
Oct 09, 2007 20:46

:Week Name/Date/Time: 'Sometimes You Just Can't Win'/ Saturday, September 23, 2006/ 1:15 PM
Location: The Infirmary
Open to: Brinley, Illiad, and a very disturbed Madame Pomfrey
Currently Involving:  Lou-boo!


That was the noise Louvika Hawkin's brain made. It sounded, actually, a bit trainish. Intresting thought to ponder later, but ( Read more... )

illiad-hawkins, week-037, lou-hawkins, brinley-watson

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brinley_watson October 10 2007, 06:18:49 UTC
He hardly tried to shield a smirk as she gave up so easily. Good. Illiad would likely be pissed at Brinley for ages if he Crucio'ed his cousin. Apparently they liked one another, which still came as a shock to Brinley. Every Hawkins, save Illiad, was a waste in Brinley's eyes. Why didn't Illiad feel the same way?

"If you think him to be some sort of placid, emotionally-restricted idiot, you're very wrong," he replied, voice holding just a hint of a cutting tone. "He's been angry with me plenty." Still wearing the faintest proof of a bruise, he looked away. Eyes apparently preferred to stare at Illiad's blanket-coated feet. Oh yes, he had seen him angry a lot. They had even come to blows. But that was just part of their dynamic. Once part of her statement really sunk in (took a while to translate), he had to look at her again. "...wait, did you just call him pretty." Right, yes. That was weird. "You are fucking insane, you know that, don't you?" The really odd part about that statement was that the cutting tone was ( ... )


homely_illiad October 13 2007, 18:25:46 UTC
Illiad didn't like that sneer. It tore him apart inside. He'd seen it used before, but never to him! That seemed almost unholy. Here he was, Brinley definate favorite, and he was recieving that sneer reserved for twits and prats! Had Louvika downgraded him that far in Brinley's mind? That girl... she was always meddling where she didn't need to be! Illiad felt a hot spurt of anger rise up in his chest. He clenched his fists and his cheeks flushed in a way that Brinley had probably never seen before. He was angry-- he was pissed ( ... )


brinley_watson October 13 2007, 18:42:36 UTC
That was one thing that anyone dealing with Brinley Watson positively had to understand. He was posessive and had never been the type to share his things. It was a bitter pill of hypocracy, as he'd never deal with anyone acting that way towards or about him in return, but it was how he operated. He didn't want anyone to be closer or mean more or anywhere near as much as he did to Illiad ( ... )


homely_illiad October 13 2007, 18:55:33 UTC
Illiad's entire being seemed to shake. How was he supposed to deal with this? He felt sincere anger with his eyes for betraying him in this fashion-- completely unfair. But then again, he had Hawkins eyes. No wonder that while he was betraying his family, they would betray him back. God, I'm becoming like her, he thought, ashamedly, cursing his own grief inspiried lunacy.

But what was this nosh about Brinley never lying?! Skirting the truth, in Illiad's opinion, counted as lying. You've probably just run into a bannister or something.... Those words filled Illiad's mind and heart and made him sick to his stomach. He'd always supported that lying, even made up the lies for him! But... Illiad was in no position to accuse Brinley of this. He was already in the dog house-- and he figured if he did anything else to upset the boy, he'd be dropped then and there. And how was he supposed to deal with that?

He wouldn't. He couldn't. He'd draw his wand and Avada Kedavra himself then and there. There wasn't anything worth living for without ( ... )


brinley_watson October 13 2007, 19:09:24 UTC
Nooo, he wasn't lying by skirting about everything, he was merely showing how un-detail oriented he was! Telling the skeleton of what happened surely was better than not saying a thing at all! Besides, he rarely had to do that either. Illiad would lie for him, and no one could really be a liar by proxy ( ... )


homely_illiad October 13 2007, 20:17:03 UTC
No more talking to Louvika? It could almost be called a blessing.


No more talking to Louvika would mean that Brinley would love him again, really, truly love him. But no more talking to Louvika meant that he was down from three to two people he considered to love him in his mind. Louvika would be annoyed, possibly heart-broken that her favorite cousin wouldn't speak to her. And if that happened, his own mother would probably feel the same. His mother who had always championed him to his father and siblings. Two to one. But did it matter? Now he would only have Brinley, and no doubt that with this, Brinley's affections would double. It wasn't that hard to ignore Lou at Howgarts anyways. He did it most of the time to show his housemates he was good and loyal. It was, moreover, she that sought him out to talk! But she always knew when was exactly the right time to come. She always knew when I was hurting the most.But it was the affection that did it. The physical affection. Brinley knew how to play his cards. The boy was ( ... )


brinley_watson October 13 2007, 20:27:12 UTC
Illiad didn't understand his intentions? Bloody hell, neither did Brinley.

All he knew was that he wanted Illiad to himself, as he always had. Again, he hated to share. Why he cared so much was a mystery even to him. Generally speaking, he really didn't care about a thing when it came to his lover and who his lover spent time with. But now, new mini-feelings and all taken into consideration, he actually sort of gave a bloody damn. Illiad was not only his toy, but his favourite toy. He didn't want anyone else to even look at it, better yet feel it's love and/or affection.


The thought was fleeting and only flashed towards conscienceness briefly, but it was there.


No, he likely wouldn't care much for Illiad's little problems or personal dramas. But sacrifice, a master manipulator had to recognize that every now and then, a sacrifice would have to be made. Yes, he'd sit there and listen to all those bloody issues. So long as Illiad would tell them only to him. And who knows, once eyerolling and grumbling over ( ... )


homely_illiad October 13 2007, 22:15:20 UTC
With that kiss, Illiad knew the deal was sealed. He let Brinley take whatever he wanted from it. No more talking to Louvika. Well. It wasn't much of a sacrifice, he supposed, now that he thought about it. But if he was planning on cutting off his ties with his family come Christmas, this might make it easier. Cut off the strongest one. But still ( ... )


brinley_watson October 14 2007, 00:39:47 UTC
Infirmatory Macking would have to wait. He had queued a comment that Illiad had made and expected more from it before things would go any further. But oh, did he make that kiss worth it. He had spent so much time bending and twisting his poor boyfriend that he knew what had to be done to get things secured. He threw his all into that kiss, even going so far as to tangle a hand into his hair and rise slightly from his seat. For once, it was passionate and wanting, not taking and demanding. Some odd sort of new kiss and Brinley knew exactly what he was doing by unleashing it at that moment.

Part of him wanted Illiad to feel it as the loving, hungry kiss that it was so that he would think that he loved him. Another part, small as it was (of course/as always), wanted him to know that he did in that sick, twisted way that the feeling was felt and shown ( ... )


homely_illiad October 14 2007, 01:26:57 UTC
Illiad... didn't really know what more there was to say about December. Dissapointed that the kiss had only been a kiss, but sort of relieved that it had been (he was still mighty tired), he leaned back into the pillows and shut his eyes a moment, hands drifting down from Brinley's shoulders to the boys sides. He let one thumb caress the older boy slightly, still affectionate, almost begging for Brinley to return the favor ( ... )


brinley_watson October 14 2007, 01:39:04 UTC
As he spoke, Brinley half listened.. he was a bit preoccupied figuring out what his next move should be. All of these demands, oh, they had to make his boyfriend weary. He knew that if he pushed too hard, it would all be ruined. Surely Illiad could only take so much before he'd run. Brinley had decided that from then on, every push he made had to be backed up by reassurance, so said reassurance was exactly what he gave him. Eyes intently studying the younger boy, he kicked snakeskin boots off and climbed up into the bed with him.

It had been over three years now, hadn't it? He could make suggestions such as the one he was about to make, surely. Right, he didn't want to. But he sort of felt like he had to. Besides, having Illiad about and around him would mean that he'd have him.. all the time. It's what he wanted, wasn't it?

"You will and stay with me," he replied, hesitant and quiet as he took a position at Illiad's side. There was no 'You should' or 'Would you like to?'... no. He handed out demands, not suggestions ( ... )


homely_illiad October 14 2007, 01:51:48 UTC
Illiad felt his heart start to glow again. Stay with Brinley? Stay there, with him! Yes. Oh yes! Here was his reward for being a good boyfriend... he had a home and the arms of a warm lover to spend time with! And he's be staying with Brinley's grandparents, who he'd heard were proper purebloods. There wouldn't be any more talk of Illiad Hawkins being a lousey bloodtraitor around the Slytherin Common Rooms. No, now everyone would know how he'd eliminated the blood traitors from his life, replaced them with more apt candidates ( ... )


brinley_watson October 14 2007, 02:10:30 UTC
Exactly what he was shooting for there. Andrew Frazer hadn't been, and never would be offered a place in his home. Only Illiad.

No, Brinley would never offer anyone anything 'just to be nice'. Being nice really wasn't his thing, and thank goodness he realized this! If he said it, he meant it. Thankfully his lover knew and understood this completely. He might have... well, not been exactly honest in why, but that didn't matter. Point A met with Point D, and did B and C (so full of evil and greed) really matter in the great scheme of things? No no. Just that it began and ended, that's all that ever really mattered.

As for his grandparents, well. He did actually worry that they wouldn't let Illiad stay with them. They would, of course, but Brinley didn't know that they were as apt for pleasing their victims as he was so he did worry. If it didn't pan out, however.. well, they'd just have to find another place to stay. Illiad was going to be with him. He was Brinley's. One couldn't allow their favourite thing to go ( ... )


homely_illiad October 14 2007, 02:35:25 UTC
Illiad, however, was probably more so on the fence than even Brinley, seeing as he'd been raised by some of Dumbledore's biggest, craziest supporters. Why, there had even been rumors that Cadmus, Illiad's favorite of his two brothers, had had a death order put on him by Death Eaters. Whether or not this was true, Illiad didn't know-- those Death Eaters would've had to have been pretty tricky to drown Cadmus in front of nearly the entire family. But the death had still been devestating, and was one of the main factors Illiad had always blamed for his being placed in Slytherin-- he had sat under the Sorting Hat not a month thereafter, full of sad and bitter thoughts ( ... )


brinley_watson October 14 2007, 03:07:23 UTC
Well, his Mum was obviously pro-Dumbledore, but his Dad hadn't a clue about the entire ordeal. He cared more for Manchester U than anything in the Wizarding world. So right, he only had to deal with half the pro-good influence, and had twenty-times the evil influence, so.. yes. Brinley was more far gone then his boyfriend. Only thing that anyone could really hope for would be that in the end, they'd wind up on the same side of whatever fence they jump across. Denial of love or not, Illiad really was Brinley's world.. at times. You know, when some hotter young filly wasn't about to take Brin's attention away. Details, smetails ( ... )


homely_illiad October 14 2007, 03:28:37 UTC
((OOC: Stage-leftastic!))


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