
Oct 09, 2007 20:46

:Week Name/Date/Time: 'Sometimes You Just Can't Win'/ Saturday, September 23, 2006/ 1:15 PM
Location: The Infirmary
Open to: Brinley, Illiad, and a very disturbed Madame Pomfrey
Currently Involving:  Lou-boo!


That was the noise Louvika Hawkin's brain made. It sounded, actually, a bit trainish. Intresting thought to ponder later, but ( Read more... )

illiad-hawkins, week-037, lou-hawkins, brinley-watson

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homely_illiad October 14 2007, 01:51:48 UTC
Illiad felt his heart start to glow again. Stay with Brinley? Stay there, with him! Yes. Oh yes! Here was his reward for being a good boyfriend... he had a home and the arms of a warm lover to spend time with! And he's be staying with Brinley's grandparents, who he'd heard were proper purebloods. There wouldn't be any more talk of Illiad Hawkins being a lousey bloodtraitor around the Slytherin Common Rooms. No, now everyone would know how he'd eliminated the blood traitors from his life, replaced them with more apt candidates.

"I'd...I'd like that...thanks," he said, slowly, tucking his head under Brinley's chin. He might've treated it like it had been a question, but he was seriously relieved that it -had- been a demand. If it had only been offered, he wouldn't know if he could take it. Was it what Brinley wanted? Or was he just saying to to be nice? HAH. When did Brinley do that anyways? Illiad felt secure in the decision now, safe and warmed by the fact that Brinley had not only offered it but chosen to hop into the bed with it. It was always physical for him. But that was the way he wanted it.

Take that, Andrew Frazer! A deep part of his heart-- the part that was always so apt for getting extremely jealous-- rejoiced. He didn't ask YOU to live with him, you filthy mudblood.

He leaned up and pecked Brinley on the cheek in thanks. Remembering that Brinley hated that, he leaned closer and kissed him firmly on the mouth, too. He was definately going to have to be on his best behavior now. Brinley had something very important in his deck and he could take it away at anytime.

"Do you reckon they'll like me?" his shy insecurity showing through, Illiad turned a little pink at the very corners of his cheeks. He certianly hoped that Brinley's grandparents would like him... he might be related to a family of blood traitors, but he was a pureblooded as Salazar Slytherin himself.


brinley_watson October 14 2007, 02:10:30 UTC
Exactly what he was shooting for there. Andrew Frazer hadn't been, and never would be offered a place in his home. Only Illiad.

No, Brinley would never offer anyone anything 'just to be nice'. Being nice really wasn't his thing, and thank goodness he realized this! If he said it, he meant it. Thankfully his lover knew and understood this completely. He might have... well, not been exactly honest in why, but that didn't matter. Point A met with Point D, and did B and C (so full of evil and greed) really matter in the great scheme of things? No no. Just that it began and ended, that's all that ever really mattered.

As for his grandparents, well. He did actually worry that they wouldn't let Illiad stay with them. They would, of course, but Brinley didn't know that they were as apt for pleasing their victims as he was so he did worry. If it didn't pan out, however.. well, they'd just have to find another place to stay. Illiad was going to be with him. He was Brinley's. One couldn't allow their favourite thing to go floating about the country with others, could they?

"They'll like you," he replied. "They like me and my brothers." Yes, Illiad was every bit as pureblooded as Salazar Slytherin and hey, he had to face it. Brinley was about as pureblooded as Voldemort himself, but that didn't keep his Grandparents from keeping him around. In fact, they would have been happier to have a pureblood walking about their hallways and under their wings. They'd also likely realize that turning Illiad towards the dark side would drag Brinley down with them for sure, as he was still the slightest bit wavering and they weren't completely convinced that he'd go absolutely evil in the end yet. Bloody hell, neither was Brinley! "And I like you. They couldn't not like you if I do. They like everyone I like, and they hate everyone I hate."


homely_illiad October 14 2007, 02:35:25 UTC
Illiad, however, was probably more so on the fence than even Brinley, seeing as he'd been raised by some of Dumbledore's biggest, craziest supporters. Why, there had even been rumors that Cadmus, Illiad's favorite of his two brothers, had had a death order put on him by Death Eaters. Whether or not this was true, Illiad didn't know-- those Death Eaters would've had to have been pretty tricky to drown Cadmus in front of nearly the entire family. But the death had still been devestating, and was one of the main factors Illiad had always blamed for his being placed in Slytherin-- he had sat under the Sorting Hat not a month thereafter, full of sad and bitter thoughts.

He was, however, relieved to know that Brinley's relatives would probably like him. He trusted Brinley to this-- and knew that if for some reason they didn't like having him around, Brinley would choose to leave with him. Was that too much to hope for? Her certianly hoped not. He couldn't imagine being completely homeless again, especially since he'd come from such a well-off family already. But he knew already that it was going to be hard without any means of income. He might even have to get a summer job just to pay for his seventh year books. Would his parents give him money if he left them so rashly? He doubted it. He could imagine his mother sneaking him galleons in the mail now and again, but he couldn't count on her kindness. No, only Brinley's. Maybe she wouldn't even care about him after he left. It'd be one less person to worry about, and the stress of having to break up fights between he and Apollo would definately make things easier for her. But maybe she would... maybe she'd worry about him being alright. He didn't want her to be sad.

A thought suddenly struck him. "Do you...do you want to come with me in December?" he asked, in a timid voice. "I don't plan on spending a lot of time there," he added, his voice rushed. "Maybe a day, to get my things and tell them..." his eyes were pleading. Please, I'll need your help to be strong... and to let my mother know I won't be alone...


brinley_watson October 14 2007, 03:07:23 UTC
Well, his Mum was obviously pro-Dumbledore, but his Dad hadn't a clue about the entire ordeal. He cared more for Manchester U than anything in the Wizarding world. So right, he only had to deal with half the pro-good influence, and had twenty-times the evil influence, so.. yes. Brinley was more far gone then his boyfriend. Only thing that anyone could really hope for would be that in the end, they'd wind up on the same side of whatever fence they jump across. Denial of love or not, Illiad really was Brinley's world.. at times. You know, when some hotter young filly wasn't about to take Brin's attention away. Details, smetails.

Money wise.. well, yes. They'd be well taken care of. His grandparents understood that Brinley was a vain, vapid creature. They gave him all the money he wanted and let him do whatever he wanted to with it. Sure, having Illiad with him would mean that he'd not be able to buy as much clothes (responsibility, whatever), but surely he could just get more funds to cover it all. Or.. blimey, get a job of his own sooner.

Did he want to go with Illiad?


Last thing he'd want is for December to come 'round, and Illiad chicken out. Oh, would he be so mad. And.. hurt. He didn't want to make plans and have them broken. He'd look like a damn fool to his grandparents and they'd likely even throw in a 'I told you so', pointing out that Illiad's blood-traitor family made him unworthy anyway. Oh, if he could avoid that? He would. He'd do anything, especially when his grandparents were involved.

"Yes," he replied quietly as he inspected the little spot where Illiad's jaw met his ear, then pressed lips against it quickly. "You'll need to extra hand to move your belongings. And I can hex those bloody fools should they try to get in your way."


homely_illiad October 14 2007, 03:28:37 UTC
((OOC: Stage-leftastic!))


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