Week 005 Potions

Apr 23, 2006 20:39

Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace
Location: Dungeons
Open To: Anyone taking Potions
Currently Involving: Snape and Students

Five weeks in and the students had already gotten on his last nerve... )

week-005, severus-snape, classroom-threads

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5th Years hih_npc April 24 2006, 00:47:22 UTC
((You know the drill... Snape'll be sweeping through as soon as a few of you enter...))


Re: 5th Years keeley_dwyer April 25 2006, 03:36:17 UTC
Keeley felt her face turn red at Erik's comment. She had hoped that their conversation would not have been heard. "Sorry" she mumbled towards him before turning away, trying to stop her face from burning.

She reached into her bag and took out her textbook. She had looked over the chapter in study hall before the class and just flipped through until she found it again.


Re: 5th Years erikcohen April 25 2006, 20:08:50 UTC
"'S all right," Erik said to the two girls and flipped through his potions book lazily.

If he could get caught up in potions, Erik figured it would be easy to catch up in his other subhects. Then again, catching up in Potions basically meant mixing the ingredients together and hoping his eyebrows didn't burn off completely.

"If we get into trouble, it has to be the kind that doesn't involve Slytherins. 'S not safe for me to interact with 'em anymore," Erik whispered to Phil.


Re: 5th Years emiliahawthorn April 25 2006, 21:11:58 UTC
((skip Emilia til Snape turns up please. There's only so much flicking and ignoring she can do)).


Re: 5th Years jackie_zhang April 25 2006, 22:13:05 UTC
Jack bit her lip, debating whether or not to volunteer to check Charlie's homework. Normally, she would've checked the night before or at breakfast, but Charlie had pulled another all-nighter and she didn't have the chance. It would be her luck (basically, the luck of any Gryffindor in the class) if Snape chose that exact moment to walk in class. He would have the perfect excuse to deduct points from their house, and it would be a great way to start the week.

She sighed and propped her head against her fists. When in bloody hell would he arrive at his own class?


Re: 5th Years charlie_davis April 26 2006, 16:10:10 UTC
Charlie laughed, enjoying the company of her classmates (even in this dismal setting), and propped her feet up on the desk (really, she wasn't too plussed if Snape was bothered by it. That old git.)

"Yeah, sorry guys," she turned towards her dorm mates, "hope I didn't keep ya up last night. Procrastination always ends up biting me in the arse. And if I wake up to my pretty red curtains smoldering again," she mock glared at Jackie, "I will make you wish that you were the sex slave of Jabba."

"Say," Charlie commented, swinging her feet off the table and pulling out her books. "Where is the ol' bat anyways? I bet he's lurking in the shadows, waiting for one of us to put a likkle toe out of line."


Re: 5th Years p_davenport April 26 2006, 16:36:04 UTC
Phillip nearly laughed when Erik yelled at the gossiping girls; it served them right. Although, he'd have to remember to ask Erik what the bloody hell they'd been talking about later. It seemed he'd missed a lot the last few weeks. He stifled his laughter by sticking his nose in his textbook and pretending to suddenly find something very interesting to read.

When Erik turned to him and whispered that, Phillip raised an eyebrow at his friend, but nodded. He definitely needed a chat with his mate if things had gotten that bad. He decided that spending all his free time on the pitch upon first returning to Hogwarts had been a bad idea, after all. "All right. Plenty of other havoc to wreak. There's always Filch to torment," he gave a small grin ( ... )


Re: 5th Years letty_lycroft April 24 2006, 20:38:16 UTC
Letty wandered into the Dungeons slowly and warily. Unusually for her, she was first today. She didn't like it one bit. The dungeons were habitually dark and cold and, well, creepy. But being there all on your own made it all 100 times worse and Letty began to worry she might be in the wrong place. Maybe a different classroom? Or the lesson had been changed and she hadn't been told?

Ignoring her paranoia, she took a seat towards the middle of the classroom, unpacked her cauldron, books, parchment and quill and sat there doodling nervously, waiting fo rthe other students to arrive.

((OOC: Started a new thread for the Puff/Claw class, hope that's ok.))


Re: 5th Years saffy_mayloski April 24 2006, 21:31:53 UTC
(Hope it is alright, since I'm joining this one.)

Luckily, her brains hadn't turned to mush, because potions needed a bit of her attention. However, her sense of time was a bit off. She nearly sprinted in from the far reaches of the grounds, until she saw the darkness of the potions room. "Hello?" She called quietly, unnecessarily, because she could see Letty. Her friend didn't appear to be too happy in there alone, so Saffron quickly joined her.

"Letty, mind if I sit here?" She didn't wait for an answer (what if Snape popped up and she wasn't in her seat!?) and sat down. She took out her things, organizing them on the side of the table. Her mood had hardly changed since the day before, she was having trouble concentrating. "Bloody hell, you think he could've made it darker in here? Turn a bloody light on," Saffron said in a harsh-but-quiet voice.


Re: 5th Years juhi_saraf April 24 2006, 21:43:57 UTC
Juhi walked into the room in time to catch Saffron's remark. "Is it darker than normal, then? I didn't notice," she commented with a grin at Saffy, and began setting up her things on Letty's other side.

She scooted her cauldron a few inches to the left, cringing at the sound, and leaned against it. "Whatcha drawin, Letty?" she asked, and tried to take a peek at the parchment the Hufflepuff was doodling on.


Re: 5th Years dustin_alden April 24 2006, 21:49:38 UTC
Dustin came flying into the classroom, an accident just waiting to happen. His cauldron was in one hand, while his potions book, quills, and parchment were hanging loosely out of the bag on his shoulder. He was lucky he didn't stumble as he reached the table where Letty, Juhi, and Saffron were seated. He plopped down beside them, out of breath and eyes wide.

"I almost didn't make it! I completely forgot! Don't tell Snape, he'll think I'm undedicated or something. I was afraid I was going to walk in late and he was going to make me test the potions again, like last time. That wasn't funny, I had a sore tongue for two days," Dustin said quickly to them and glanced around nervously.

That Snape was one scary man, and Dustin didn't mix well with scary.


Re: 5th Years letty_lycroft April 24 2006, 22:45:58 UTC
Letty looked up at Saffy as she walked in and smiled. She was about to reply to her comment about the comment when Juhi walked in and asked her about her doodles.

"Nothing particular..." Letty replied to Juhi looking at the mess on ink blobs, stars, spirals, crossed and crossings out on the parchment. She doubted that Snape would approve if he saw it.

Letty giggled at Dustin's comment about tasting potions. She'd had detention with Snape before herslef and, although it didn't involve tasting potions, it was an experience she'd rather not repeat.

"Any one know what this lesson is supposed to be on?" Letty asked the room at large.


Re: 5th Years saffy_mayloski April 24 2006, 23:22:18 UTC
Saffron turned slightly pink when she realized at Hogwarts you couldn't just 'turn' a light on. It usually required lighting a few torches. Thankfully no one had called her out on it. She smiled broadly at Juhi, happy to see yet another familiar face. Oh, and there was another one!

Saffron grinned at Dustin, nearly laughing at him. "Well, the point is that you did make it." Saffron could recall the class Dustin was talking about. It didn't seem pleasant, especially since not every student was brilliant at potions.

She held her tongue, having something rather nasty to say about their professor. One never knew when he would be arriving. "When he gets here I suppose," she said with no tone, and shrugged.

Looking at Dustin suddenly, she smiled. "Hey," she poked his arm to get his attention. "Did you get the hat?" He hadn't replied, so she wasn't sure if Havlar had delivered it successfully. He was actually a Little Owl, and didn't like carrying parcels.


Re: 5th Years juhi_saraf April 25 2006, 15:22:28 UTC
Juhi blinked at Dustin. "How did you almost forget? The last thing I said to you when we left Muggle Studies was 'See you in Potions!'" She narrowed her eyes at him, but smirked. "Guess that shows how much you listen to me, eh?"

When Saffron started asking Dustin about a hat, Juhi turned to Letty and gave her an exagerrated knowing look. "This lesson is about Potions," she said firmly, and added a half moon next to one of Letty's stars. "How's your Monday been, then?"


Re: 5th Years dustin_alden April 25 2006, 20:13:55 UTC
Dustin smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand and gave Juhi a goofy smile.

"Now, that makes so much more sense. I thought you had said 'I see your devotion!', which I thought you were talking about Muggle Studies, and I was going to thank you, but then I forgot that as well. I suppose it doesn't matter, as it isn't what you said anyway," Dustin explained and turned his attention to Saffron as she poked his arm.

"Oh, the hat! Yes, I got it! 'Twas in that little box! I love it, really. Ta," Dustin told her and smiled.

Good thing she had reminded him that he had it. He'd probably need it for Quidditch practice, as it was only getting colder now.


Re: 5th Years saffy_mayloski April 25 2006, 20:48:20 UTC
((Meep. I thought Letty asked 'When' not 'What ( ... )


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