
Aug 08, 2008 21:59

What is this Twilight thing people keep talking about on my flist? All I've been able to determine is that the latest book is crap and that there is going to be a TV show (which also looks crap)

What's all the fuss about?

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Comments 103

x_pixel_x August 8 2008, 21:09:54 UTC
The big fuss is there is a big fuss. I get the distinct impression that someone is trying to catch Harry Potter's coattails. And I'm reading the book. So, er, yeah.


hils August 8 2008, 21:10:27 UTC
LOL! Is it good?


x_pixel_x August 8 2008, 21:22:42 UTC
It is pretty much what I expected given the subject matter, in essence, teenage vampires (heh.) The main character is sometimes funny and sometimes unintentionally hilarious in that "OMG, high school!" sort of way.
I like it so far (only ~100 pages into the first book,) but I haven't found anything to rave about to my friends, yet.


hils August 8 2008, 21:58:24 UTC
Hee! Icon love!


ghosts August 8 2008, 21:20:05 UTC
it's a book series that isn't crap, thank you very much, and it has a movie coming out, not a show.


hils August 8 2008, 22:02:59 UTC
Eh, I just saw the trailer. It looked cheap so I assumed it was a TV show


(The comment has been removed)

hils August 8 2008, 22:03:32 UTC
AHAHAHHA!!!! That is awesome!


mysticmoonstorm August 8 2008, 21:24:47 UTC
It's supposedly the next "Harry Potter" as far as being a wonderful teen/young adult book.
I just started it yesterday so will let you know if it's any good or not! :)


caersidi August 8 2008, 21:33:48 UTC
It can't really be the next Harry Potter as 'Breaking Dawn' was the last (I think - am just on Book 1).

However, it has generated media buzz and had things happen like embargos and midnight openings for first sales and parties and the like. Not just in the USA but in the UK too.


hils August 8 2008, 22:01:26 UTC
It's weird because I have totally missed all the hype until this week. I don't even know what the books are about


mysticmoonstorm August 10 2008, 04:05:40 UTC
No no - not as in being Harry Potter - as in being the next "big thing" with all the hype and movies and such. Being popular - like Harry Potter - sorry, wasn't clear.


phoebesmum August 8 2008, 21:27:12 UTC
You are very welcome to my copy of the first book if you want it. Good god. There is really only one noteworthy thing about the series: it gave us sparkly vampires. No, truly. That's the real reason they avoid the sun, you know.


hils August 8 2008, 22:05:01 UTC
Uh, I'm thinking I'll pass on the book after all the negative comments I've just read. LOL!

So, vampires are sparkly? What?


phoebesmum August 8 2008, 22:09:14 UTC
The book's in Judy's room and she's gone to bed for the night, so I can't quote verbatim, but yes: Hero Edward - who we know is marvellous and fabulous and perfect because Heroine drippy Mary Sue Bella tells us so repeatedly; if she didn't, we would be in danger of finding him boring, totally lacking in character, and possessed of creepy, stalkerish tendencies - has skin that 'sparkles like diamonds' in direct sunlight. As do all vampires, apparently.

Though I have to admit, the one thing that sticks in my mind is the fuss drip-face Bella kicks up when she realises - oh, horror! - that she and her father are going to have to share the bathroom!!


hils August 8 2008, 22:11:43 UTC
Oh noes!! LOL!

So, these vampires can go out in the sun?


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