
Oct 09, 2007 20:46

:Week Name/Date/Time: 'Sometimes You Just Can't Win'/ Saturday, September 23, 2006/ 1:15 PM
Location: The Infirmary
Open to: Brinley, Illiad, and a very disturbed Madame Pomfrey
Currently Involving:  Lou-boo!


That was the noise Louvika Hawkin's brain made. It sounded, actually, a bit trainish. Intresting thought to ponder later, but ( Read more... )

illiad-hawkins, week-037, lou-hawkins, brinley-watson

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loopdeelou October 11 2007, 03:22:54 UTC
Lou very desperately wanted to tell him that the transfiguration of the wand was only a defensive mechanism, nothing to do with HER lack of magic, but some how she figured he wouldn't understand. They usually didn't. Men. Always thinking logically when there was definately no reason for it. So she just patted her palms in a waltz tempo along the top portion of the pot, her back heel clicking against the chair now and again, keeping very good time.

"I don't suppose you do," she confessed, "but my muggleborn," she didn't bother holding any emphasis on the fact that Seth was not a muggle, but muggleborn-- it would've been wasted on Brinley Watson, "fuck-buddies have little interest to you. Whereas your pureblood one is my cousin. I ought to be allowed to know, see?" she asked, her tone cool, but definately prying. It was a bad habit of hers-- this prying. And it was one of the reasons Illiad disliked his cousin so.

"One of these reasons I prefer Muggleborn boys so much," she practically muttered under her breath, "boys like Andy and Seth... not so bothersome about blood. Hm." She glared at a nice spot by Brinley's left foot.


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 03:51:47 UTC
Oh. Apparently she was quite wrong. He let her prattle and on and on until she actually had something interesting to say. Muggle fuck-buddies included Seth and Andy?

Hm. Interesting, that.

The sad part was this: Brinley had built up this theory that Illiad found out about the two of them directly from Andrew Frazer himself. What better way to tempt Brinley's mouth shut than to tell the details of their 'affair' to the one person he'd brag to about it? Once Illiad knew, Brinley wouldn't really want it spread around so much. It would just cause more hurt for Illiad and while yes, he rarely cared about Illiad's feelings that way, he knew what the boy's limits were. He could only stand to hear of Brinley's conquests once and if the bulk of the student population found out about it, he'd hear it quite a few times. Spreading a rumour about the two of them post-Illiad finding out was too cruel. See? He had limits when it came to his lover. They were horrible ones, yes, but at least they were there.

So on to the bad part. He had been wanting to get his own revenge but hadn't the foggiest clue how to go about it. A door of opportunity opened right directly before Louvika, however, and Brinley was prepared to walk through it.


He'd have to do this perfectly.

"Odd, Louvika," he replied slowly, almost as if he was so wrapped up in pondering the situation that he had to actually think about his words, "I hadn't realized that he was one of your mudblood fuck-buddies. Andy, you say? As in Andrew Frazer?"

Two for one. He'd prod Andrew's side through Louvika and avoid the 'Aww, feelings for Illiad?' bit longer.


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 04:04:04 UTC
Lou gave him a curious look, stopping the drumming on the pot. "Yes, Andy Frazer," she said, the name seeming to glow on her lips. Oh! How she adored that boy and his pretty face, pretty hair, pretty eyes, pretty voice, pretty...everything! She seemed mildly distracted for a moment, however-- apart from imagining the boy in knee-highs and a frock, eating soup, another thought (far more depressing!) crossed her mind.

She'd never been with Andy!

Those random make out parties didn't count, she figured, to Brinley, who had probably made out with loads more guys than she had (he had a whole year on her, after all!). But while they were tons of fun, guys like Brinley only ever counting going all the way. This made for an awkward circumstance. Lie to Brinley? That would be very easy. But would he know? Lou, while an excellent liar, was one of the sort that was always fearful she'd be found out. Even if it was something so simple as whether or not she'd been caught in a broom closet with Andrew Frazer.

"Why's that odd?" she figured she'd go with, raising an eyebrow at him. "Do you think I'm too ugly for him?" she sounded rather indignant.

"Because -he- doesn't think so! And he's a very good kisser, really, he is!"


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 04:12:22 UTC
Oh, if Andrew Frazer was caught in any kind of closet, it wouldn't be one that held Louvika Hawkins. His closet would be frillier. Filled with men and begging him to come out of it.

See? Brinley was sort of funny.

Now this? This was amusing. He actually grinned, though it was a smile of sick pleasure, not amusement or joy. Sinking back into his seat again, he pulled his legs up to rest snake skin boots on the foot of Illiad's bed. Only thing he'd hope for would be his lover's continued rest, as the last thing he needed to wake up to was a discussion about his apparent least-favorite tosser.

"Do I think you're too ugly for him?" he repeated. His eyes closed slightly as if he was really giving it some extra thought there. Oh, he was going to drag this one out. It was too beautiful to rush. "...no... no, I'd daresay that you aren't. Perhaps too pretty, I'd say. You see... I actually know him very well." Pausing, he brought a hand up with flourish and moved it in a sort of circle, as if urging himself to continue. "Very well, actually. He tends to not like them so much pretty as... handsome, perhaps?" Thankfully the English had blessed their language with words such as 'handsome', which could really fit to either gender. "The pretty ones just intimidate him. Pull him far from his comfort range, I believe. He's very particular, you see."

Now the only question was... how was muggle-hating Brinley Watson a pro when it came to Andrew Frazer?

Oh, but her last sentence... that really killed him. He wanted to laugh right there on the spot, but instead his brow rose in faux curiousity. "...well, perhaps I'm wrong with my observations then? So you've kissed him?"


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 04:20:40 UTC
"Oh yes," Lou said earnestly. That wasn't a lie-- she had frequently found herself at Andrew Frazer's lips during parties of a Certian Sort. Of course, like most of her flings, these macking sessions were never serious (and because of the athmosphere of these parties, they were seldom remembered the next morning). But she definately didn't know she was merely something for Andy to test his hetrosexuality out on (however, if she did, it was likely she'd be more flattered than angry at his lies or insulted).

"And what do you mean by 'handsome'?" she asked, looking puzzled. She had always heard her mother described as handsome, but also Professor McGonagall... did that mean Andy swung for elder women?! Well. She would have to inform Fi of this latest development, if it turned out to be true! Already to her mind came flashes of ten or so different recipies for Aging Potions.

But these thoughts were suddenly disperesed, as quick as they had come. A new and most intresting thought crept into Lou Hawkins' mind, one she was apalled she hadn't realized before.

"Wait a mo'," she said, holding out one hand. "Andy's muggleborn... how do you know so much about him? I thought you hated muggleborns!"


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 04:34:58 UTC
Curiously, Brinley's head tilted as Lou revealed that yes, they had apparently snogged at some point. Oh yes. He'd use that against Andy later. He had every intention of hunting the boy down anyway. Now he had fodder for that future battle. He couldn't really insult Brinley for being such a manwhore... at least he didn't pull females in with him, making them think he was something that he wasn't. Despite being evil and all, Brinley didn't think that gays messing about with females was a good idea.

Of course, his reasoning was more along the lines of 'Ew, nasty' then 'Let's not hurt them, eh?', but whatever.

"Hmmm," was his reply to that one. Very curious, indeed.

This was actually beginning to get fun. He never thought Lou to be a sharp one, so he doubted that she'd get what he was hinting at but.. well, it was going to be fun whether she was in on the joke or not. He breezed directly past her request for clarification on the 'handsome' comment (as really, that was best) and let his smile spread as she questioned their friendship.

"Oh, we're very close, actually," he replied. "I've.. taken him in, so to say." Oh, and what a nice taking it was. "He's somewhat of a side-project, you see." With a look on his face like he was recalling the fondest memories, he crossed his legs and relaxed more in his chair. Right. Pretending to pour his heart out here. "I couldn't help it, really. I was drawn to him. Someone had pulled a horrible trick on him and he was standing there, hot with rage and dripping wet and I, in an odd moment of compassion, felt the need to help him any way I could." Clicking his tongue, he added, "Poor thing." With a casual shrug, he continued. "We spent quite a lot of time together, getting to know one another as best as we could. We had hoped to keep it secret as really, who would want to hear about a Gryffindor and a Slytherin coming together despite their differences?"

Another shrug, and he was done.


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 04:48:18 UTC
"'Side-project'?" It wasn't hard to see that Lou was confused by his terminology. Certianly, had she known about her friends sexuality, it might've been more clear. But in her mind, Andy Frazer was as straight as straight could get-- he hadn't ever really displayed signs of being otherwise (she'd even seen him somehow jealous of Seth on occasions, but figured he was just far too shy to inquire to her about fulfilling certian needs). So what was she to expect?

This didn't sound like the Andy she knew, though. Her (and Fi's) Andy was hot-tempered but non-judgemental, sweet and flattering, but somehow shy and secretive. Why would her Andy be friends with an ugly old git like Brinley Watson, even if there had been that sappy story about his 'moment of compassion' and him being 'dripping wet' and all that nonsense!

"You're having me on," she said, seriously, her eyes narrowed in another glare. "Why would Andy like you? He's far better than that, y'know. And furthermore-- you can say that you had your great moment of affection for him, but how come you never had such for Illiad? Illi, who doesn't have any friends but you... if you can call yourself that," her eyes looked very much like her cousins at this point, very smooth, calculating, and untrusting.

"You're having me on, Brinsies," she said, crossing her legs and adjusting her skirt, the pot-watch still sitting on her lap.

"You're a sweet kid," HA! She didn't even have to make her tone sarcastic to get across the point that she was being such, "but really. Andrew Frazer?"

Not her Andy-Pandy. Definately not.

Still... she might have to inquire to him about this...


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 05:10:40 UTC
"Absolutely not having you on at all," he replied honestly. Well, he was telling the truth, it was just in a rather round-about manner was all. "I'm not saying that he likes me or anything like that, we just had... well, we bonded, that's all. There's a kinship, you see. We have things in common." Nodding slowly, he frowned slightly as he brought his hands up, tapping his index fingers together. "Connection. Do you understand? We had a connection. That's all."

They had a 'connection', alright. His favourite one had to be the connection of Andy's hand to his.. well, said hand connected well in various locations, but he had to admit that one out-shined the rest. But that was neither here nor there and to be perfectly honest, just thinking about all that again was bound to get Brinley randy in the sort of way that would have him unceremoniously chunking the bint out of the room and finding ways to rouse Illiad from his slumber.

Which wasn't entirely bad.

"I know, it's hard to believe. I could hardly believe it myself." That was almost laughable. Oh, he was caught by surprise alright. One had to remember that it was Andrew that started it, after all. "You'd be surprised. There are many things that I was able to teach him.. things he'd keep forever, I'm quite sure." Yes. Like how to get a man from zero to ecstasy in less than 60 seconds.

Oh, but she had to bring up Illiad, did she? Well. Perhaps he could sabotage Andrew in more than one way? Sitting back in his chair, Brinley even managed to pull off something that might be passable as an upset look. His fingers drummed on the arm of the chair and finally, he signed. "...I'll have you know that I have plenty of affection for Illiad. If he felt like sharing it with you, he'd likely even tell you as much. And on that note, you should know... what with you getting on to me for making him cry and all and trust me, either one of them could easily back me up on this if asked so please don't think I'm having you on again, but... your Andrew, he's made my Illiad cry. It was terrible. Unfortunately, Andy and I are no longer close, all things considered and.. well, you might have noticed a few bruises on him?" Frowning, he shook his head slowly. "I had hoped that things would have ended better between the two of us, but he hurt my boyfriend's feelings."

Dramatic pause and...

With that, he quickly turned in his chair, leaning forward and everything as if something had just come to him and.. whammo! There it was.

"...you know, I feel dreadful for even mentioning this to you and all, what with the two of you being mates and shag-partners or what not but..."

...wait for it.... wait for it...

"I think he might be gay."

Gay-man gaydar and all of course.


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 05:30:26 UTC
Lou, while crazed, was not stupid.

Well. On occasion.

She listened to Brinley's words-- all of them-- and while she didn't particularly like the boy that was sitting before her, even Lou knew that every lie was formed from the seed of Truth.

But all the same, it was almost too hard for her to put all the stories together. She'd made it her business to seek her cousin out this summer, to invade his room and lie her head on his knee until he finally admitted what was wrong. Of course, this had taken prying of that sort that could only be done by a professional (which Lou was, or so she considered herself to be). And while her cousin was constantly rolling his eyes and trying his best to ignore her whenever they were together, she had ALWAYS been his only confident, even as children. It was only ever she that he could open up to, even if he hated doing it and he fought it with every fiber of his being.

Then, of course, there was Andy. Like Illiad, he was almost infallible in Lou's eyes. But as far as she knew, the pair didn't even -know- each other! And until Brinley's confession here, she had never even figured Andy would've met Brinley, of all people-- a muggle-hating, Gryffindor-loathing 7th year! The pair had never connected in her mind as being kindered spirits, or whatever it was Brinley had called them. There was nothing more she could do for his credibility but to ask.

And then there was Brinley. His words were tearing her up inside... Andy being mean to Illiad? Whaaat? Did Brinley even know what he was talking about? Or was he just manipulating her? how -could- she trust him, apart from the fact that Illiad championed him so?

Lou was certianly one for taking these stories with a grain of salt. She bit at her lip, trying to come up with a response. But it was all so jumbled in her mind! She was so confused!

Thankfully, there was to be a diversion.

The boy on the bed between them stirred and gave a soft, pained moan. Lou jumped to her feet.

"Illiad!" she shouted, her eyes wide, staring down at the pot, which had quickly changed into a box of stationary.

Well. The boy was a quick healer.

"Brinley?" a second moan followed the first, sounding worried and confused.


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 05:38:30 UTC
Oh, it really didn't matter if she believed him or not. While no, he didn't know Louvika too well, Brinley was a master at people. He could read them. He, manipulative as he was, knew how to egg people on. He had Louvika pegged as the curious sort (what with her constant questions) and knew that she'd at least ask.

Oh, to be a fly on that wall when Andy had to face those accusations.

That was all that really matter. With Brinley thinking that Andy was responsible for Illiad finding out about the affair, he really just wanted the boy to know that he wasn't safe. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the chance to see Andy again since it all happened so his dirty work had to be done by proxy. Who'd have thunk Louvika to be the perfect canon?

And he'd have to clap for Illiad later. His timing was perfect. Oh, and his reaction to seeing Brinley there? Perfect. He couldn't have set this up better himself. Now that Brinley had 'secretly confessed his affections for Illiad', he couldn't let them go so easily. Sure, he could be cold and uncaring to the boy in the privacy of their dungeons, but now? In front of Louvika? Oh, he had to play it up. The way he saw it, each and every little thing he did was going to add something to his credibility.

He rose from his seat slowly and brought a hand over to brush against Illiad's palm. "Morning," he said cooly, eyes inspecting every inch of his lover's body. "I've decided that I can forgive you for passing out in the throes of passion, just so you know. It's given me the perfect opportunity to get to know your cousin. I've decided that I don't mind her much at all." A pretty smile was flashed up at Louvika at that (yes, a page directly from Illiad's book), but vanished as he looked back down to the younger boy. "You gave me quite a scare, you know. Feeling better, I assume?" Oh, and his hand even moved then, brushing knuckles across a pale cheek.


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 05:50:31 UTC
Illiad looked up at him drowsily, his eyes unfocused, yet oddly coherent, like a newly awoken child trying to figure out what exactly had caused it to wake up. "Brinley...! Ohh... I'm sorry..." he mumbled, almost confused by these strange new affections. He didn't know what he was expecting-- for Brinley to hit him for failing to please him? He tried to sit up, but Lou rushed forward and put a hand on his chest.

"Illi, sit down! You're still weak, you know!" she scolded him lightly, looking worried. Telemakos gave a strange call from where he sat on Illiad's headboard.

But the younger boy only continued to look confuse. Why was she there? With Brinley?! What was going on? She was probably annoying him! If this was the case, he was going to have to prove to Brinley exactly how he felt for his cousin.

"Go away, Louvika!" he scolded her, in a harsh whisper. "Why are you even here?! This isn't any of your business!" A heat came to his cheeks, angry that she had butted in so! He'd fainted when he was with Brinley! She was always trying to get into his life, and frankly, he didn't need her there!

"Get out!" he said, with a scowl, thrusting his hand firmly into Brinley's, as if she had condemned them to hell for being lovers and he was defying her.

Lou was shocked. Her mouth dropped open and she started to shake, a look of sheer disbelief in her eyes.

Whipping around on her heel, she grabbed her bag from where it had sat on the floor next to the chair she'd used, and dashed from the ward, clearly now sobbing.

Illiad watched her go, but said nothing more on the matter. A certian strange emotion crawled into his grey eyes, but he didn't dare allude to it.

"I'm...I'm sorry, Brinley, please..." he said, in a weak voice.


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 06:02:13 UTC
His eyes rose to watch Louvika's retreating back and the second the door was closed? "...she was seriously damaging my calm," he murmured. "Did you ever realize that you were related to, quite possibly, the most annoying human that was ever allowed the right to live?"

See, and that was a drastic change from the way he had acted less than a minute earlier, yes, but if Louvika was gone, he had nothing to play up to. He'd not dwell on the subject, however, as Illiad did deserve his attention.

"You've not been eating. Or at least that's what the old bag had been saying. You're to take better care of yourself. Passing out in my arms is not the wanted alternative to what you usually do with me." It was clear (hopefully) that Brinley was making an effort to say what needed to be said with as much caring as he could muster. Yes, talking about being affectionate, having affectionate touches.. those were easy. They were all motions. But when he actually had to voice them... well, that's where he fell short. Putting them into action was the hard part. For a moment, he was unusually quiet as eyes met eyes and stayed there. His mouth opened, then closed. Seconds later, it opened again. "...you scared me, Illiad. I don't want that to happen again, do you understand?"

Well, that was apparently as close as he got to caring. It was an odd mix, that. The point he tried to get across was that he didn't want that sort of thing to happen to Illiad in the future, but it seemed to come out more as an order or a demand. But somewhere beneath all those words, there was an emotion. It was quiet and subdued, ignored wholly by it's owner, but it was there. The bud of something bigger.


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 06:13:25 UTC
Illiad worked well with orders from Brinley, in fact, he worked better with this order than if he'd had it as an option. If you disobeyed an order, you made the person not only mad by dispointed. But if you were given the option and didn't follow through... it just didn't feel the same. And when Brinley's eyes met his... Illiad felt as though he couldn't hold them there. He looked quickly down to the sheets between the pair of them, his own grey eyes wide and nervous.

He'd let Brinley down-- he'd scared him! All through something he hadn't even realized he was doing. Of course-- he hadn't realized he was going off food. The thought had simply never occured to him for some reason because he just wasn't ever hungry. The constant nausea he was already feeling from the encounter with Andrew Frazer, combined with the need to keep Brinley as close as possible without letting the older boy realize what he was doing... that was what had kept him off food.

Reaching out, he took Brinleys hands and enclosed them in his own, raising his eyes to let them meet once more.

"Yes," he said, his voice clear now, "yes, whatever you say," he said, obedient. He even bowed his head to bring Brinleys hands up to his mouth, to kiss them on the palms.

A quiet pause filled the room for a short while, then Illiad decided to break it.

"And yes. I was aware that Louvika is..." annoying, bitchy, prying, foolish, obnoxious, vapid, batshit insane, "...Louvika."


brinley_watson October 11 2007, 06:23:53 UTC
Yet another reason why the two were a perfect match. Illiad worked best under orders and Brinley expressed his feelings by giving them. He was never the sort to use 'please' or 'thank you'. He was demanding and brash, even to those that he cared for the most. Illiad, of course, would be the one and only person in this category. He had lived the sort of life where demanding what one wanted was the way to get it. It was really the only way he knew how to communicate.

Part of him wanted to keep going. He wanted to tell Illiad exactly how it felt because really, he had gone through such strange emotions the second he blacked out. In a way, he sort of felt like he needed to talk about it. At the same time, however, he worried that Illiad would figure it out and know exactly how he felt and of those emotions he kept strapped down. Obviously one didn't feel that terror or worry for someone they despised. It was an indicator of something stronger, a something that Brinley was devoted to avoiding.

All of this rolled and tumbled about in his brain as he watched Illiad and his eyes, the portal to his soul, revealed so much more. The look in them was odd. The feeling behind it, ten times weirder. Really, he wish he knew what the bloody hell was going on with him.

"I am glad to be reassured that you are nothing like her," he replied smoothly. Cham-stealing, loud-mouthed bitch. "I don't like her one bit and would prefer if you didn't like her as well." With that, he leaned in, brushing a quick kiss against Illiad's lips before adding, "Curious, though, she made it sound as if you two were close."

Now that the Downfall of Andrew Frazer was well underway, he was ready to start on a new project:

Sever the Relationship Between Louvika and Illiad Hawkins. Permanently.


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 06:35:32 UTC
Sleepy eyes found the awake ones once more and Illiad tried to comprehend what was going on there. Could it be? No, of course not. He was still a little woozey from the fainting, after all. He was imagining things, of course. That had to be it. Brinley would never express such an emotion.

Yet part of Illiad's heart was leaping for joy inside his chest.

Love, love, love! You love me, I can see it! I know it! The thought was glorious, like food to his unnourished body. He smiled a bright and contented smile, only to have the thing taken away by a kiss.

As for his mind and his voice, Illiad only let that get removed by the kiss for but a moment. His brain was lazily trying to catch up with what was going on. Mm... kiss... Lou annoying Brinley, owl above head... still rather sleepy...Brinley not liking Lou!

"We're not," he said, frowning. "She likes to pretend she's buddy with everyone. Makes her feel like she's got friends," he said, crassly, one hand finding itself on the pleasent area where Brinely's chest met his shoulder. "She's always been that way, butting into everything. Regular town gossip." Well, at least that was true. Illiad wouldn't ever tell Brinley his real feelings for his cousin-- how he'd always trusted her, always sought her out whenever he had a secret he needed telling-- even if he knew she wouldn't like it. Lou loved holding the hand of the underdog and it was a quality Illiad had always grudgingly admired.

Of course, he himself would always pick the winner. That was how you made it to the top, after all. But Lou's courage could be admirable.

"I don't," he said, slowly, "want to be here." The hospital wing. He hated it. Hated the white walls and the clean smell everywhere. It was noxious.


brinley_watson October 12 2007, 00:55:55 UTC
Well, it was only natural that after three-odd years of dating someone, they'd have some sort of strong feelings for their mate. However, Brinley wasn't that sort. The denial of that emotion, and the doubts that he could even feel them, absolutely assisted in the restraint of said feelings. He had practically rendered himself unable to even feel them by doubt alone. Perhaps he did. Perhaps he really, really did. That day, and it's horrible scare, had shined a bit of light on the situation for Brinley.

Really, he had been terrified.

Had he known that Illiad was pegging that look in his eyes that way, he'd have punched him square in the jaw just to take his attention off of it. If ever there was a day in which Brinley could admit to himself that he loved Illiad, well.. he'd not go rushing off to tell the other boy. Love was a powerful emotion, one that gave people power over the ones that fell for them. He'd not easily give that sort of power to another person. It was his to toy with.

"Regular village idiot," he added as he spun about and lounged back into his chair. "And I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable here. Possibly, you should have thought of that before you nearly starved yourself to death." Picking up his magazine, he gave the papers a good shake as if he thought there might have been a bit of Louvika clinging to them. Yes, that coldness had returned to his voice but... the words didn't match the tone so well. Tone? Uncaring and cruel. Words? Hinting at concern.. somehow. "We're to not leave until you're perfectly well." Pausing, his eyes slowly ran over Illiad's form. "...and you don't look too well to me."


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