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Comments 7

lizard971 January 26 2009, 09:34:40 UTC
Hmm... we don't really agree on many things here honey...
I guess that's when I realise that not everybody sees the things the way I see it... I tend to forget it sometimes. :P


hikinggirl70 January 26 2009, 17:16:46 UTC
It is OK. We love SPN and that all that counts. :)

At least we both agree the boys are terrific and soon we are going to be seeing them at the conventions. Yay!!! \o/


bright_eyes_8 January 28 2009, 05:53:13 UTC
I agree on some things with you lol. With the eps, I don't really know coz it's been ages since I've seen a lot of them...I might need to do a re-watch of the first 3 seasons I think.



hikinggirl70 January 29 2009, 04:01:04 UTC
Now that is a good excuse to rewatch the first three seasons. Happy viewing.


mirwen_amruniel September 18 2009, 02:58:35 UTC
<(^o^)> Oh oh! Do you have the original picture with a larger resolution for this 'holding love' userpic? Me waaaaant! *paws screen*


julsus January 28 2009, 09:20:29 UTC
Jared or Jensen? Jen is (of course) my #1 honey...but I have met Jared...and he is just so darn delectable & lovely I really love him just as much...so I'm gonna be greedy & say both. Yay me ( ... )


hikinggirl70 January 29 2009, 04:06:38 UTC
That is great that we agree on many of the episodes. I think I might have to agree on the Sex & Violence episode since we get a lot of man pain and Bobby is in it so bonus. I can't wait for After School Special and drool over Dean in those red shorts. hehe


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