
Oct 09, 2007 20:46

:Week Name/Date/Time: 'Sometimes You Just Can't Win'/ Saturday, September 23, 2006/ 1:15 PM
Location: The Infirmary
Open to: Brinley, Illiad, and a very disturbed Madame Pomfrey
Currently Involving:  Lou-boo!


That was the noise Louvika Hawkin's brain made. It sounded, actually, a bit trainish. Intresting thought to ponder later, but ( Read more... )

illiad-hawkins, week-037, lou-hawkins, brinley-watson

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loopdeelou October 10 2007, 04:18:11 UTC
Pomfrey, of course, used to years of working with teenagers, had found that nothing could surprise her. Not even this. Who didn't know that Mr. Quidditch-Playing-And-Occasionally-Getting-Injured-In-The-Process Illiad Hawkins was light in the loafers? She arched an eyebrow at Brinley, sitting there. "Really," she said, dryly, "would've thought he'd gone for someone a little nicer, the poor soul. But there's teenagers for you." She marked something off on her clipboard ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 02:18:29 UTC
Lou rolled her eyes and laughed. "Please, don't you know anything about basic potions?" her voice had somehow gone back to being British. School work, for some reason, always sounded so unrefined in her normal voice. And when it came to Potions, where she had to content with bratty Ravenclaws who -always- thought they knew better than her, her natural dialect was a bit of a set-back, unfortunately, and a reason for taunting.

"You use lacewing flies in potions for perserving strength... unfortunately, these sort of make you hibernate when you do go to sleep. So Illi's going to be sleeping a while. I mean, like, a couplea hours, not months or whatever. Doesn't matter, he needs it." She fell back into the chair and Telemakos gave a soft hoot from where he was perched on Illiad's bedframe, looking worried. Louvika pulled a live mouse out of her pocket and offered it to him. The owl took it graciously, turning his head upwards to swallow it ( ... )


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 02:39:03 UTC
Brinley had a near-exasperated look on his face as he looked back to her. She really didn't plan on shutting up. She didn't. It was terrible. She was going to dry him bloody mad and Illiad would wake up to find his dear, sweet cousin spattered against a bloody wall or something. He, thankfully, wasn't so annoyed that he couldn't get a good crack in edgewise. So with a sigh, he suddenly sat up in his seat and slowly raised a hand, as if motioning to the nurse. "Might I get a shot of that as well?" He then nodded to the imaginary nurse (as really, he'd not willing address that old bat again) and sat back in his chair again. "Illiad likely doesn't know how very lucky he is ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 02:48:03 UTC
As Lou made an attempt to stuff the wirewisk back into her robes, there was a puff of puce-colored smoke and a clay pot appeared where the utensil had once been. "Well, now you're just being ridiculous," she scolded...well... someone. It was probably the clay pot, come to think of it, for it was rather large and would not fit unobtrusively back into the spot inside her robes where it had come from. Rolling her eyes, she set the pot down on her knees and continued looking mildly annoyed with Brinley.

"I said you could if you wanted to, you know, not that you had to," she said, with a scowl. She ran her thumbs along the top edge of the pot. There was nothing for it but to wait until it changed into something a little more managable. One couldn't simply walk around with such a breakable item in their cloak! It'd probably.... break, or something.

She sat back in the chair, arms folded over her chest. An uneasy silence fell. It was probably very strange to hear Lou Hawkins ceasing in her prattling, but it did happen now and again ( ... )


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 03:13:10 UTC

Okay, so in as much as he tried to keep from addressing her odd sort of pocket watch, the second it turned into a pot, he just had to. "That," he quipped, "is why you bints shouldn't play about with magic so much. Haven't a bloody clue what you're doing half the time, do you." Women. If they were doing anything besides a household charm, they were practically useless. Turning pocket watches into pots and.. reallyBut that was completely out of his mind as she finally shut the bloody fuck up, and he was able to relax again. He had even made a grab for his magazine and was in the middle of reaching for it when she decided to talk again ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 03:22:54 UTC
Lou very desperately wanted to tell him that the transfiguration of the wand was only a defensive mechanism, nothing to do with HER lack of magic, but some how she figured he wouldn't understand. They usually didn't. Men. Always thinking logically when there was definately no reason for it. So she just patted her palms in a waltz tempo along the top portion of the pot, her back heel clicking against the chair now and again, keeping very good time.

"I don't suppose you do," she confessed, "but my muggleborn," she didn't bother holding any emphasis on the fact that Seth was not a muggle, but muggleborn-- it would've been wasted on Brinley Watson, "fuck-buddies have little interest to you. Whereas your pureblood one is my cousin. I ought to be allowed to know, see?" she asked, her tone cool, but definately prying. It was a bad habit of hers-- this prying. And it was one of the reasons Illiad disliked his cousin so ( ... )


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 03:51:47 UTC
Oh. Apparently she was quite wrong. He let her prattle and on and on until she actually had something interesting to say. Muggle fuck-buddies included Seth and AndyHm. Interesting, that ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 04:04:04 UTC
Lou gave him a curious look, stopping the drumming on the pot. "Yes, Andy Frazer," she said, the name seeming to glow on her lips. Oh! How she adored that boy and his pretty face, pretty hair, pretty eyes, pretty voice, pretty...everything! She seemed mildly distracted for a moment, however-- apart from imagining the boy in knee-highs and a frock, eating soup, another thought (far more depressing!) crossed her mind ( ... )


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 04:12:22 UTC
Oh, if Andrew Frazer was caught in any kind of closet, it wouldn't be one that held Louvika Hawkins. His closet would be frillier. Filled with men and begging him to come out of it.

See? Brinley was sort of funny.

Now this? This was amusing. He actually grinned, though it was a smile of sick pleasure, not amusement or joy. Sinking back into his seat again, he pulled his legs up to rest snake skin boots on the foot of Illiad's bed. Only thing he'd hope for would be his lover's continued rest, as the last thing he needed to wake up to was a discussion about his apparent least-favorite tosser.

"Do I think you're too ugly for him?" he repeated. His eyes closed slightly as if he was really giving it some extra thought there. Oh, he was going to drag this one out. It was too beautiful to rush. "...no... no, I'd daresay that you aren't. Perhaps too pretty, I'd say. You see... I actually know him very well." Pausing, he brought a hand up with flourish and moved it in a sort of circle, as if urging himself to continue. " ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 04:20:40 UTC
"Oh yes," Lou said earnestly. That wasn't a lie-- she had frequently found herself at Andrew Frazer's lips during parties of a Certian Sort. Of course, like most of her flings, these macking sessions were never serious (and because of the athmosphere of these parties, they were seldom remembered the next morning). But she definately didn't know she was merely something for Andy to test his hetrosexuality out on (however, if she did, it was likely she'd be more flattered than angry at his lies or insulted ( ... )


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 04:34:58 UTC
Curiously, Brinley's head tilted as Lou revealed that yes, they had apparently snogged at some point. Oh yes. He'd use that against Andy later. He had every intention of hunting the boy down anyway. Now he had fodder for that future battle. He couldn't really insult Brinley for being such a manwhore... at least he didn't pull females in with him, making them think he was something that he wasn't. Despite being evil and all, Brinley didn't think that gays messing about with females was a good idea ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 04:48:18 UTC
"'Side-project'?" It wasn't hard to see that Lou was confused by his terminology. Certianly, had she known about her friends sexuality, it might've been more clear. But in her mind, Andy Frazer was as straight as straight could get-- he hadn't ever really displayed signs of being otherwise (she'd even seen him somehow jealous of Seth on occasions, but figured he was just far too shy to inquire to her about fulfilling certian needs). So what was she to expect?

This didn't sound like the Andy she knew, though. Her (and Fi's) Andy was hot-tempered but non-judgemental, sweet and flattering, but somehow shy and secretive. Why would her Andy be friends with an ugly old git like Brinley Watson, even if there had been that sappy story about his 'moment of compassion' and him being 'dripping wet' and all that nonsense!

"You're having me on," she said, seriously, her eyes narrowed in another glare. "Why would Andy like you? He's far better than that, y'know. And furthermore-- you can say that you had your great moment of affection for him, ( ... )


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 05:10:40 UTC
"Absolutely not having you on at all," he replied honestly. Well, he was telling the truth, it was just in a rather round-about manner was all. "I'm not saying that he likes me or anything like that, we just had... well, we bonded, that's all. There's a kinship, you see. We have things in common." Nodding slowly, he frowned slightly as he brought his hands up, tapping his index fingers together. "Connection. Do you understand? We had a connection. That's all ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 05:30:26 UTC
Lou, while crazed, was not stupid ( ... )


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 05:38:30 UTC
Oh, it really didn't matter if she believed him or not. While no, he didn't know Louvika too well, Brinley was a master at people. He could read them. He, manipulative as he was, knew how to egg people on. He had Louvika pegged as the curious sort (what with her constant questions) and knew that she'd at least ask ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 05:50:31 UTC
Illiad looked up at him drowsily, his eyes unfocused, yet oddly coherent, like a newly awoken child trying to figure out what exactly had caused it to wake up. "Brinley...! Ohh... I'm sorry..." he mumbled, almost confused by these strange new affections. He didn't know what he was expecting-- for Brinley to hit him for failing to please him? He tried to sit up, but Lou rushed forward and put a hand on his chest.

"Illi, sit down! You're still weak, you know!" she scolded him lightly, looking worried. Telemakos gave a strange call from where he sat on Illiad's headboard.

But the younger boy only continued to look confuse. Why was she there? With Brinley?! What was going on? She was probably annoying him! If this was the case, he was going to have to prove to Brinley exactly how he felt for his cousin.

"Go away, Louvika!" he scolded her, in a harsh whisper. "Why are you even here?! This isn't any of your business!" A heat came to his cheeks, angry that she had butted in so! He'd fainted when he was with Brinley! She was always trying ( ... )


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