(no subject)

May 02, 2006 04:27

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace' / Thursday, October 6 / 3:00PM
Location: Hallways
Open To: Clover
Currently Involving: Ranger

Ah, study hall was over with and Ranger was now in that blissfull period between overworking his brain and getting to eat, a time to let the brain rot, just a little bit. He waved goodbye to a few of his study partners and turned to head down the hallway in the general direction of the dungeons, pondering what he was going to do before meal time. He COULD always do some homework but...pfft. Who did that when they had just come out of study hall, anyway?

Ranger paused for a second to start patting through his things in order to find something he wanted to read a little closer (okay, so he occasionally did that whole studying thing, be quiet) when he promptly realized that he had left half his stuff back in study hall. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, he turned around and headed right back in the direction he had came in order to retrieve them.


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