(no subject)

Apr 27, 2006 18:33

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace' / Wednesday, 5 October / 3:00 p.m.
Location: the Owlery
Open To: Shihoko
Currently Involving: Will

Luckily enough, the drizzle hadn't soaked too much into the ground, and therefore wasn't extremely muddy by the time Will ducked his way out of the castle, heading across the lawns towards the Owlery. It wasn't thunderstorming, so Barnabas wouldn't be in too much trouble if he sent him out now...besides, this letter needed to get to Gran.

Four days. No news, no murders, no dissapearances. No appearance from Lucius Malfoy, either. It couldn't be anything but 'the deep breath before the plunge', and Will was keen to communcate his concern with the only person he knew it was safe to do so with.

His hood had fallen back sometime during the swift jog up to the steps of the Owlery, and his damp hair was stubbornly falling into his face and obstructing his view as he climbed, pausing only when he'd reached the last landing. He leaned against the stone railing to catch his breath, gaze darting across the empty grounds before he turned to head into the shelter of the tower.

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