I spy with my little eye...

May 03, 2006 17:07

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace'/Saturday, 8 October, 2005/2:30 pm
Loctation: 7th Floor Corridor
Open to: Will Sparrow
Currently involving: Liesl, Will

Although spreading rumors was a leading pastime in Hogwarts, Liesl wasn’t particularly a fan of discussing notions she couldn’t properly substantiate - especially when the person interrogating her was someone like Wes. You could drop the merest tidbit in front of him and he’d hunt after you for more like a foxhound on the scent. Intent on finding out the truth behind what she had observed in exceptionally odd Gryffindor behavior - it wasn’t easy being the only Slytherin still taking Defense in her year - Liesl decided to have a look around the rival Common Room on the seventh floor. If anyone unwanted came along and was suspicious, she could… always say she was on her way to visit Flitwick in his office?

Thinking she could make greater use out of her ‘journal’ if she took private notes in it, she brought it along with her and hovered around the statue of Lachlan the Lanky. It was a blessing the bloke was so tall - he provided a fair hiding spot in a pinch. He was just to the right of the stairs and adjacent to the Gryffindor portrait hole, so she set up watch there. But it seemed to Liesl that for the past twenty minutes at least there had been absolutely no activity around the Common Room. Since when were these kids such homebodies?!

She was growing restless from staying in one place; with a yawn and a grumble, she crept out from behind the statue, glancing down the corridor. Might there be anything else to see a little further off?


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