 2010 10:53

Title: A Little Lie To Love
Authors: hime_lian92 & flow_is_me135
Pairing: YooSu, other will come later
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Warnings: Mpreg, Unbetaed
Disclaimer: We own the story not the characters.
Summary: "Because I just need a little lie to love him."

A/N: This is written by me, with Flow's correction here and there. I'm such a fail. Me is sorry, Flow. *sobs* Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Comments are really loved! I'll post Chapter 2 as soon as Flow send me the file ^^
poster by aulxdayz


Kim Jaejoong was surprised to find his best friend came out of the infirmary, yet again. It was 5th this week. He approached the smaller boy with a worried look painted across his face. A total opposite of Junsu’s full-of-smile face.

“Junsu? You hurt yourself again?” He asked as he checked Junsu’s arms and legs. He frowned when he saw another band-aid on Junsu’s forearm.

Junsu nodded. “I fell during the practise.” He smiled sheepishly as he rubbed his nape.

Jaejoong let out a sigh. “That’s why I told you not to get so worked up! I can literally see cuts all over your arms and legs every day!” He nagged at his best friend like a mother would do to their naughty children.

Junsu showed his infamous puppy eyes as his mouth turned into a cute pout. “You know that I love soccer, don’t you? I just can’t help it, you know.”

Jaejoong just couldn’t win over that puppy eyes and pout. He ruffled Junsu’s hair and smiled lightly. “Yes. I could see that, soccer freak. You should just marry your beloved soccer ball.” Junsu slapped Jaejoong’s hand playfully while pouted. “I’m just kidding, okay? I know you really love soccer.”

Junsu grinned ear to ear. He linked his arm with Jaejoong’s and pulled Jaejoong to go back to their class. When Junsu turned his head, he could see Yoochun from the infirmary window. Without any reason, his cheeks started to heat up.

Junsu turned his head back to Jaejoong “Jae, what do you think of Yoochun songsaengnim?”

Jaejoong turned to look at his shorter friend. “What? ‘Yoochun’ songsaengnim? Since when are you close to our school doctor?”

Junsu pouted. “You can’t answer a question with another question, Jae.”

Jaejoong chuckled. He tapped his chin with his free hand and stuck out his bottom lip. “What do I think of him? Hm. Let’s see. He’s nice, he’s a gentleman and he’s friendly too.” He turned at Junsu. “Why did you ask me about Park songsaengnim?”

Junsu shook his head and smiled widely. “Nothing.” He chuckled nervously. “I’m glad you think so.”


The door opened and Yoochun turned with an annoyed expression. “Another injury again, Junsu-ah?”

“I never knew you’re close enough with a student to call him by his first name, Park Yoochun-shii.” The taller man entered the infirmary with a smirk on his face.

Yoochun hastily stood up and bowed repeatedly at the man. “I’m so sorry, Choi Siwon-shii. I thought you were..”

Siwon made his way to Yoochun’s desk and sat on the chair that Yoochun sat a few seconds ago. He twirled the chair around and smiled at Yoochun. “Chill. We’re colleagues. We should be friends, don’t you agree?”

Yoochun bit his bottom lips and nodded awkwardly. “Uh, sure.” He said as he walked over to the nearest bed and sit on the edge of it.

“First off, let me call you Yoochun, okay? You can call me by my name too.” He said, offering Yoochun a smile.

Yoochun nodded. “But why are you here? Are you hurt?”

Siwon shrugged. “I’m not hurt. And anyway, I’m only a soccer club’s coach. I’ve a lot of free time.”

Yoochun nodded in understanding.

Siwon propped his hands to support his chin. “Hey, tell me. Are you close with Kim Junsu, our club’s captain?”

“Not that I’m close with him. He’s my regular patient here.”

Siwon nodded knowingly. “Ah, I see. He’s easy to get hurt, isn’t he? You must be tired of attending his injuries, then.”

Yoochun smiled and shook his head slowly. “No. I’m not. It’s my job after all.”


Another day, another club activities, another getting an-almost-look-like-accidental injury, another reason to meet Yoochun.

Junsu held his bag and run towards the gate. He saw that his best friend was walking ahead of him, so he ran faster to catch up with him. He tapped Jaejoong’s shoulder. “Hey, Jae.”

The beautiful boy turned and smiled to Junsu. “Hey, Su. You look so happy. Another club activities later?”

Junsu nodded excitedly. “How about you? I never see you attend any clubs before.”

Jaejoong smiled. “Sometimes I do attend cooking club though.”

Junsu widened his eyes. “Cooking?! That club is just next to the soccer field! How come I never see you in there before?”

Jaejoong ruffled the shorter boy’s hair. “Because you can’t see anything other than soccer when you are on field.”

Junsu snorted and slapped Jaejoong’s hand away from his head. “I’m not! Lately, I do see other thing other than soccer.”

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? What is it?”

Junsu stuck out his tongue. “I won’t tell you!” He said, running towards the school building, ignoring Jaejoong’s calls.


“Good morning, Siwon-shii.” Yoochun bowed at his colleague when he saw the latter came into the infirmary, looking so handsome as usual with his sport attire and a whistle hanging around his neck.

Siwon chuckled. “Hey, Yoochun. What did I tell you about formalities?”

Yoochun scratched his non-itchy head and smiled awkwardly. “Uh, call each other by names?”

“That’s right. So don’t use the suffix ‘-shii’ anymore, okay?”

Yoochun nodded. “So, do you need anything this morning?”

Siwon shook his head. “It’s not me. It’s Kim Junsu.”

Yoochun’s calm face turned into a serious one. “What’s wrong with him?” There’s a hint of worry in his voice.

“I think he sprained his ankle again.” He paused to let out a sigh. “I don’t know why that boy is so easy to get hurt.”

Yoochun ignored Siwon’s last statement. “Where is he now?” He asked, getting up ready to go.

Siwon pointed to the bench on the field. Yoochun looked out and saw Junsu was surrounded by his teammates and was holding back his pain as he flinched when his friend tried to move his ankle.

Yoochun sighed. He turned to Siwon and bowed a little. “Thanks for informing me, Siwon. I’ll go to him now.”

Siwon smiled and waved his hand at Yoochun. “My pleasure.”


“Hurt again?”

All of them turned their heads around and faced their Park songsaengnim. They bowed their heads and started to leave Junsu and Yoochun to themselves.

Yoochun sighed. He sat beside Junsu on the bench and brought Junsu’s ankle to his lap, trying to move it around gently, causing Junsu to wince in pain. “You’re a trouble maker.” He said tiredly.

Junsu pouted. “I didn’t do it on purpose this time. I swear.” He whispered.

Yoochun ears perked up at Junsu’s statement. “What? So before this, all of those injuries were on purpose?” He raised an eyebrow.

Junsu widened his eyes. He shook his head furiously. “No! What I mean is.. uh..” Yoochun purposely twist Junsu’s ankle at that time, earning a yelp from the younger boy. “It’s hurt!” Junsu sent Yoochun a death glare and pouted at him.

Yoochun brushed the dust off his pants and got up. “Of course it’s hurt. Now, are you going to hurt yourself on purpose again after this?” Yoochun smiled mockingly at Junsu.

Junsu looked away. “I’m.not.hurting.myself.on.purpose.” He emphasized every word.

“Really?” Yoochun hid his smile and lifted one of his eyebrows.

Junsu wanted to talk back, but he realized that he doesn’t have any reason to defend himself, so he snorted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You’re a meanie! Bad Miki Moosu!”

Yoochun chuckled when Junsu tried to pronounce his English name with much difficulty. He flicked the younger’s forehead and snickered. “Learn your English well before trying to insult someone, boy.” He said in perfect English.

Junsu blushed. English is his weakness and no matter how much he tried to learn it, he just couldn’t.

Yoochun laughed seeing Junsu’s embarrassed face. Oh, how he loves teasing the younger.


alltl, length: chaptered, pairing: yoosu, fanfic

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