Week 011: Lost and Found

Jul 15, 2006 23:05

Week 011: Lost and Found
Sunday, November 13th, 2005 - Saturday, November 19th, 2005

After the dramatic and rather mysterious disappearance of Emmy Ackart within the Ministry walls, things seem eerily calm, yet tense. No clues lead to her whereabouts, no word is received from her. Friends and family are worried, Aurors and Ministry officials scour the premises throughout the weekend, and it isn't until Monday morning that the castle is abuzz with news. Emmy's been found.

According to the story, Malfoy himself found the 'poor, shaken girl', and rescued her from the clutches of those who had taken her. She was immediately sent to St. Mungo's for a routine checkup and any counseling she may've wanted, reunited with family, and allowed to return to school when she's ready.

Some don't believe the ordeal -- mostly those who vehemently distrust Lucius Malfoy. They claim conspiracy theories, determined to prove that it was all an elaborate scheme to prove how trusted he could be. Furthermore, many believe that Dumbledore's being lured from the castle to inspect before allowing his students to come was another brilliant plan -- especially as the murders occurred in his absence.

Are the naysayers right? Only time will tell.

It gets harder and harder to come up with random names for our poor Daily Prophet victims! If you'd be so kind as to submit just one, maybe two, or as many as you'd like, go here!

Feel free to continue playing Week 010 threads until a notice is put up saying that we're tallying! You are more than welcome to go back and finish any undone commenting in those threads after the tally is complete, but please be aware that it will not be for points; only for plot progression.

Week 010 Article: TBA
Week 011 Timeline & Daily Prophet
Offer your characters' family for being killed or abducted!

week-openings, week-011, mod-posts

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