Title: Crescendo
Author: Phantmgreeneyes
Team: Geeks
Word Count: 100
Fandom: HIMYM
Characters/Pairings: Robin/Barney
Rating/Warnings: angsty?
Author's Notes: 1/3
Rain fell down in soft plinks on the puddle-strewn sidewalk. It had been mere seconds since the gun had gone off, seconds since Robin’s body slumped down towards the wet pavement, but Barney felt each one as an hour. He snagged her thin frame, pulling her close as they sank down together. No concern spared for his suit, which was now stained with grime. Her attacker was already halfway down the block, clutching her purse with no thought to the body he’d abandoned.
Behind them, the delicate strains of Mozart drifted out of the concert hall.
“Robin?” Barney’s voice cracked.
Title: Fermata
Author: Phantmgreeneyes
Team: Geeks
Word Count: 100
Fandom: HIMYM
Characters/Pairings: Barney/Robin
Rating/Warnings: angsty
Author's Notes: 2/3
“Barney?” she whimpered, her eyes drifted momentarily to the pool of red that was spreading across her stomach, staining the velvet dress she’d bought specially for their first date. First real date as a couple. Inside, violins swelled and drums rolled, oblivious to the life slipping away at it’s doorstep.
“Hang on,” he whispered, brushing away wet hair from her forehead. “Help is coming.”
“I’m freezing.” Her teeth chattered together. Immediately, he whipped off his suit jacket and lay it across her contorted form.
“Just hang on a bit longer.”
His eyes speared down the street, but no ambulance appeared.
Title: Diminuendo
Author: Phantmgreeneyes
Team: Geeks
Word Count: 100
Fandom: HIMYM
Characters/Pairings: Robin/Barney
Rating/Warnings: angsty
Author's Notes: 3/3. May consider writing a sequel. Thoughts?
The seconds slid into minutes. A crowd had gathered, and the anxious ticket collector paced the steps of the theater. Barney lost all perspective on the world, focusing only on Robin and her increasingly shallow breathing.
“It was a fun night.” She whispered, lacing their bloody fingers together. “Aside from the shooting.”
He let out a strangled laugh just as the ambulance pulled up. He was shoved into the onlookers as she was loaded onto the gurney and into the truck.
“Where are you taking her?” he screamed. The only response was Mozart’s mournful final notes played on the bassoon.