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Jul 16, 2006 00:16

Week Name/Date/Time: Lost and Found/ Sunday, November 14th, 2005/11:35pm
Location: 5th Year Claw Girls Dorm
Open to: Clover and Juhi Darlings
Currently Involving: Saffron, Juhi, Clover, and Bean

After she was brought to tears over history (which still concerned her, it was the first time she had cried in years), she decided to start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier to study. Though, for some reason, she was not sleepy. Not at all. She had been in bed since 8, and honestly, she couldn't sleep at all! Giving in, Saffron had gotten out her books and decided that there was no better time to work on History. Really, she didn't have any homework left - it was the studying that was getting to her. And the not remembering. She pulled her hair into a pony tail, deciding that she would have to get serious if she wanted to pass the course with good marks.

If she wasn't already frustrated enough, her nose was running. It wasn't really time for her plant allergies, and Saffron knew exactly what was causing these ones. That blasted cat! What was it's name? Bean was it? Whatever it was, she couldn't stand it. And it was ADORABLE! She couldn't even properly hate it, both because it was so cute it was unhatable, and because it was Juhi's cat. Juhi was her friend, she had helped her out of the bloody lake. It was the least Saffron could do to pretend to not be bothered by the cat.

Then, as some horrible twist of fate, there was suddenly a fluff of grey curled up in her open book. And was it purring?! Out of sheer frustration, Saffron groaned, rather loudly. So what if people were trying to sleep. "Nnnrrrrrggggh!" She wanted to pick it up and toss it away, but she didn't exactly want hives either. Looking desperately around her friend's curtains, she tried to see if Juhi was awake. Yes, she was. "JUHI!" she cried, pointing exasperated at the kitten. "Get 'im!"
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