(no subject)

Jul 04, 2006 00:12

Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Minister is Elected'/ Wed, Nov 9th/ 12:57 PM
Location: outside the great halls
Open To: Tatiana
Currently Involving: Adrien

Wednesdays were generally good days. He only had two classes and both were actually alright. Better still, he was free for the next two hours. What to do, what to do... There we so many possibilities! He could go taunt a third year or maybe find Blaze to show off the fact that he was blonde once again. Of course, if he chose the latter, he would have to be prepared to promptly run away like the little coward he was- he had no intention of letting her hex his hair purple or something else equally crazy. He could always work but that thought was almost laughable.

Adrien Bennet didn't work. That's what the underclassmen and other houses were for, after all.

One thing he did know was that he wasn't going back to the common room. While it had been over a week since Niki's death, he still avoided the common room as often as possible. It brought back too many memories and the last thing he wanted was a repeat of last week's episode with a certain 5th year.

No, he would amuse himself elsewhere. The boy strode down the hall aimlessly, still toying with ideas about how he could spend his free period

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