Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Season Begins' / Tuesday, 29th November 2005 / 9 p.m.
Location: Corridors
Open To: Bastian
Currently Involving: Ronnie
Ronnie peered around a corridor, grinning wide as she spotted a shadow down the hall a bit, turning another corner. Bugger, she was never going to sneak up on him if he didn't stop moving around!
She leapt out, tiptoeing dramatically as she went after who she assumed -- and hoped -- was Sebastian. It was a tricky thing, scaring an Auror. It was her experience that they were nearly impossible to scare. Must have come from training and trying to impress one another with their big manly (and sometimes womanly!) prowess.
Or something.
She finally rounded the second corner, and felt an overwhelming sense of frustration and disappointment. Not so much as even a shadow drifting out of sight! Annoyed, she cupped her hands around her mouth and leaned back to bellow, "OY!!"