I spy with my little eye...

May 03, 2006 17:07

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace'/Saturday, 8 October, 2005/2:30 pm
Loctation: 7th Floor Corridor
Open to: Will Sparrow
Currently involving: Liesl, Will

I spy with my little eye... )


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liesl_jacobs May 3 2006, 22:30:09 UTC
Oh, just lovely.

Catching his wave, Liesl closed her eyes and slumped against Lachlan's hip, arms folded across her chest. Her last talk with Will hadn't gone nearly as planned; she had not managed to eek out even one word of Ravenclaw rendezvous from him. If only that dratted Emilia hadn't been there to muck up the business. Both of them droning on about the weather as if they were writing some sappy romance novel. Really. She swore if those two got any more sunshiny and chipper she would kick them right out of Slytherin.

Hah, as if. A girl could dream.

But she was well aware of how much fraternizing he'd been doing with other Houses, too. A smart girl like Liesl, even if she was too pig-headed to see SOME things, knew that he had to be getting some valuable information out of them. And not necessarily as innocently as he would have everyone believe. No, he was a clever one, Liesl would give him that. He had a way with... people. Such a talent must obviously come in handy ( ... )


liesl_jacobs May 5 2006, 20:47:06 UTC
She shrugged, mildly sated by his admission that she would scare him. Her eyes avoided his, trailing over the same painting he had but not really seeing it. Liesl's mind was elsewhere.

"Ja, I'm tough," she said with a touch of sarcasm. "How could I not be? I'm the daughter of parents who were practically in the Mafia." She wrinkled her nose at how Muggle that term sounded. "I could be a cold-blooded killer and money-launderer, and no one would be any the wiser." Her tone had turned very resentful, thoughts coursing over just how much her words described her parents.


williamsparrow May 5 2006, 20:53:03 UTC
"Everyone has their secrets to keep...though, if it means anything, I..."

Here, he did manage to look a little distressed, biting his lip hard before sparing her another quick glance. "I'm sorry...about your parents, I mean. It's got to be tough, having all that fall on your shoulders so suddenly..."

Heh. Like he knew nothing about having parentals die or dissapear on him.


liesl_jacobs May 5 2006, 20:57:26 UTC
"I can handle it," she said evenly, though she swallowed something hard in her throat as the words came out.

Liesl paused by the enormous, grotesque-looking statue of Barnabas the Barmy and sat down at its foot, putting her chin glumly in her hands. She wished very much that this conversation would end so she wouldn't have to hear Will's professions of sympathy. Like they were... friends or something. Liesl didn't want anyone's pity. She simply wanted out of here.


williamsparrow May 5 2006, 21:02:09 UTC
"Course. You're tough, like you said."

Seeing her expression tugged at him...despite them not necessarily being friends, technically, it still bothered him to see her so low. Especially when that pain was so familiar.

He dealt with it by smiling and pretending nothing had happened. She pushed everyone away. To each their own.

"....hey!" He suddenly frowned himself, patting the front of his shirt, before glancing once behind him. "Ah...one moment!" Turning from her suddenly, he jogged back down the hallway, past the picture of the dancing trolls, and darted down to pick a gleaming object from the ground.

"Now how did you get loose...?" he murmured, eyeing the chain and charm puzzledly.


liesl_jacobs May 5 2006, 21:15:31 UTC
Good. He was dropping it. Feeling relief seep into her, she watched as he suddenly scampered off. Something shiny caught her eye, dangling from his hand. Ooo. Pretty. Picking herself up, Liesl followed him back down the corridor to see what was so important. At least this was something to take her mind off more serious things, something she definitely needed. A dark brow lifted in curiosity, though she tried not to look too interested. In a suspicious sense at least.

"What's that?" she asked, gesturing at the... necklace, was it?


williamsparrow May 5 2006, 21:29:16 UTC
"Ah...nothing, really."

He glanced up quickly as she approached, blinking owlishly, before lifting the chain so she could see the charm dangling on the end. "Something from Gran...she makes loads of them, y'know."

After giving the pendant a calculating look, he outstretched his hand and offered it up for her to see. "It's not hexed or anything like that..."


liesl_jacobs May 6 2006, 19:42:12 UTC
Liesl examined the strange relic with increasing interest. Ah, so this was one of those trinkets from his Jamaican grandmother? Will's family was certainly of the exotic sort, she had realized. She reached out a hesitant hand to touch the pendant, but refrained at the last second despite how he had assured her it wasn't hexed.

One could never be too careful with foreign magics.

"What does it... do?" she queried, voice soft with the precariousness of distant awe and suspicion.


williamsparrow May 6 2006, 20:09:31 UTC
"This one here?"

Seeing she didn't really want to risk a closer look, he drew it back in, tilting his head and gazing at the small carvings patterned into the pendant. Something shifted then behind those black eyes, and he smiled almost wistfully before glancing up again. "Ah...well, if you'll believe it, it's sort of a ward...guards against the sorrow that comes with loss."

His smile grew, his voice quiet. "I was a big crybaby as a kid...if I so much as lost a button, I'd start wailing. But y'know...you get used to it after a while. Even after losing bigger things. You miss them, but it doesn't hurt so much after a while... You get used to losing things, I suppose, and just learn to live without 'em."

He chuckled, as though the notion were truely amusing to him, and tucked it quietly away into one of his many pockets. "Maybe it's telling me I don't need it anymore."


liesl_jacobs May 8 2006, 04:18:31 UTC
She quirked a brow.

"A necklace's intuition, eh?" surmised Liesl, not without humour. "I should wonder why you wouldn't need such a thing. Loss is a fairly common circumstance." Her own eyes turned distant as she seemed to gaze right through Will. "Death and life, it all goes hand in hand. Although I suppose it's not the most comrade-like of friendships."

She shrugged off the wistful demeanour as soon as she grew aware of it. "It probably doesn't work, anyway. Whoever heard of a ward against sorrow?"

Liesl turned abruptly and headed back in their original direction, not liking the philosophical, almost whimsical direction her thoughts were taking. It was most likely Will's fault; he was such a dreamer, he probably brought it out in her. She paused at the fanciful portrait of dancing trolls. More rubbish from the minds of dreamers.

She moved on, stirred by a great desire not to think of anything so lofty. As if sorrow and loss could be avoided.


williamsparrow May 8 2006, 04:30:26 UTC
"Ah, don't be so skeptical. This isn't your run-of-the-mill Hogwarts magic, anyway," he replied almost indignantly, hurrying to catch up to her and stuffing both hands into his pockets.

They REALLY needed to get off this subject of loss. Some sort of distraction, any sort of distraction, from the madness going on around them...

And then Will paused, and blinked, catching sight of a door he could swear had never been there before. Nor could he recall ever having drawn a room here on his map.

"Huh..." Curiosity snagging his attention, he wandered back towards the mysterious new door, one hand cautiously going towards the handle.


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